Doug Most
Doug Most was the editor of The Boston Globe Magazinefrom October 2003 until April of 2009. He was then promoted to a deputy Assistant Managing Editor post that puts him in charge of the paper's "soft" sections, including the magazine and the "g" section.
. He would later write a book about the crime, Always in Our Hearts (1999).
Most also teaches a magazine journalism class at Boston University.
The program is now airing and can be seen on Thursday afternoon at 12pm, rebroadcast that evening at 8pm on Brookline Studios channel 3.
Career & Achievements
Most, who was born in Boston, helped reinvent the Globe Magazine, giving it a glossier, more stylized look. In 1998 he received the Journalist of the Year Award from the New Jersey Press Association, primarily for his coverage of the Amy Grossberg-Brian Peterson baby-killing caseAmy Grossberg and Brian Peterson
Amy S. Grossberg delivered a baby at a Comfort Inn in Newark, Delaware, in November 1996, assisted only by her then-boyfriend Brian C. Peterson, who later threw the baby into a dumpster...
. He would later write a book about the crime, Always in Our Hearts (1999).
Most also teaches a magazine journalism class at Boston University.
An Interview with Doug Most on Boston Globe Magazine
On Brookline Access Television host and executive producer Daniel Berman will be talking with the Editor-in-Chief of Boston Globe Magazine on A Time to Review program. The taping begins on Wednesday August, 22nd at 2pm we will be covering topics including: magazine publishing, and what is involved in becoming a journalist for a local magazine, or newspaper.The program is now airing and can be seen on Thursday afternoon at 12pm, rebroadcast that evening at 8pm on Brookline Studios channel 3.