Dismal Ridge
Dismal Ridge is a forked ridge leading north and east from the Mount Kempe-Mount Huggins saddle. It is bounded on the north and west by the Radian and Glimpse Glaciers, and on the south by Kempe Glacier
Kempe Glacier
Kempe Glacier is a short alpine glacier, bounded on the north by Dismal Ridge and on the south by the Mount Kempe-Mount Dromedary ridge, whose chief nourishment is neve fields on the north slopes of Mount Kempe. The glacier drains northeast toward Roaring Valley...

. The two forks enclose the Glee Glacier
Glee Glacier
Glee Glacier is a small glacier enclosed by the two arms of Dismal Ridge, flowing eastward to Roaring Valley. It was given this name because of the feeling inspired by occasional sightings of the glacier made through the mists of Dismal Ridge, as it afforded a means of orientation in conditions of...

 and descend to Roaring Valley
Roaring Valley
Roaring Valley is a moraine-filled valley on the north side of Mount Dromedary, formerly occupied by the coalescing glaciers that descend northeast and north from Mount Kempe and Mount Dromedary...

. The ridge was so named by the Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition (VUWAE), 1960–61, because of the persistently dismal weather conditions encountered while they were mapping in January 1961, and also because of difficulties encountered in establishing a high food camp on this ridge by helicopter, again owing to the weather.
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