Doing Good and Doing Well
The Doing Good and Doing Well Conference (DGDW) is Europe's leading student-run event on responsible business. The conference is a two day event with interactive panel discussions on key topics related to responsible business and organisations that attracts both professionals and students from around the globe. Solely run by students at IESE
IESE Business School is the graduate business school of the University of Navarra. IESE has campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, and New York City and teaching facilities in Munich and Sao Paulo...

 Business School, Doing Good and Doing Well has served a vital role not only in the IESE
IESE Business School is the graduate business school of the University of Navarra. IESE has campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, and New York City and teaching facilities in Munich and Sao Paulo...

 community but in the MBA community as a whole since 2004.

Aims of the conference

Create general awareness about the potential for socially responsible businesses and organisations

Challenge student ideas on responsible business

Share experiences and insights of socially responsible endeavours

Encourage students to consider career options in responsible business in the short and longer term

Foster relationships between industry professionals and MBA students from around the world

Conference History

1st Conference - 2004

The conference, still in its early stages, was organized with the aim of better understanding the role MBA students can play in corporate social responsibility. The keynote speaker was Dr. Mark Albion
Mark Albion
Mark Albion is an American author of values-based business literature, professor, and social entrepreneur. He received his post-secondary degrees from Harvard University, including a BA in Economics, a joint MA/MBA and a joint PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University and Harvard Business...

, who is one of the founding members of Net Impact
Net Impact
Net Impact is a nonprofit membership organization for students and professionals interested in using business skills in support of various social and environmental causes. It serves both a professional organization and one of the largest student organizations among MBAs in the world...


2nd Conference - 2005

The 2005 year’s conference had the theme: Bottom of the Pyramid Businesses . The keynote speaker was Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Founder and Managing Director of Grameen Bank. Dr. Yunus recently won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to help eradicate poverty through microfinance.

3rd Conference - 2006

The conference was opened by Mark Goyder, Director of Tomorrow’s Company who gave his keynote speech on “The Modern Company and Social Responsibility”. The conference was organized around five broad themes: Bottom of the Pyramid, Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility, The Role of Business in Development, and the Environment. More than fifty speakers from around the world came to share their ideas on these issues in the two day conference. Interactive panel discussions were held on topics ranging from fuel cell development to running your business for high social impact.

4th Conference - 2007

5th Conference - 2008

The 2008 conference attempted explore how businesses are increasingly linking the opportunities to make profits closer to the global quest for a more sustainable and equitable society.

Conference Format

The conference consists of 2 days of panel based discussion with major speaker addresses throughout the two days.

Other Specific Conference Events

Career Forum

The conference includes a career forum where companies and organizations can meet with participants interested in career opportunities. The companies will have access to students from top MBA schools across Europe.

CleanTech Venture Seminar

The DGDW conference's first Cleantech Venture Seminar was held in 2008. The aim was to facilitate the investment process of worthwhile start-up companies which have developed disruptive solutions to improve the productive and responsible use of natural resources in the field of energy, water, transport, air & the environment. The 2008 event proved to be a major success with 16 venture capital funds and 8 pitching companies in attendance.

External links

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