The doji is a commonly found pattern
Candlestick pattern
This page provides a brief introduction to 42 patterns of Japanese Candlesticks Chart. Candlestick pattern recognition is subjective and programs that are used for charting must rely on predefined rules.- History :...

 in a candlestick chart
Candlestick chart
A candlestick chart is a style of bar-chart used primarily to describe price movements of a security, derivative, or currency over time.It is a combination of a line-chart and a bar-chart, in that each bar represents the range of price movement over a given time interval. It is most often used in...

 of financially traded assets (stock
The capital stock of a business entity represents the original capital paid into or invested in the business by its founders. It serves as a security for the creditors of a business since it cannot be withdrawn to the detriment of the creditors...

s, bonds
Bond (finance)
In finance, a bond is a debt security, in which the authorized issuer owes the holders a debt and, depending on the terms of the bond, is obliged to pay interest to use and/or to repay the principal at a later date, termed maturity...

, futures
Futures contract
In finance, a futures contract is a standardized contract between two parties to exchange a specified asset of standardized quantity and quality for a price agreed today with delivery occurring at a specified future date, the delivery date. The contracts are traded on a futures exchange...

, etc). It is characterized by being small in length—meaning a small trading range—with an opening and closing price that are virtually equal.

The doji represents indecision in the market. A doji is not as significant if the market is not clearly trending, as non-trending markets are inherently indicative of indecision. If the doji forms in an uptrend or downtrend, this is normally seen as significant, as it is a signal that the buyers are losing conviction when formed in an uptrend and a signal that sellers are losing conviction if seen in a downtrend.

Types of Doji

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