DUEL2, formerly DuelMasters, is a turn-based, play-by-mail game
game run by Reality simulations
, Inc. (RSI) out of Tempe, Arizona
, where players, called managers, design and run up to five warriors per team against other managers. The game is one of the longest-running play-by-mail games still operating. It has been cited by Greg Lindahl's PBM page as one that is most talked about and has been a standard against which other gladiatorial PBM games have been measured. It is credited with inspiring at least one online gladiator game called Gladiator.
One of the earliest examples of a massively multi-player role playing computer program, Duel2 turns feature fight results, a newsletter with standings, personal ads, and team spotlights. Players contribute to newsletters in the form of musings, insults, and fiction. Gameplay alternates between tournaments, held about every 3 months, and the arena, which fights every two weeks. Usually 2 tournaments a year are held 'Face-to-Face' and include reading aloud of fight printouts for championship matches. Face-to-Face tournaments also incorporate alliances as teams to share strategy, tactics, and intelligence. In the 1980's, managers were primarily based in Arizona and California, though the game grew worldwide by word of mouth and through trial tournaments held at major gaming conventions.
These warriors have seven attributes consisting of: Strength, Constitution, Size, Wit, Will, Speed, & Deftness. Each of these attributes has an initial value between 3 and 21 and the total of all of the attributes is 70. The player then gets to assign 14 points to their attributes, with the stipulations that no attribute can be greater than 21 and no attribute can have more than 6 points added to it.
The player must also select a fighting style at this point. These styles are: Bashing Attack, Striking Attack, Slashing Attack, Parry-Strike Style, Lunging Attack, Parry-Lunge Style, Wall of Steel Style, Total Parry, Aimed Blow Attack Style, & Parry-Riposte. Each style has a group of weapons http://www.terrablood.com/weapons-for-each-fighting-style/ which are best used by that style as well as strengths and weaknesses in the way the warriors fight.
Once the information is completed and mailed in to RSI, a team of gladiators is produced in the form of warrior overviews and assigned to an arena. The arena is the local home of the warriors where they will fight on a regular basis and vie for the honor of being called the best warrior in the arena, the Duelmaster. The player is sent the warrior overviews with a copy of their arena's newsletter and turn sheets.
The turn sheet is the means for submitting the strategy for the warrior(s). Exact format can vary slightly according to what the sheet is intended for, but in general these sheets are half-page documents with printing on both sides. It is up to the individual player to decide whether to fill in both sides or not. The turn sheet requests identifying information for the warrior and the manager first and the strategy second.
The individual strategy consists of selecting weapons, selecting Offensive Efforts(OE), Activity Levels (AL), Kill Desires (KD), Attack Locations, Protect Locations, Offensive Tactics, Defensive Tactics, Armor, Head Protection, Desired Training, Challenges, Avoids, and whether you wish an alternate strategy for Challenges, whether the player's or another player's. The player gets twenty-two weapons that can be selected, regardless of whether the warrior is capable of wielding them effectively or not. The OE, AL, and KD are a number between 1-10 which the player selects. Attack and Protect Locations are the places where the warrior will try to concentrate their attacks. In the tactics section, warriors can choose to use a tactic for offense or defense or both which will make them concentrate on a particular portion of their overall abilities. The game offers seven types of armor and four choices of head protection, not including the option of fighting with no armor or helmet. Training is either to increase an attribute (except size) or to learn skills. Challenges allow the player to request a fight against up to two specific warriors. Avoids allow the player to request that their warrior not face warriors from up to two specific teams. And in the event that a Challenge goes through, the player may wish to use an alternate strategy and this is what goes on the back of the turn sheet.
A sheet is filled out for each warrior and can have the same or different strategies for each. These are sent to RSI. RSI plugs the information into their game and, on a specified day, they run all of the warriors submitted for that turn. The output of the game is individual fights where warriors using managers' strategies have clashed against other warriors using their managers' strategies. Warriors win or lose and, sometimes, kill or are killed. If the warrior survives, the game determines if the warrior gets their stat train or skills. If the warrior dies, a replacement roll-up is sent to the player to fill the gap from their fallen warrior.
The warrior also gets some new information at this point. These new factors are a recognition rating, a class ranking, and a popularity rating. The recognition rating is a number on the newsletter which is determined by the system based on several factors such as winning or losing the fight, how you won or lost the fight, killing your opponent, etc. Based on the number of recognition points the warrior has they fall into a class ranking. Class ranking is important because it dictates who the warrior can challenge and be challenged by. The warrior also gains or loses popularity with the spectators, although there is no number that the player can see for this. The player is told at the end of each fight if their warrior increased or decreased in popularity.
All of the warriors who fought that turn are included in a newsletter that is sent to the managers with their fights. The newsletter shows how all the teams and warriors are ranked, gives a spy report summarizing some of the highlights and lowlights of the turn, and also gives a space for managers to taunt, encourage, role-play, or almost anything else. (Please note, RSI reserves the right to delete messages which fall outside of their definition of appropriate.)
Armed with the new newsletter and fights, the managers fill out new turn sheets and the process begins again. Depending on the arena, these turns are run every 14 or 28 days. The company also offers an option of placing the teams on 'maintenance' which means they keep rerunning the strategy submitted each turn without challenges or avoids. Warriors progress until they are qualified to enter Advanced DUEL2(AD).
AD has several benefits. Selection bestows immortality to the warrior which means that even being killed will result in their resurrection. The warrior is also given their favorites. http://www.terrablood.com/adm-warrior-favorites/ Every warrior has a favorite weapon, OE, AL, skill learn, and, sometimes, tactic(s). AD warriors can increase all attributes (except Size) to 25 points. Additionally, warriors now get to face other warriors from across the game, giving the player new opponents.
AD strategies are no different from regular arena strategies in the options available, however the level of play is viewed by many to increase. Warriors continue to train their skills and attributes to improve the warriors. Recognition ratings and popularity remain the same, however the classes are new at this level. The official goal of AD warriors is PRIMUS.
When a tournament is announced, managers are sent mini-overviews which specify what tournament their warriors will be fighting in. This information is based on the warrior's status at the time the mini-overview is printed, so a later fight may change the warrior's status. Changes to the warrior's status occur right up to the tournament, since regular arena fights are ran up to the day of the tournament in most cases.
The lowest level prize is being classified as a Tournament Victor. Tournament Victors get to make a 'T.V. Challenge' each turn in their regular arena which gets precedence over other challenges.
The champion of that class is the Tournament Champion. Tournament Champions get a 'T.C. Challenge' each turn and also fight for free for six months. In addition, the Tournament Champion wins a prize for his manager which is announced at the same time the tournament is announced.
There are several tournament formats:
Mail-in Tournament, Normal
These tournaments have a double or triple elimination format based on strategies which are mailed in to RSI in advance. The player typically can specify an alternate strategy against up to five fighting styles, although they only get to specify one alternate strategy for all of them. After ten rounds, any warrior who is not eliminated is declared a Tournament Victor. After ten rounds, all non-eliminated warriors compete until only one warrior remains and is declared the Tournament Champion.
AD is similar with the single exception that all AD warriors are guaranteed five fights. After their fifth fight, all warrior with too many losses are eliminated and the rest continue.
Mail-in Tournament, Fools Format
These tournaments have a triple elimination format, but any warrior who loses their first two fights goes into a Fools Tournament for each class. Play in the regular tournament progresses like a normal mail-in tournament. The Fools Tournament remains a triple elimination tournament, however the warriors all start at the same point. Remaining through the tenth round still bestows the title of Tournament Victor on those warriors in the Fool's Tournament.
AD tournament follows a similar format.
Mail-in Tournament, Tourney of the Dead
These tournaments run like a normal mail-in tournament for ‘live’ warriors, but another set of basic classes are opened for the dead warriors who wish to compete. In addition to being declared a TV or TC, any warrior who remains in the tournament after the tenth round is resurrected.
Face-To-Face Tournament
These tournaments are double or triple elimination and follow the same format as a normal Mail-in tournament with the exception that the player can actually come to the site where the tournament will be run and submit a new strategy for each round. Managers can also designate proxy's to submit changes for them. Face-To-Face's (FTFs) run over a three day period and are held at different locations approximately every six months.
Typically run at FTFs, these tournaments are held with ten new warriors for each player in a format where win-loss doesn't matter as much as slaying the other warriors. The chances of warriors dying increases significantly, making the games... "bloody". These tournaments run ten turns and the three highest ranked warriors of different styles are awarded a free pass to AD. These tournaments can be 'mail-in' format or 'FTF' format. Mail-in format means the player gives each warrior one strategy and the games are run. FTF format means the player can change strategies between fights.
Some of the more common goals include: Get and maintain a winning record, become Duelmaster of the arena, graduate a warrior to Advanced Duel2, graduate a team of warriors to Advanced Duel2, graduate a warrior from each style to Advanced Duel2, win a Tournament Victor status, win a Tournament Champion status, join an alliance http://www.doomcorps.com/ and many more.
Play-by-mail game
Play-by-mail games, sometimes known as "Play-by-post", are games, of any type, played through postal mail or e-mail. One example, chess, has been played by mail for centuries . Another example, Diplomacy, has been played by mail since the 1960s, starting with a printed newsletter written by John...
game run by Reality simulations
Reality simulations
Reality Simulations Incorporated is a Tempe, Arizona game company that publishes and runs Play-by-mail games.Founded by Edward Schoonover, Charles Kraver and Paul W. Brown III in 1984 , the company runs several commercial play-by-mail games, including Duel2 , Hyborian War, and Forgotten Realms:...
, Inc. (RSI) out of Tempe, Arizona
Tempe, Arizona
Tempe is a city in Maricopa County, Arizona, USA, with the Census Bureau reporting a 2010 population of 161,719. The city is named after the Vale of Tempe in Greece. Tempe is located in the East Valley section of metropolitan Phoenix; it is bordered by Phoenix and Guadalupe on the west, Scottsdale...
, where players, called managers, design and run up to five warriors per team against other managers. The game is one of the longest-running play-by-mail games still operating. It has been cited by Greg Lindahl's PBM page as one that is most talked about and has been a standard against which other gladiatorial PBM games have been measured. It is credited with inspiring at least one online gladiator game called Gladiator.
One of the earliest examples of a massively multi-player role playing computer program, Duel2 turns feature fight results, a newsletter with standings, personal ads, and team spotlights. Players contribute to newsletters in the form of musings, insults, and fiction. Gameplay alternates between tournaments, held about every 3 months, and the arena, which fights every two weeks. Usually 2 tournaments a year are held 'Face-to-Face' and include reading aloud of fight printouts for championship matches. Face-to-Face tournaments also incorporate alliances as teams to share strategy, tactics, and intelligence. In the 1980's, managers were primarily based in Arizona and California, though the game grew worldwide by word of mouth and through trial tournaments held at major gaming conventions.
Game Play
DUEL2 consists of managers sending in individual strategies for their warriors which are matched against each other through a computer program to produce a printed battle which puts the player right with their warrior in the arena. After the fight is over, if the warrior is alive, the warrior improves, if possible, and then the player gets another chance to try their strategy again. asIaxsadaior is dead, then another roll-up is sent to the player to begin a new warrior.Introduction
Begun in the early- to mid-80s, the game was known as Duelmasters in those days after the primary goal of gameplay. Set in the land of Alastari, DUEL2 pits managers against each other through their warriors. Initially created when computers with a 300 baud modem were the height of technology, the game continues to provide a play-by-mail format which gives managers something to look forward to in the mail. As people begin exploring a game which has a simple framework they quickly discover infinite dimensions of difficulty.Getting Started
A player receives a roll-up sheet with five warriors on it. The player will name the warriors, determine their attributes, and select a gender and fighting style http://www.terrablood.com/warrior-design/ for their future gladiators. Once this is done, the sheet will be mailed back to RSI.These warriors have seven attributes consisting of: Strength, Constitution, Size, Wit, Will, Speed, & Deftness. Each of these attributes has an initial value between 3 and 21 and the total of all of the attributes is 70. The player then gets to assign 14 points to their attributes, with the stipulations that no attribute can be greater than 21 and no attribute can have more than 6 points added to it.
The player must also select a fighting style at this point. These styles are: Bashing Attack, Striking Attack, Slashing Attack, Parry-Strike Style, Lunging Attack, Parry-Lunge Style, Wall of Steel Style, Total Parry, Aimed Blow Attack Style, & Parry-Riposte. Each style has a group of weapons http://www.terrablood.com/weapons-for-each-fighting-style/ which are best used by that style as well as strengths and weaknesses in the way the warriors fight.
Once the information is completed and mailed in to RSI, a team of gladiators is produced in the form of warrior overviews and assigned to an arena. The arena is the local home of the warriors where they will fight on a regular basis and vie for the honor of being called the best warrior in the arena, the Duelmaster. The player is sent the warrior overviews with a copy of their arena's newsletter and turn sheets.
Regular arena
The game is played by taking the warrior overview and developing a strategy to beat a player's opponents in the arena. These victories give the warrior a chance at glory and give their managers a chance to gloat. There are several factors that go into this.The turn sheet is the means for submitting the strategy for the warrior(s). Exact format can vary slightly according to what the sheet is intended for, but in general these sheets are half-page documents with printing on both sides. It is up to the individual player to decide whether to fill in both sides or not. The turn sheet requests identifying information for the warrior and the manager first and the strategy second.
The individual strategy consists of selecting weapons, selecting Offensive Efforts(OE), Activity Levels (AL), Kill Desires (KD), Attack Locations, Protect Locations, Offensive Tactics, Defensive Tactics, Armor, Head Protection, Desired Training, Challenges, Avoids, and whether you wish an alternate strategy for Challenges, whether the player's or another player's. The player gets twenty-two weapons that can be selected, regardless of whether the warrior is capable of wielding them effectively or not. The OE, AL, and KD are a number between 1-10 which the player selects. Attack and Protect Locations are the places where the warrior will try to concentrate their attacks. In the tactics section, warriors can choose to use a tactic for offense or defense or both which will make them concentrate on a particular portion of their overall abilities. The game offers seven types of armor and four choices of head protection, not including the option of fighting with no armor or helmet. Training is either to increase an attribute (except size) or to learn skills. Challenges allow the player to request a fight against up to two specific warriors. Avoids allow the player to request that their warrior not face warriors from up to two specific teams. And in the event that a Challenge goes through, the player may wish to use an alternate strategy and this is what goes on the back of the turn sheet.
A sheet is filled out for each warrior and can have the same or different strategies for each. These are sent to RSI. RSI plugs the information into their game and, on a specified day, they run all of the warriors submitted for that turn. The output of the game is individual fights where warriors using managers' strategies have clashed against other warriors using their managers' strategies. Warriors win or lose and, sometimes, kill or are killed. If the warrior survives, the game determines if the warrior gets their stat train or skills. If the warrior dies, a replacement roll-up is sent to the player to fill the gap from their fallen warrior.
The warrior also gets some new information at this point. These new factors are a recognition rating, a class ranking, and a popularity rating. The recognition rating is a number on the newsletter which is determined by the system based on several factors such as winning or losing the fight, how you won or lost the fight, killing your opponent, etc. Based on the number of recognition points the warrior has they fall into a class ranking. Class ranking is important because it dictates who the warrior can challenge and be challenged by. The warrior also gains or loses popularity with the spectators, although there is no number that the player can see for this. The player is told at the end of each fight if their warrior increased or decreased in popularity.
All of the warriors who fought that turn are included in a newsletter that is sent to the managers with their fights. The newsletter shows how all the teams and warriors are ranked, gives a spy report summarizing some of the highlights and lowlights of the turn, and also gives a space for managers to taunt, encourage, role-play, or almost anything else. (Please note, RSI reserves the right to delete messages which fall outside of their definition of appropriate.)
Armed with the new newsletter and fights, the managers fill out new turn sheets and the process begins again. Depending on the arena, these turns are run every 14 or 28 days. The company also offers an option of placing the teams on 'maintenance' which means they keep rerunning the strategy submitted each turn without challenges or avoids. Warriors progress until they are qualified to enter Advanced DUEL2(AD).
Advanced DUEL2
Once a warrior reaches a certain level of recognition and skill, the Lady Greywand may choose (and always has chosen) to invite the warrior to participate in Advanced DUEL2. Once this invitation is made, the warrior gets one final fight in their regular arena and then are transferred into the AD arena chosen by the player. The player can 'retire' the warrior as well, which is the managers' term for no longer running the warrior.AD has several benefits. Selection bestows immortality to the warrior which means that even being killed will result in their resurrection. The warrior is also given their favorites. http://www.terrablood.com/adm-warrior-favorites/ Every warrior has a favorite weapon, OE, AL, skill learn, and, sometimes, tactic(s). AD warriors can increase all attributes (except Size) to 25 points. Additionally, warriors now get to face other warriors from across the game, giving the player new opponents.
AD strategies are no different from regular arena strategies in the options available, however the level of play is viewed by many to increase. Warriors continue to train their skills and attributes to improve the warriors. Recognition ratings and popularity remain the same, however the classes are new at this level. The official goal of AD warriors is PRIMUS.
PRIMUS is the highest level of play for warriors in DUEL2 at this time. Warriors fighting in PRIMUS gain the ability to learn additional skills and any skills lost due to attribute trains as well as entering a unique ranking format which no longer concentrates on recognition points. In PRIMUS, warriors are ranked from #1 to the lowest warrior and the only way for a warrior to move up is to beat someone above them. The top warrior in PRIMUS is considered the best warrior in DUEL2. At least, for a few weeks they are...Tournaments
DUEL2 regularly sponsors tournaments throughout the year. Tournaments allow warriors for every arena to compete against each other. The training in tournaments is only half as effective, but the chances of death are also decreased by half. The basic warriors are grouped according to the number of Fights Experience (FE) they have into Rookies (0 FE), Apprentices (1-4 FE), Initiates (5-10 FE), Adepts (11-20 FE), Champions (21-30 FE), Challengers (31-99 FE). AD warriors are grouped by a system which has not been released to managers, although speculation abounds among managers. The AD classifications are Freshman, AD, Eligibles, Contenders & PRIMUS.When a tournament is announced, managers are sent mini-overviews which specify what tournament their warriors will be fighting in. This information is based on the warrior's status at the time the mini-overview is printed, so a later fight may change the warrior's status. Changes to the warrior's status occur right up to the tournament, since regular arena fights are ran up to the day of the tournament in most cases.
The lowest level prize is being classified as a Tournament Victor. Tournament Victors get to make a 'T.V. Challenge' each turn in their regular arena which gets precedence over other challenges.
The champion of that class is the Tournament Champion. Tournament Champions get a 'T.C. Challenge' each turn and also fight for free for six months. In addition, the Tournament Champion wins a prize for his manager which is announced at the same time the tournament is announced.
There are several tournament formats:
Mail-in Tournament, Normal
These tournaments have a double or triple elimination format based on strategies which are mailed in to RSI in advance. The player typically can specify an alternate strategy against up to five fighting styles, although they only get to specify one alternate strategy for all of them. After ten rounds, any warrior who is not eliminated is declared a Tournament Victor. After ten rounds, all non-eliminated warriors compete until only one warrior remains and is declared the Tournament Champion.
AD is similar with the single exception that all AD warriors are guaranteed five fights. After their fifth fight, all warrior with too many losses are eliminated and the rest continue.
Mail-in Tournament, Fools Format
These tournaments have a triple elimination format, but any warrior who loses their first two fights goes into a Fools Tournament for each class. Play in the regular tournament progresses like a normal mail-in tournament. The Fools Tournament remains a triple elimination tournament, however the warriors all start at the same point. Remaining through the tenth round still bestows the title of Tournament Victor on those warriors in the Fool's Tournament.
AD tournament follows a similar format.
Mail-in Tournament, Tourney of the Dead
These tournaments run like a normal mail-in tournament for ‘live’ warriors, but another set of basic classes are opened for the dead warriors who wish to compete. In addition to being declared a TV or TC, any warrior who remains in the tournament after the tenth round is resurrected.
Face-To-Face Tournament
These tournaments are double or triple elimination and follow the same format as a normal Mail-in tournament with the exception that the player can actually come to the site where the tournament will be run and submit a new strategy for each round. Managers can also designate proxy's to submit changes for them. Face-To-Face's (FTFs) run over a three day period and are held at different locations approximately every six months.
Typically run at FTFs, these tournaments are held with ten new warriors for each player in a format where win-loss doesn't matter as much as slaying the other warriors. The chances of warriors dying increases significantly, making the games... "bloody". These tournaments run ten turns and the three highest ranked warriors of different styles are awarded a free pass to AD. These tournaments can be 'mail-in' format or 'FTF' format. Mail-in format means the player gives each warrior one strategy and the games are run. FTF format means the player can change strategies between fights.
The game was initially created with the goal of being the 'Duelmaster' in mind, but it has evolved to a point where managers can set numerous goals in their gameplay.Some of the more common goals include: Get and maintain a winning record, become Duelmaster of the arena, graduate a warrior to Advanced Duel2, graduate a team of warriors to Advanced Duel2, graduate a warrior from each style to Advanced Duel2, win a Tournament Victor status, win a Tournament Champion status, join an alliance http://www.doomcorps.com/ and many more.