Dynamic data
Dynamic data or transactional data denotes information that is asynchronously changed as further updates to the information become available.

The opposite of this is persistent data
Persistent data
Persistent Data denotes information that is infrequently accessed and not likely to be modified.The opposite of this is dynamic data where information is asynchronously changed as further updates to the information become available. Updates to dynamic data may come at any time, with periods of...

, which is data that is infrequently accessed and not likely to be modified. Dynamic data is also different from streaming data
Streaming media
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a streaming provider.The term "presented" is used in this article in a general sense that includes audio or video playback. The name refers to the delivery method of the medium rather...

, in that there is no constant flow of information. Rather, updates may come at any time, with periods of inactivity in between.
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