Driving test
A driving test is a procedure designed to test a person's ability to drive
Driving is the controlled operation and movement of a land vehicle, such as a car, truck or bus.Although direct operation of a bicycle and a mounted animal are commonly referred to as riding, such operators are legally considered drivers and are required to obey the rules of the road...

 a motor vehicle
Motor vehicle
A motor vehicle or road vehicle is a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not operate on rails, such as trains or trolleys. The vehicle propulsion is provided by an engine or motor, usually by an internal combustion engine, or an electric motor, or some combination of the two, such as hybrid...

. It exists in various forms worldwide, and is often a requirement to pass the exam to obtain a driver's license
Driver's license
A driver's license/licence , or driving licence is an official document which states that a person may operate a motorized vehicle, such as a motorcycle, car, truck or a bus, on a public roadway. Most U.S...

. A driving test generally consists of one or two parts; the practical test, called a road test, used to assess a person's driving ability under normal operating conditions, and/or a written or oral test (theory test
Theory test
Theory test may refer to:* The two-part theory section of the United Kingdom driving test* The computerised test required to obtain a Driving licence in the Republic of Ireland...

) to confirm a person's knowledge of driving and relevant rules and laws. In some countries, a maneuverability test is included with the practical test, which may include driving forward and backward through a set of traffic cones in a controlled environment or driving on the open, public road.

In most U.S. states, the DMV offices do not provide vehicles for the road test, so the person taking the test must provide their own vehicle. Before they may use the vehicle for the test, they must show proof of liability insurance
Liability insurance
Liability insurance is a part of the general insurance system of risk financing to protect the purchaser from the risks of liabilities imposed by lawsuits and similar claims. It protects the insured in the event he or she is sued for claims that come within the coverage of the insurance policy...

 to the DMV for the particular vehicle to avoid liability
Legal liability
Legal liability is the legal bound obligation to pay debts.* In law a person is said to be legally liable when they are financially and legally responsible for something. Legal liability concerns both civil law and criminal law. See Strict liability. Under English law, with the passing of the Theft...

 from a collision that could occur during the test.
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