Dong-in Literary Award
The Dong-in Literary Award is a South Korean
literary award
named after novelist Kim Dong-in
, established in order to praise the literary achievement of The Republic of Korea. In commemoration of the Korean modern literature pioneer, Kim Dong-In, this award is given each year to the novelists with short and mid-length works published in the main Korean literary magazines to promote the creativity of domestic novelists.
The award was established in 1955 and is currently run by the Chosun Ilbo. Here are the winners since 1956:
• 1957 선우휘 Sunwoo Hwi(불꽃) Fiery Flame
• 1958 오상원Oh Sang Won (모반) Betrayal
• 1959 손창섭 Son Chang Sub (잉여인간) Surplus Men
• 1960 이범선 Yi Bum Sun (오발탄) Stray Bullet
• 1961 남정현 Nam Jung Hyun (너는 뭐냐) What are You
• 1962 이호철 Yi Ho Chul (닳아지는 살들) Eroding Mountain
• 1962 전광용 Juhn Kwang Yong (꺼삐딴 리) Kapitan Lee
• 1965 송병수 Song Byung Su (잔해) (3) @ Debris 3
• 1966 김승옥 Kim Seung Og (서울 1964년 겨울) Seoul, Winter of 1964
• 1967 이청준 Yi Chung Jun (병신과 머저리) The Cripple and the Fool
• 1967 최인훈 Choi In Hoon (웃음소리) Laughter
• 1979 조세희 Jo Se Hee (난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공) Dwarf Hurls a Ball
• 1980 전상국 Juhn Sang Kug (우리들의 날개) Our Wing
• 1982 오정희 Oh Jung Hee
(동경) Bronze Mirror
• 1982 이문열Yi Mun Yol (금시조) Golden Wing
• 1984 김원일 Kim Won Il (환멸을 찾아서) In Search of Disillusion
• 1985 정소성 Jung So Sung (아테네 가는 배) Ship to Athens
• 1987 유재용 Yu Jae Yong (어제 울린 총소리) Yesterday’s Gunshot
• 1988 박영한 Pak Young Han (지옥에서 보낸 한철) A Season in Hell
• 1989 김문수 Kim Mun Su (만취당기) Record of Manchi Party
• 1990 김향숙 Kim Hyang Sug (안개의 덫) Pitfall in the Fog
• 1991 김원우 Kim Won U (방황하는 내국인) Wandering Homelander
• 1992 최윤 Choi Yun (회색 눈사람) Man with the Grey Eyes
• 1993 송기원 Song Ki Won (아름다운 얼굴) Beautiful Face
• 1994 박완서 Pak Wan Suh
(나의 가장나종 지니인것) My Very Last Possession
• 1995 정찬 Jung Chan (슬픔의 노래) Song of Sorrow
• 1996 이순원 Yi Sun Won (수색, 어머니 가슴속으로 흐르는 무늬) A Quest, The Pattern Flowing into Mother’s Heart.
• 1997 신경숙 Shin Kyung Suk
(그는 언제 오는가) When Is He Coming?
• 1998 이윤기Yi Yun Ki (숨은 그림 찾기1) Seeking Hidden Picture 1
• 1999 하성란 Ha Sung Ran (곰팡이꽃) Flower of Mold
• 2000 이문구 Yi Mun Ku (내 몸은 너무 오래 서 있거나 걸어왔다) My Body Stood Too Long, Walked Too Long
• 2001 김훈 Kim Hun (칼의 노래) Ode to the Sword
• 2002 성석제 Sung Sug Je (황만근은이렇게말했다) Thus said Hwang Man Keun
• 2003 김연수 Kim Yun Su (내가 아직 아이였을 때) When I was Still an Infant
• 2004 김영하 Kim Young Ha
(검은꽃) Dark Flower
• 2005 권지예 Kwon Ji Yeh (꽃게무덤) Blue Crab Mound
• 2006 이혜경 Yi He Kyung (틈새) The Gap
• 2007 은희경 Eun Hee Kyung (아름다움이 나를 멸시한다) Beauty Snubs Me
• 2008 조경란 Jo Kyung Ran
(풍선을 샀어》Buying a Balloon
• 2009 김경욱 Kim Kyung Ok《위험한 독서》Dangerous Reading
• 2010 김인숙 Kim In-sook
《안녕, 엘레나》Goodbye Elena
South Korean literature
-Novels:A representative barometer of serious fiction is provided by the choices of some contemporary authors by the Korea Literature Translation Institute for translation into English, French, German and Spanish...
literary award
Literary award
A literary award is an award presented to an author who has written a particularly lauded piece or body of work. There are awards for forms of writing ranging from poetry to novels. Many awards are also dedicated to a certain genre of fiction or non-fiction writing . There are also awards...
named after novelist Kim Dong-in
Kim Dong-in
-Life:Kim Dong-in, born on October 2, 1900 in Pyeongyang, Pyeongannam-do was a pioneer of realism and naturalism in Modern Korean literature. A son of a wealthy landowner, like many other young Korean intellectuals Kim took his higher education in Japan, attending the Meiji Academy in Tokyo and...
, established in order to praise the literary achievement of The Republic of Korea. In commemoration of the Korean modern literature pioneer, Kim Dong-In, this award is given each year to the novelists with short and mid-length works published in the main Korean literary magazines to promote the creativity of domestic novelists.
The award was established in 1955 and is currently run by the Chosun Ilbo. Here are the winners since 1956:
• 1956 김성한 Kim Sung Han (바비도) Babido• 1957 선우휘 Sunwoo Hwi(불꽃) Fiery Flame
• 1958 오상원Oh Sang Won (모반) Betrayal
• 1959 손창섭 Son Chang Sub (잉여인간) Surplus Men
• 1960 이범선 Yi Bum Sun (오발탄) Stray Bullet
• 1961 남정현 Nam Jung Hyun (너는 뭐냐) What are You
• 1962 이호철 Yi Ho Chul (닳아지는 살들) Eroding Mountain
• 1962 전광용 Juhn Kwang Yong (꺼삐딴 리) Kapitan Lee
• 1965 송병수 Song Byung Su (잔해) (3) @ Debris 3
• 1966 김승옥 Kim Seung Og (서울 1964년 겨울) Seoul, Winter of 1964
• 1967 이청준 Yi Chung Jun (병신과 머저리) The Cripple and the Fool
• 1967 최인훈 Choi In Hoon (웃음소리) Laughter
• 1979 조세희 Jo Se Hee (난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공) Dwarf Hurls a Ball
• 1980 전상국 Juhn Sang Kug (우리들의 날개) Our Wing
• 1982 오정희 Oh Jung Hee
Oh Jung-hee
-Life:Oh Jung-hee was born in Seoul on November 9, 1947. She attended the Sorabol Art College from which she received her B.A. in Creative Writing in 1968. Oh made her initial literary impact while in her final year of college as she was awarded the Chungang Ilbo annual award for aspiring writers...
(동경) Bronze Mirror
• 1982 이문열Yi Mun Yol (금시조) Golden Wing
• 1984 김원일 Kim Won Il (환멸을 찾아서) In Search of Disillusion
• 1985 정소성 Jung So Sung (아테네 가는 배) Ship to Athens
• 1987 유재용 Yu Jae Yong (어제 울린 총소리) Yesterday’s Gunshot
• 1988 박영한 Pak Young Han (지옥에서 보낸 한철) A Season in Hell
• 1989 김문수 Kim Mun Su (만취당기) Record of Manchi Party
• 1990 김향숙 Kim Hyang Sug (안개의 덫) Pitfall in the Fog
• 1991 김원우 Kim Won U (방황하는 내국인) Wandering Homelander
• 1992 최윤 Choi Yun (회색 눈사람) Man with the Grey Eyes
• 1993 송기원 Song Ki Won (아름다운 얼굴) Beautiful Face
• 1994 박완서 Pak Wan Suh
Park Wan-suh
Park Wan-suh was a South Korean writer.-Early years:Park Wan-suh was born in 1931 in Gaepung-gun, Gyeonggi-do in what is now North Korea...
(나의 가장나종 지니인것) My Very Last Possession
• 1995 정찬 Jung Chan (슬픔의 노래) Song of Sorrow
• 1996 이순원 Yi Sun Won (수색, 어머니 가슴속으로 흐르는 무늬) A Quest, The Pattern Flowing into Mother’s Heart.
• 1997 신경숙 Shin Kyung Suk
Shin Kyung-sook
-Life:Shin Kyung-sook was born in 1963 in a village near Jeongeup in Jeolla Province in southern Korea. She was the fourth child and oldest daughter of six. Her parents were farmers who could not afford to send her to high school, so at sixteen she moved to Seoul, where her older brother lived. She...
(그는 언제 오는가) When Is He Coming?
• 1998 이윤기Yi Yun Ki (숨은 그림 찾기1) Seeking Hidden Picture 1
• 1999 하성란 Ha Sung Ran (곰팡이꽃) Flower of Mold
• 2000 이문구 Yi Mun Ku (내 몸은 너무 오래 서 있거나 걸어왔다) My Body Stood Too Long, Walked Too Long
• 2001 김훈 Kim Hun (칼의 노래) Ode to the Sword
• 2002 성석제 Sung Sug Je (황만근은이렇게말했다) Thus said Hwang Man Keun
• 2003 김연수 Kim Yun Su (내가 아직 아이였을 때) When I was Still an Infant
• 2004 김영하 Kim Young Ha
Kim Young-ha
-Early years:Kim was born in Hwacheon. He moved from place to place as a child, since his father was in the military. As a child, he suffered from gas poisoning from coal gas and lost memory before ten. He was educated at Yonsei University in Seoul, majoring business administration, but he didn't...
(검은꽃) Dark Flower
• 2005 권지예 Kwon Ji Yeh (꽃게무덤) Blue Crab Mound
• 2006 이혜경 Yi He Kyung (틈새) The Gap
• 2007 은희경 Eun Hee Kyung (아름다움이 나를 멸시한다) Beauty Snubs Me
• 2008 조경란 Jo Kyung Ran
Jo Kyung-ran
-Life:Jo Kyung-ran was born in Seoul in 1969 where she went on to study creative writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts, but did not decide to become a writer until she turned 28. Jo lived in Bonngcheon-dong for nearly 20 years in a small rooftop apartment which her father built for her...
(풍선을 샀어》Buying a Balloon
• 2009 김경욱 Kim Kyung Ok《위험한 독서》Dangerous Reading
• 2010 김인숙 Kim In-sook
Kim In-suk
Kim In-suk is a South Korean writer.-Life:Kim In-Suk is an author from the Korean 386 generation...
《안녕, 엘레나》Goodbye Elena