Duminichsky District
Duminichsky District is a district (raion
) in Kaluga Oblast
, Russia
Its administrative center is Duminichi.
The main rivers - Zhizdra and its tributaries, Bryn, Kotoryanka, Resseta.
Active population of the territory of present Duminichi area began in the 2nd half of 13 century after the Mongol invasion. When the center of the Chernigov principality was moved to Bryansk (1246), from Bryansk and Karachev were paved forest roads on Mosalsk, Meschovsk, Vorotynsk. Along the roads at their intersection with the rivers there were the first villages. We found several burial mounds - graves XIII century. In the 2nd half of the XIV century, when the regular Tatar attacks, relocation to these places went to the north and east Zhizdra upstream and downstream of river Bryn.
Earliest settlements - Usty, Dubrovka, Kotor (early XIV century), Buda, Duminichi (2nd half of XIV century.) Maklaki, Zimnitsi (XV cent.), Bobrovo, Chernysheno, Vertnoe (early XVI century), Hotkovo, Kamenka, Poliana, Gultsovo (mid XVI century). After the Polish invasion of 1617-1618 formed the village of Poliaki and Paliki, during the church split in the third quarter of the XVII century - Hotisino, Tolstosheevo, Yasenok.
In medieval times the district's territory was part of the Chernihiv principality, since 1246 - in the Karachev principality, which in the middle of the XIV century was ruled by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and split into several parts (Verkhovsky principalities). The territory of present Duminichi area became part of Kozelsk principality. In 1370 Lithuanian Olgierd robbed Kozelsky princes Mezochesk (Meschovsk) Sulkolvichi (Silkovichi) Sukhinichi, Dubrovka, Usty, Labodin, Govdyrev, Oleshnya, Zhabyn, Hand, Kotor. On these lands has been formed Lithuanian- dependent Mezetskoe (Meschovskoe) principality, its first ruler, Vsevolod Y. Orehva was of the family of Tarusa princes, and then his sons, Andrew and Dmitry Cracker. Thus, at the end of the XIV century settlements to the north of the rivers Zhizdra and Kotoryanka belonged Mezetsk (Meschovsk) princes, the territory of present Chernysheno, Hotkovo, Buda (without Usty) village councils was part of the Kozelsky principality, seized by Lithuania. From 1408 to 1445 Kozelsky land belonged to the princes of Serpukhov, then again went to Lithuania. As a result of the Border War (1487–1494) Kozielsk principality was divided: the very Kozelsk went to Moscow, the South remained a part of which belonged to Lithuania Karachevskoye principality. Prince of Bryansk and Karachevsky Semyon Mozhaisky in 1500 joined the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III, the same year, Russian troops occupied the Bryansk. Russian-Lithuanian Treaty of 1503 secured passage of these lands to Russia. In 1504, Tsar Ivan III Mezetskih traded them with princes of their ancestral lands to other land, and all the present territory of Duminichskogo area became part of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
Up to 2nd half of XVIII century villages and hamlets to the north of the rivers Zhizdra and Kotoryanka (Zimnitsa, Maklakov, Kotor, Bryn) belonged to Meschovsk county, the rest of the territory - to Kozelsk. In 1505-1521 Meschovsk county was a lot of Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Zhilka, 4th son of Ivan III. Vasily III bequeathed Meschovsky county's son, Yuri (1532–1563), from 1572 he was part of the inheritance of the eldest son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Ivan, killed his father in 1581. Kozelsky county in 1505-1518 was a lot Semyon Ivanovich (prince of Kaluga), from 1565 to 1584 in oprichnina.
In the middle of the XVI century for protection against attacks of Crimean Tatars was built Kozelsk Zasechnaya line, the western part of which took place south of a line Hotkovo - Rechitsa - Dubrovka - Usty (Senetskaya abatis, Senet from the river, along which had its beginning).
In 1610-1613 and 1617–1618 years the district's territory was occupied by Polish troops. From 1618 to 1634 in Poland departed Serpeysky county, which included a village Ryaplovo.
In the middle of XVII century, the land belongs to Kozelsky district (eastern and southern part of the current Duminichskogo district), were in the king's possession. In the north-western part belongs to Meschovskomu district, large landowners were the royal father-in-Boyar Ilya Danilovich Miloslavskii and steward the brothers Cyril and Roman Yakovlev. After the death of Miloslavskogo (1668) and his widow Axinya Ivanovna (1671) their estates passed to Obukhov and Yablochkov. Owner with. Zimnitsa and villages of Kamenka, Slobidka, Buda, High, Vydrovka, Pustynka was Dorogoshansky monastery (until 1764).
In 1674 the district number 5 villages (Locality in which there was a church): Kozelsky in the county - Usty, beaver, Chernyshev, Dubrovka; in Meschovskom county (Suhinichsky camp) - which.
In the I quarter of XVIII century the tsar gave out to the nobles state-owned land of Kozelsky County. In 1721-1735 the villages Chernysheno, Usty, Dubrovka, Bobrovo, villages Buda, Duminichi, Rechitsa, Usad'ba, Polyaki were owned by James Earl Bruce, the closest associate of Peter I. After his death, from 1740 to 1818, these estates were owned by his heirs. Land north of the p. Zhizdra acquired industrialist N. Demidov, who built in 1726 and in 1757 Brynsky and Yasenoksky smelters. Also among the first industrial plants built in the XVIII century. - Canvas-linen manufactory (Tolstosheevo) and three distilleries plant - in Usty (two) and in Klimovo (Pritycheno). In 1791 were built Hotkovsky (Senetsko-Ivanovo) ironworks.
From 1719 - in the Kaluga province (Kozelsky and Meschovsky counties).
In 1777, all the present territory of the district entered into Zhizdrinsky county Kaluga governorship (from 1796 - The Kaluga province). Beginning with the 1820-ies. South-West region was a Mal'tsovsky Industrial District, the population digged the mined iron ore and burned coal for plants of Ivan Akimovich Maltsov (1774–1853) and his son S.I. Maltsov.
As a result of the 1861 reform, in Zhizdrinsky county, among others, were formed Budskaya, Brynskaya, Vertnenskaya, Kotor, Maklakovskaya, Zimnitsky and Chernyshenskaya parish, whose territory and sostavyaet current Duminichsky area. On April 1, 1920 Zhizdrinsky county in full force entered the province of Bryansk.
In 1914 there were 25 settlements with a population of more than 500 people: Bryn (Tolstosheevo) - 2412, Duminichi (2244), Vertnoe (1767), Hotkovo (1670), Zimnitsa (Dragoshan) - 1605, Maklakov (1560), Kamenka (1560) and Chernyshev (1267), Rechitsa (1122), Slobidka (1123), Budapest Monastery (1050), Duminichi (1024), Palika (1003), Buda (999), High (979), Dubrovka (970), Usty ( 951), Glade (911), beaver (826) Yasenok (802), sevenfold (751), Khludneva (717), Puzanovka (624), Pyrenka (537) Klintsy (538).
In 1914 on the territory of the district have worked the company:
Duminichsky ironworks Tsyplakovs and LABUNSKIY (founded in 1883)
Hotkovsky ironworks stock company Mal'tsovsky factories (founded 1791)
Potter's factory heirs IR LABUNSKIY in the village of Marina Budskoy parish
Plywood factory Rosalia Iv. Schlippe in Chernysheno (founded in 1910)
Plant of fire-resistant bricks belonging to V.D.Kossakowski in the village Retchitsa (founded in 1894)
Butter factory in Kotor' (since approx. 1901).
In 1918 Chernyshenskaya parish was abolished and created Hotkovskaya and Dubrovskaya parishes, from part of Zimnitsky and Budsky volost's was formed Shakhtinskaya parish centered in the village Usty. In 1924 began consolidation of volost's, resulting in that there remained only three - Budskaya, Kotor and Brynskaya. In 1925 Budskaya and Brynskaya were united in Duminichskaya volost', with its center in the town Duminichsky plant. Kotor municipality in the same year joined the enlarged Maklakovskaya volost'.
The district center is the village Duminichi (original name - Duminichsky Plant). In 1881, about a mile from the village Duminichi partnership Tsyplakova LABUNSKIY and start to build ironworks, the first iron smelting produced on Feb. 17, 1883. Next to the plant began to be erected houses for the workers. In 1899, after completion of the railway line Moscow-Bryansk-Kiev, the station was opened Duminichi. In 1908, the international industrial exhibition in Paris production of the plant was awarded the medal. Duminichsky CHLZ in this period was considered one of the prominent enterprises of the Kaluga province. Before 1917 belonged to the Association Tsyplakova and LABUNSKIY. In 1918, the number of large private enterprises Duminichsky Fertilizer and Salt, foundry and enameling factory was nationalized. From 1922 to 1944 he was called "revolutionary."
During the First Five-Year Plan (1929–1933) have been completely renovated and Duminichsky Hotkovsky ironworks, Rechitsa-Maryinskiy plant refractory bricks, Chernyshenskaya plywood factory (Plant. Vorovsky). Built Paliksky brickyard. In 1931 transferred to st.Duminichi LPH, who worked from 1927 to Palika, when it organized a timber. As a result of the collectivization of agriculture was established 108 farms. In 1935 began working Dubrovsky and Brynskikh MTS.
In 1938 it opened Palikskaya coal mine.
In 1937 when the section of the Western Region Andreevo-Palikovsky Village Council passed Lyudinovskomu District Oryol region.
Fighting for the liberation of Duminichskogo area were 10-I (January–February 1942), 16-I (January 1942-April 1943), 11 Guards and 50 th (April–August 1943) the army of the Western Front.
In 1943-1946 restored farm 103 (out of 108 that existed before the war), 78 livestock farms.
In 1947, again began to work plant - Duminichsky Hotkovsky and iron foundry, and Paliksky Maryinskiy brick, stone quarry Voymirovsky (c 1945), Chernyshensky LPH.
In February 1951 established construction company SMU-6 (1972 - PMC-149), with its creation of the revival of the village. Duminichi.
In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet "On the merger of rural councils Kaluga Region from 14.6 in 1954 (?) In the district was transferred Duminichskogo Yasenovsky selsovet Zhizdrinskogo district (villages and Yasenok Zherebovka) until 1927 served on the parish Budskuyu (attached to village council Vysokskomu) .
The merger of small collective farms in 1954 formed "Red October", "Maklakovsky" and "Zimnitsky" (the latter two merged in 1956, in 1968, again divided into "Sunrise" and "Zimnitsky). In 1956 opened Hludnevsky stone quarry.
In 1956, built a dairy factory, in 1960 - Meat Packing Plant in 1963 - Slobodo-Kotoretsky phosphate mines.
In April 1962 the area was abolished, n. Duminichi entered Suhinichsky industrial area, village councils - in Zhizdrinsky selhozrayon. Reinstated in February 1967 in the old borders.
in 1968 on the basis of a closed phosphate mine opened Slobodo-Kotoretsky Engineering Works, near the large village grew Novoslobodskaya.
In 1969, the merger and restructuring of collective farms created "Palikovsky", "Vetrnensky", "Voymirovsky. Prior to this, in 1965, educated farms "Brynskikh" and "Fish." And agriculture were represented collective farm "Druzhba" (village Duminichi), "New Way" (Chernyshev), the name of Lenin (Gultsovo, from 1968), "Mir" (Syaglovo), "Covenants of Lenin" (Maslov), "Lenin's banner (Hotkovo). In 1976 he organized otkormpunkt later rearganizovanny the farm "Duminichsky (Oleksandrivka).
In 2000, first with the bankrupt agricultural enterprises SEC "Palikovsky. Trace (from 2003 to 2006) ceased to exist SEC "Ray" (the former state farm Duminichsky "), SEC" Maklakovsky "SEC" Zimnitsky. In early 2007, based on three SEC (Brynskikh, named after Lenin and Maslowski) is formed by agricultural firm "Lugano", which worked for 3 years and then ceased operations. In 2009, bankrupt ACE "Duminichi (former collective farm" Druzhba ").
New Enterprise: OOO "Color well" for bottling water (s.Hotkovo) - formed in January. 2001, Agrofirma Hotkovo - since 2001, and in 2006 it was joined by SEC "Chernyshensky, LLC Slavic Potatoes" (2006), Agrofirma Kadvi "- created in March 2007 on the basis of JSC" Vertnenskoe.
In the 2006-2008 built Hludnevsky crushed stone plant (the first products released in January. 2009). In 2008 established construction company "Duminichi Gazstroy.
In 1884 on the territory of the district population of 28 thousand people in 1913 - about 42 thousand, according to 1926 census - 38 th census of 1939 -39 079 people in the 70-ies. a population of approx. 28 thousand people.
Census 1959: 11,783 men, 15,095 women, 26,878 total, including urban (n. Duminichi) - 6743.
To 1.15 in 1970 (census) 10,987 lm and 13,472 female persuasion, total-24,459 people. Including P. Duminichi - 7734.
At the beginning of 1979 - 20,4 thousand people.
The dynamics of population of the area:
Year—Population, pers. -- Source
1959—26 878—Census 1959
1970—24 459—Census 1970
1979—20 400—Census 1979
1989—17 355—1989 census
2002—16 264—Census 2002
2010—15 045—Census- 2010
From 1937 to 1954 in the district was 22 Duminichskogo Village Council: Bobrowski, Bolshevik (Buda Monastery) Brynskikh, Budsky, Vertnensky, Vysoksky, Gultsovsky, Dubrovsky, Duminichsky, Zimnitsky, Kamensky, Katorsky, Maklakovsky, October (Syaglovo) Polyaksky, Pyrensky , Rechitsa, Semichastnensky, Usadebsky, Hludnevsky, Hotkovsky, Chernyshensky.
Decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet from 14.6 in 1954, "On the unification of the rural councils of the Kaluga region" in the district were orazovany 13 village councils. In 1956-1968 there was a combined Zimnitsky s / s with the center in. Maklakov. In 1968 on the site Gultsovskogo (Gultsovo, Maslova) and October (Syaglovo, Rozhen) created Gultsovsky (new boundaries) and Maslowski village councils. In 2005, the village councils have been renamed in rural areas.
Currently, the district includes one town
smt Duminichi
and 13 rural settlements (in brackets the population in thousands. on 01/01/2008):
Novoslobodsk (1,6)
Bryn' (0,93)
Buda (1,1)
Chernysheno (0.68)
Hot'kovo (0,35)
Gultsovo (0.41)
Vysokoye (0,48)
Vertnoe (0,33)
Maklaki (0,36)
Kotor' (0.35)
Duminichi (0,53)
Maslovo (0,2)
Dubrovka (0,21)
A raion is a type of administrative unit of several post-Soviet countries. The term, which is from French rayon 'honeycomb, department,' describes both a type of a subnational entity and a division of a city, and is commonly translated in English as "district"...
) in Kaluga Oblast
Kaluga Oblast
Kaluga Oblast is a federal subject of Russia . Its administrative center is the city of Kaluga.-Geography:Kaluga Oblast is located in the central part of the East European Plain. The Smolensk Highland lays in the western and north-western part of the oblast, while the Central Russian Highland -...
, Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
Its administrative center is Duminichi.
- District area: 1,174 km²
- District's population: 15,200
Area 1,174 km ² (16th place among the districts). The district borders with Suhinichsky, Ulyanovsky, Zhizdrinsky, Hvastovichsky, Lyudinovsky and Kirov regions.The main rivers - Zhizdra and its tributaries, Bryn, Kotoryanka, Resseta.
The development of the territory
About the 2 century AD. headwaters of the Oka populated Baltic tribe golinds (golyad). Slavs (vyatichi and kryvichy) come here beginning from the 9-10 centuries. Given the unfavorable conditions for farming (forests, wetlands, infertile soils), the number of people probably did not exceed 200-300 people.Active population of the territory of present Duminichi area began in the 2nd half of 13 century after the Mongol invasion. When the center of the Chernigov principality was moved to Bryansk (1246), from Bryansk and Karachev were paved forest roads on Mosalsk, Meschovsk, Vorotynsk. Along the roads at their intersection with the rivers there were the first villages. We found several burial mounds - graves XIII century. In the 2nd half of the XIV century, when the regular Tatar attacks, relocation to these places went to the north and east Zhizdra upstream and downstream of river Bryn.
Earliest settlements - Usty, Dubrovka, Kotor (early XIV century), Buda, Duminichi (2nd half of XIV century.) Maklaki, Zimnitsi (XV cent.), Bobrovo, Chernysheno, Vertnoe (early XVI century), Hotkovo, Kamenka, Poliana, Gultsovo (mid XVI century). After the Polish invasion of 1617-1618 formed the village of Poliaki and Paliki, during the church split in the third quarter of the XVII century - Hotisino, Tolstosheevo, Yasenok.
In medieval times the district's territory was part of the Chernihiv principality, since 1246 - in the Karachev principality, which in the middle of the XIV century was ruled by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and split into several parts (Verkhovsky principalities). The territory of present Duminichi area became part of Kozelsk principality. In 1370 Lithuanian Olgierd robbed Kozelsky princes Mezochesk (Meschovsk) Sulkolvichi (Silkovichi) Sukhinichi, Dubrovka, Usty, Labodin, Govdyrev, Oleshnya, Zhabyn, Hand, Kotor. On these lands has been formed Lithuanian- dependent Mezetskoe (Meschovskoe) principality, its first ruler, Vsevolod Y. Orehva was of the family of Tarusa princes, and then his sons, Andrew and Dmitry Cracker. Thus, at the end of the XIV century settlements to the north of the rivers Zhizdra and Kotoryanka belonged Mezetsk (Meschovsk) princes, the territory of present Chernysheno, Hotkovo, Buda (without Usty) village councils was part of the Kozelsky principality, seized by Lithuania. From 1408 to 1445 Kozelsky land belonged to the princes of Serpukhov, then again went to Lithuania. As a result of the Border War (1487–1494) Kozielsk principality was divided: the very Kozelsk went to Moscow, the South remained a part of which belonged to Lithuania Karachevskoye principality. Prince of Bryansk and Karachevsky Semyon Mozhaisky in 1500 joined the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III, the same year, Russian troops occupied the Bryansk. Russian-Lithuanian Treaty of 1503 secured passage of these lands to Russia. In 1504, Tsar Ivan III Mezetskih traded them with princes of their ancestral lands to other land, and all the present territory of Duminichskogo area became part of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
Up to 2nd half of XVIII century villages and hamlets to the north of the rivers Zhizdra and Kotoryanka (Zimnitsa, Maklakov, Kotor, Bryn) belonged to Meschovsk county, the rest of the territory - to Kozelsk. In 1505-1521 Meschovsk county was a lot of Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Zhilka, 4th son of Ivan III. Vasily III bequeathed Meschovsky county's son, Yuri (1532–1563), from 1572 he was part of the inheritance of the eldest son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Ivan, killed his father in 1581. Kozelsky county in 1505-1518 was a lot Semyon Ivanovich (prince of Kaluga), from 1565 to 1584 in oprichnina.
In the middle of the XVI century for protection against attacks of Crimean Tatars was built Kozelsk Zasechnaya line, the western part of which took place south of a line Hotkovo - Rechitsa - Dubrovka - Usty (Senetskaya abatis, Senet from the river, along which had its beginning).
In 1610-1613 and 1617–1618 years the district's territory was occupied by Polish troops. From 1618 to 1634 in Poland departed Serpeysky county, which included a village Ryaplovo.
In the middle of XVII century, the land belongs to Kozelsky district (eastern and southern part of the current Duminichskogo district), were in the king's possession. In the north-western part belongs to Meschovskomu district, large landowners were the royal father-in-Boyar Ilya Danilovich Miloslavskii and steward the brothers Cyril and Roman Yakovlev. After the death of Miloslavskogo (1668) and his widow Axinya Ivanovna (1671) their estates passed to Obukhov and Yablochkov. Owner with. Zimnitsa and villages of Kamenka, Slobidka, Buda, High, Vydrovka, Pustynka was Dorogoshansky monastery (until 1764).
In 1674 the district number 5 villages (Locality in which there was a church): Kozelsky in the county - Usty, beaver, Chernyshev, Dubrovka; in Meschovskom county (Suhinichsky camp) - which.
In the I quarter of XVIII century the tsar gave out to the nobles state-owned land of Kozelsky County. In 1721-1735 the villages Chernysheno, Usty, Dubrovka, Bobrovo, villages Buda, Duminichi, Rechitsa, Usad'ba, Polyaki were owned by James Earl Bruce, the closest associate of Peter I. After his death, from 1740 to 1818, these estates were owned by his heirs. Land north of the p. Zhizdra acquired industrialist N. Demidov, who built in 1726 and in 1757 Brynsky and Yasenoksky smelters. Also among the first industrial plants built in the XVIII century. - Canvas-linen manufactory (Tolstosheevo) and three distilleries plant - in Usty (two) and in Klimovo (Pritycheno). In 1791 were built Hotkovsky (Senetsko-Ivanovo) ironworks.
From 1719 - in the Kaluga province (Kozelsky and Meschovsky counties).
In 1777, all the present territory of the district entered into Zhizdrinsky county Kaluga governorship (from 1796 - The Kaluga province). Beginning with the 1820-ies. South-West region was a Mal'tsovsky Industrial District, the population digged the mined iron ore and burned coal for plants of Ivan Akimovich Maltsov (1774–1853) and his son S.I. Maltsov.
As a result of the 1861 reform, in Zhizdrinsky county, among others, were formed Budskaya, Brynskaya, Vertnenskaya, Kotor, Maklakovskaya, Zimnitsky and Chernyshenskaya parish, whose territory and sostavyaet current Duminichsky area. On April 1, 1920 Zhizdrinsky county in full force entered the province of Bryansk.
In 1914 there were 25 settlements with a population of more than 500 people: Bryn (Tolstosheevo) - 2412, Duminichi (2244), Vertnoe (1767), Hotkovo (1670), Zimnitsa (Dragoshan) - 1605, Maklakov (1560), Kamenka (1560) and Chernyshev (1267), Rechitsa (1122), Slobidka (1123), Budapest Monastery (1050), Duminichi (1024), Palika (1003), Buda (999), High (979), Dubrovka (970), Usty ( 951), Glade (911), beaver (826) Yasenok (802), sevenfold (751), Khludneva (717), Puzanovka (624), Pyrenka (537) Klintsy (538).
In 1914 on the territory of the district have worked the company:
Duminichsky ironworks Tsyplakovs and LABUNSKIY (founded in 1883)
Hotkovsky ironworks stock company Mal'tsovsky factories (founded 1791)
Potter's factory heirs IR LABUNSKIY in the village of Marina Budskoy parish
Plywood factory Rosalia Iv. Schlippe in Chernysheno (founded in 1910)
Plant of fire-resistant bricks belonging to V.D.Kossakowski in the village Retchitsa (founded in 1894)
Butter factory in Kotor' (since approx. 1901).
In 1918 Chernyshenskaya parish was abolished and created Hotkovskaya and Dubrovskaya parishes, from part of Zimnitsky and Budsky volost's was formed Shakhtinskaya parish centered in the village Usty. In 1924 began consolidation of volost's, resulting in that there remained only three - Budskaya, Kotor and Brynskaya. In 1925 Budskaya and Brynskaya were united in Duminichskaya volost', with its center in the town Duminichsky plant. Kotor municipality in the same year joined the enlarged Maklakovskaya volost'.
Foundation of the district
Duminichsky district was formed by Decree of the CEC of the USSR "On the composition of districts and the Western region and their centers" on June 17, 1929, on a territorial basis Duminichskoy parish with the accession of the eastern part of the enlarged Maklakovskoy parish (former Kotor, Maklakovskaya and Zimnitsky parish ) and a partial change of borders. Originally included in the district Suhinichsky District Western Region (in August 1930 the district had been abolished), with 27.09.1937 - in the Smolensk region, and from 5 July 1944 he joined the newly formed Kaluga region.The district center is the village Duminichi (original name - Duminichsky Plant). In 1881, about a mile from the village Duminichi partnership Tsyplakova LABUNSKIY and start to build ironworks, the first iron smelting produced on Feb. 17, 1883. Next to the plant began to be erected houses for the workers. In 1899, after completion of the railway line Moscow-Bryansk-Kiev, the station was opened Duminichi. In 1908, the international industrial exhibition in Paris production of the plant was awarded the medal. Duminichsky CHLZ in this period was considered one of the prominent enterprises of the Kaluga province. Before 1917 belonged to the Association Tsyplakova and LABUNSKIY. In 1918, the number of large private enterprises Duminichsky Fertilizer and Salt, foundry and enameling factory was nationalized. From 1922 to 1944 he was called "revolutionary."
During the First Five-Year Plan (1929–1933) have been completely renovated and Duminichsky Hotkovsky ironworks, Rechitsa-Maryinskiy plant refractory bricks, Chernyshenskaya plywood factory (Plant. Vorovsky). Built Paliksky brickyard. In 1931 transferred to st.Duminichi LPH, who worked from 1927 to Palika, when it organized a timber. As a result of the collectivization of agriculture was established 108 farms. In 1935 began working Dubrovsky and Brynskikh MTS.
In 1938 it opened Palikskaya coal mine.
In 1937 when the section of the Western Region Andreevo-Palikovsky Village Council passed Lyudinovskomu District Oryol region.
During World War II Duminichskaya land became the site of active combat operations in its territory, guerrilla group "For the Motherland". Area was twice occupied by the Germans: October 5, 1941 to 4.8 in January 1942 and 17–22 January 1942 In the period from March 30 to April 4, 1942 were released Duminichi, Vertnoe, Bryn, Maklakov Zimnitsa. In October 1942 the entire population was evacuated in Suhinichsky Kozelsky regions, Tula and Ryazan region. The southwestern part of Duminichskogo district was not released until a year later - in March and from 12 to 26 July (p. Yasenok - August 15) 1943 In October 1943 the borough was 6,455 people. Until 1948 the regional center located in the village of Bryn.Fighting for the liberation of Duminichskogo area were 10-I (January–February 1942), 16-I (January 1942-April 1943), 11 Guards and 50 th (April–August 1943) the army of the Western Front.
After war
January 1, 1945 the population of the area did not exceed 8 thousand people (the number of party organizations - 77 members and 38 candidate members of the CPSU (b). Then gradually the people began to return - from the evacuation of German concentration camps, from the front. They lived in dugouts and dugouts. Of the companies have worked LPH (LED shipment of wood and wood with art. Duminichi and Awakening), promkombinat, bakery.In 1943-1946 restored farm 103 (out of 108 that existed before the war), 78 livestock farms.
In 1947, again began to work plant - Duminichsky Hotkovsky and iron foundry, and Paliksky Maryinskiy brick, stone quarry Voymirovsky (c 1945), Chernyshensky LPH.
In February 1951 established construction company SMU-6 (1972 - PMC-149), with its creation of the revival of the village. Duminichi.
In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet "On the merger of rural councils Kaluga Region from 14.6 in 1954 (?) In the district was transferred Duminichskogo Yasenovsky selsovet Zhizdrinskogo district (villages and Yasenok Zherebovka) until 1927 served on the parish Budskuyu (attached to village council Vysokskomu) .
The merger of small collective farms in 1954 formed "Red October", "Maklakovsky" and "Zimnitsky" (the latter two merged in 1956, in 1968, again divided into "Sunrise" and "Zimnitsky). In 1956 opened Hludnevsky stone quarry.
In 1956, built a dairy factory, in 1960 - Meat Packing Plant in 1963 - Slobodo-Kotoretsky phosphate mines.
In April 1962 the area was abolished, n. Duminichi entered Suhinichsky industrial area, village councils - in Zhizdrinsky selhozrayon. Reinstated in February 1967 in the old borders.
in 1968 on the basis of a closed phosphate mine opened Slobodo-Kotoretsky Engineering Works, near the large village grew Novoslobodskaya.
In 1969, the merger and restructuring of collective farms created "Palikovsky", "Vetrnensky", "Voymirovsky. Prior to this, in 1965, educated farms "Brynskikh" and "Fish." And agriculture were represented collective farm "Druzhba" (village Duminichi), "New Way" (Chernyshev), the name of Lenin (Gultsovo, from 1968), "Mir" (Syaglovo), "Covenants of Lenin" (Maslov), "Lenin's banner (Hotkovo). In 1976 he organized otkormpunkt later rearganizovanny the farm "Duminichsky (Oleksandrivka).
Recent history
V 1990 eliminated Hludnevsky stone quarry Novoslobodsky machine-building plant, construction companies PMC-149, MPMK (Firm "Contract"), PMC-12.In 2000, first with the bankrupt agricultural enterprises SEC "Palikovsky. Trace (from 2003 to 2006) ceased to exist SEC "Ray" (the former state farm Duminichsky "), SEC" Maklakovsky "SEC" Zimnitsky. In early 2007, based on three SEC (Brynskikh, named after Lenin and Maslowski) is formed by agricultural firm "Lugano", which worked for 3 years and then ceased operations. In 2009, bankrupt ACE "Duminichi (former collective farm" Druzhba ").
New Enterprise: OOO "Color well" for bottling water (s.Hotkovo) - formed in January. 2001, Agrofirma Hotkovo - since 2001, and in 2006 it was joined by SEC "Chernyshensky, LLC Slavic Potatoes" (2006), Agrofirma Kadvi "- created in March 2007 on the basis of JSC" Vertnenskoe.
In the 2006-2008 built Hludnevsky crushed stone plant (the first products released in January. 2009). In 2008 established construction company "Duminichi Gazstroy.
Population at the beginning of 2008 - 15,2 thousand people, including those in town Duminichi 7.4 thousand, birth rate in 2007 was 9.3 per thousand, mortality -19, 7. Old-age pensioners - 3400 people. In total there are 77 settlements, 6 of which are not permanently registered residents, and 23 people less than 10 people.In 1884 on the territory of the district population of 28 thousand people in 1913 - about 42 thousand, according to 1926 census - 38 th census of 1939 -39 079 people in the 70-ies. a population of approx. 28 thousand people.
Census 1959: 11,783 men, 15,095 women, 26,878 total, including urban (n. Duminichi) - 6743.
To 1.15 in 1970 (census) 10,987 lm and 13,472 female persuasion, total-24,459 people. Including P. Duminichi - 7734.
At the beginning of 1979 - 20,4 thousand people.
The dynamics of population of the area:
Year—Population, pers. -- Source
1959—26 878—Census 1959
1970—24 459—Census 1970
1979—20 400—Census 1979
1989—17 355—1989 census
2002—16 264—Census 2002
2010—15 045—Census- 2010
Administrative divisions
After the foundation of the district in 1929, it includes 32 village council Andreev Paliksky, Bobrowski, Brynsky, Budsky, Vertensky, Vysoksky, Gultsevsky, Dubrovsky, Duminichsky, Duminichskozavodskoy (village council), Klimovsky, Klintsovsky, Maslowski, Zimnitsky, Polyaksky, Pyrensky, Rechitsa, Semichastnensky, Usadebsky, Ustovsky, Hotkovsky, Chernyshinsky, Shahtensky, Yasenoksky, Budsky (Buda Monastery) Ermolaevskiy (Shirokovka) Zimnitsky, Kamensky, Kotorsky, Maklakovsky, Polyansky, Sloboda, Hludnevsky.From 1937 to 1954 in the district was 22 Duminichskogo Village Council: Bobrowski, Bolshevik (Buda Monastery) Brynskikh, Budsky, Vertnensky, Vysoksky, Gultsovsky, Dubrovsky, Duminichsky, Zimnitsky, Kamensky, Katorsky, Maklakovsky, October (Syaglovo) Polyaksky, Pyrensky , Rechitsa, Semichastnensky, Usadebsky, Hludnevsky, Hotkovsky, Chernyshensky.
Decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet from 14.6 in 1954, "On the unification of the rural councils of the Kaluga region" in the district were orazovany 13 village councils. In 1956-1968 there was a combined Zimnitsky s / s with the center in. Maklakov. In 1968 on the site Gultsovskogo (Gultsovo, Maslova) and October (Syaglovo, Rozhen) created Gultsovsky (new boundaries) and Maslowski village councils. In 2005, the village councils have been renamed in rural areas.
Currently, the district includes one town
smt Duminichi
and 13 rural settlements (in brackets the population in thousands. on 01/01/2008):
Novoslobodsk (1,6)
Bryn' (0,93)
Buda (1,1)
Chernysheno (0.68)
Hot'kovo (0,35)
Gultsovo (0.41)
Vysokoye (0,48)
Vertnoe (0,33)
Maklaki (0,36)
Kotor' (0.35)
Duminichi (0,53)
Maslovo (0,2)
Dubrovka (0,21)