Drosera zeyheri
Drosera zeyheri is a species in the carnivorous plant
Carnivorous plant
Carnivorous plants are plants that derive some or most of their nutrients from trapping and consuming animals or protozoans, typically insects and other arthropods. Carnivorous plants appear adapted to grow in places where the soil is thin or poor in nutrients, especially nitrogen, such as acidic...

 genus Drosera that is endemic to South Africa
South Africa
The Republic of South Africa is a country in southern Africa. Located at the southern tip of Africa, it is divided into nine provinces, with of coastline on the Atlantic and Indian oceans...

. Some botanists believe this species to be a form of D. cistiflora
Drosera cistiflora
Drosera cistiflora is a species of sundew, known for its unusually large flowers. It is native to southern Africa....

. It differs from typical D. cistiflora specimens by being smaller, sometimes having cauline leaves on the short stems with white, pink, or red flowers. Botanist Fernando Rivadavia has said that he believes of all the forms and varieties in the D. cistiflora complex, D. zeyheri could possibly merit distinction at the species rank. He found it easy to distinguish it from D. cistiflora by its mostly stemless habit, though it often does present one to three leaves on the flower scape
Scape (botany)
In botany, scapes are leafless flowering stems that rise from the ground. Scapes can have a single flower or many flowers, depending on the species....

. Drosera zeyheri was first described by Terence Macleane Salter in a 1940 volume of the Journal of South African Botany.

See also

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