Dora Yu
Dora Yu was hailed by western missionaries as “the most prominent” Chinese evangelist in China in the first part of 20th century. Her revival ministry was particularly efficient among Chinese cultured upper class people.

In one of Dora Yu’s revival meeting in Church of Heavenly Peace
Church of Heavenly Peace, Fuzhou
Church of Heavenly Peace , also known as Church of Heavenly Rest or Tien Ang Tong, is a Christian church in Fuzhou, China.-Location:...

, Fuzhou
Fuzhou is the capital and one of the largest cities in Fujian Province, People's Republic of China. Along with the many counties of Ningde, those of Fuzhou are considered to constitute the Mindong linguistic and cultural area....

, in 1920, a young man called Watchman Nee
Watchman Nee
Watchman Nee was a Chinese Christian author and church leader during the early 20th century. He spent the last 20 years of his life in prison and was severely persecuted by the Communists in China. Together with Wangzai, Zhou-An Lee, Shang-Jie Song, and others, Nee founded The Church Assembly...

, at the age of seventeen, experienced a powerful salvation and immediately consecrated himself to serve God fulltime. Besides being Watchman Nee’s “spiritual mother”, Dora You was also his mentor through whom he was introduced to fundamental biblical truths and to inner life experiences.

Text of "Dora Yu e o Reavivamento Cristão do Século XX na China", author Silas H. Wu, Editora Arvore da Vida
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