Dougherty Elementary School
Dougherty Elementary School is a K-5 school in Dublin, California
Dougherty Elementary has about 600-700 students on average. Every class has an average of 22 students. Its API is over 900, a very good score. (API is out of 1000.)
The school is located at 5301 Hibernia Drive in Dublin, California.
Dublin, California
Dublin is a suburban city of the East Bay region of Alameda County, California, United States. Located along the north side of Interstate 580 at the intersection with Interstate 680, roughly east of Hayward, west of Livermore and north of San Jose, it was named after the city of Dublin in...
Dougherty Elementary has about 600-700 students on average. Every class has an average of 22 students. Its API is over 900, a very good score. (API is out of 1000.)
The school is located at 5301 Hibernia Drive in Dublin, California.