Disney's Cartoon Arcade
Disney's Cartoon Arcade is a 1990 game
A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements...

 by Cliff Johnson
Cliff Johnson (game designer)
Cliff Johnson is an American game designer, best known for the early computer puzzle games The Fool's Errand and 3 in Three . Both games were notable for unique visual puzzles and a metapuzzle structure.- Biography :...

 created by Walt Disney Home Video for use on the View-Master Interactive Vision
View-Master Interactive Vision
View-Master Interactive Vision was an interactive VHS console game system, introduced in 1988 by View-Master Ideal Group, Inc. The tagline was that the console was "the Two-Way Television System that makes you a part of the show!" The titles included four Sesame Street games, and two games...


Designed as a 30-minute gameshow, the player could watch classic Disney cartoon video clips and then play 10 different arcade games based on those clips.

The View-Master InteractiveVision System was the earliest attempt to commercially combine video and computer imagery on your home television. By cabling the system between your VCR and TV, the unit was able to provide a video background layer with computer-generated foreground layer.
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