Diskretni Heroji
Diskretni Heroji is the third studio album released in 2010 by the Serbian hip-hop collective Beogradski Sindikat
. It contains the following 17 tracks.
Beogradski Sindikat
Beogradski Sindikat is a Serbian hip-hop group from Belgrade formed in 1999. It currently consists of eleven members. They have released three albums,first one highly acclaimed and marked the beginning of second wave of Serbian hip hop.-Group members:* Žobla - MC * Ogi - MC Beogradski Sindikat...
. It contains the following 17 tracks.
Track listing
- "Почетак/Početak" (Start) - 0:51
- "За Све Моје Људе/Za Sve Moje Ljude" (For All My People) - 4:01
- "Свим Срцем/Svim Srcem" (Wholeheartedly) - 4:29
- "Човек/Čoveк" (Man) - 3:59
- "Гала-Социјала/Gala-Socijala" - 2:06
- "Главом У Зид/Glavom u zid" (Head Against The Wall) - 5:16
- "Зајеби/Zajebi" (Fuck) - 3:38
- "Ту Сам Ја/Tu Sam Ja" (Here I Am) - 3:15
- "Пази, Пази/Pazi,Pazi" (Look, Look) - 4:18
- "Искуство/Iskustvo" (Experience) - 4:20
- "Освета/Osveta" (Revenge) - 3:58
- "Сведок(Сарадник)/Svedok (Saradnik)" (Witness (Associate)) - 5:36
- "Welcome to Србија/Welcome to Srbija" (Welcome to Serbia) - 4:09
- "Оловни Војници/Olovni vojnici" (Tin Soldiers) - 3:56
- "Нема Повлачења, Нема Предаје/Nema Povlačenja,Nema Predaje" (No Retreat,No Surrender) - 5:20
- "Балада Дисидента/Balada Disidenta" (Dissident Ballad) - 4:05
- "Још Ову Ноћ/Još ovu noć" (Yet this night) - 4:31