Double Equals
Double Equals, styled as

on the CD's cover, is the first album by the sludge
Sludge metal
Sludge metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that melds elements of doom metal and hardcore punk, and sometimes incorporates influences from southern rock, stoner rock and grunge. Sludge metal is typically abrasive; often featuring shouted vocals, heavily distorted instruments and sharply contrasting...

/doom metal
Doom metal
Doom metal is an extreme form of heavy metal music that typically uses slower tempos, low-tuned guitars and a much "thicker" or "heavier" sound than other metal genres...

/crust punk
Crust punk
Crust punk is a form of music influenced by anarcho-punk, hardcore punk and extreme metal. The style, which evolved in the mid-1980s in England, often has songs with dark and pessimistic lyrics that linger on political and social ills...

 band Raw Radar War
Raw Radar War
Raw Radar War is an American punk/sludge/doom metal from Boston.-Biography:Raw Radar War, formerly called Septic Youth Command, was formed by Jonah Jenkins in 2002, after the Milligram's disbanding...


Release history

It was first released on limited CD-R on Traktor7 : black hand painted/stamped CD-R
A CD-R is a variation of the Compact Disc invented by Philips and Sony. CD-R is a Write Once Read Many optical medium, though the whole disk does not have to be entirely written in the same session....

 that comes in a dark navy four-fold carboard package with a folded, photocopied insert. It was then re-released on CD by Shifty Records
Shifty Records
Founded by Lloyd Ross and Ivan Kadey, Shifty Records was a South African anti-apartheid record label which existed for over a decade beginning 1982...

 (in collaboration with TRAKTOR7 Records) : black & white "

" logo with Morse code silk-screened on CD. Packaged in black four-fold custom paperboard case with silver silk-screened full-panel artwork on the exterior and full lyrics/credits on the interior. Finally, he was released on 12" vinyl by Land o' Smiles : limited to 500 copies on heavy vinyl. Comes in a gatefold, hand silkscreened jacket without any info on it.

CD version

Track listing

12" vinyl LP version

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