Dropping in
Dropping in is a skateboarding trick
Skateboarding trick
A skateboarding trick, or simply a trick is a maneuver performed on a skateboard while skateboarding. Learning and perfecting new tricks is the primary goal of many skateboarders, for whom most of the time spent skateboarding is spent on tricks....

 with which a skateboarder can start skating a half-pipe
A half-pipe is a structure used in gravity extreme sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding, skiing, freestyle BMX, and inline skating. The structure is wood, concrete, metal, earth, or snow. It resembles a cross section of a swimming pool, essentially two concave ramps , topped by copings and...

 by dropping into it from the coping instead of starting from the bottom and pumping
Pump (skateboarding)
For other uses, see Pump Pumping is a longboarding technique used to gain speed without the riders' feet leaving the board. This is done by selectively applying pressure to different parts of the board. Pumping can be done on flatland by turning or on a transition like a ramp or quarter pipe...

 gradually for more speed. When a skateboarder drops in, they use their gravitational potential energy to gain initial velocity, allowing the skater to skate longer before exhausting themself and thus to take more runs.

When a skateboarder drops in, they stand on the deck of a half-pipe, put their back foot on the tail of the skateboard
A skateboard is typically a specially designed plywood board combined with a polyurethane coating used for making smoother slides and stronger durability, used primarily for the activity of skateboarding. The first skateboards to reach public notice came out of the surfing craze of the early 1960s,...

, and push it so that the back wheels just roll over the coping into a position like in a tail stall. They then put their front foot on the deck, which now hangs over the half-pipe, lean forward, and start skating the half-pipe.

Dropping in is an essential skill for anyone who wishes to skate a half-pipe efficiently, but it is also a very intimidating trick because it requires falling face down from a high place. It's almost an unwritten law that when a skateboarder tries to drop in for the first time they fall on their back because they are too afraid to lean enough forward.

BMX and in-line skaters have their own variations of dropping in.
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