Donnerjack, a science fiction novel begun by Roger Zelazny
Roger Zelazny
Roger Joseph Zelazny was an American writer of fantasy and science fiction short stories and novels, best known for his The Chronicles of Amber series...

 and completed by Jane Lindskold
Jane Lindskold
Jane M. Lindskold is an American writer of fantasy and science fiction short stories and novels.Jane M. Lindskold was born in 1962, at the Columbia Hospital for Women. She is the first of four siblings: Ann M. Lindskold Nalley, Graydon M. Lindskold, and Susan M. Lindskold Speer. Lindskold's...

, published 1997.

One of Zelazny's last works. Computers have gone independent in a Virtual Reality
Virtual reality
Virtual reality , also known as virtuality, is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds...

 that contains many elements borrowed from myth and legend. Death features as a major character, and the hero must rescue his lady-love from him. Other actual and virtual myth-figures come into it.

It is not connected with Jack of Shadows
Jack of Shadows
Jack of Shadows is a novel combining elements of both science fiction and fantasy written by American author Roger Zelazny. According to him, the name of the book was a homage to Jack Vance. In his introduction to the novel he mentioned that he tried to capture some of the exotic landscapes so...


The Charm of the Angel of the Forsaken Hope

"Angel of the Forsaken Hope,

wielder of the Sword of Wind and Obsidian,

slice the algorithms from our Foe.

Mermaid Beneath the Seven Dancing Moons,

Cantress of the Siren Song,

drown our enemies in the data stream.

Nymph of the Logic Tree,

Child of the First Word,

give our antagonist to grief."

On Life, in a discussion between Death and Donnerjack:

"Death: Life is tribulation. Life is disappointment.

Donnerjack: Life is only bad in parts, and you need that to appreciate the good parts - the feeling of a balmy wind on a summer day, watching a garden grow that you have planted yourself, the joy of discovery - be it scientific or otherwise - the taste of a good meal, a good wine, the friendship of one's fellows, love. It may all be love in one form or another.

Death: Love is the biggest delusion of all, invented to hold back the fears of the darkness which surrounds you.

Donnerjack: I pity you. Love is why I dare stand before you.

Death: Pity is a worthless commodity, Donnerjack. I do not need any."

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