Distribution Resource Planning
Distribution resource planning (DRP) is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain
Supply chain
A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to...

. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements. This process is also commonly referred to as distribution requirements planning.

DRP uses several variables:
  • the on-hand inventory at the end of a period.
  • the backordered demand at the end of a period.
  • the required quantity of product needed at the beginning of a period.
  • the constrained quantity of product available at the beginning of a period.
  • the recommended order quantity at the beginning of a period.

DRP needs the following information:
  • the demand in a future period.
  • the scheduled receipts at the beginning of a period.
  • the safety stock requirement for a period.
  • the on-hand inventory at the beginning of a period.
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