Dextran 1
Dextran 1 is a hapten inhibitor that greatly reduces the risk for anaphylactic reactions when administering dextran
es and resultant immune responses. Thereby, dextran 1 binds up antibodies towards dextran without causing the immune response, leaving less antibodies left to bind to the entire dextran complex, causing less risk of an immune response upon subsequent administration of dextran.
Dextran is a complex, branched glucan composed of chains of varying lengths...
Dextran 1 is composed of a small fraction (1 kilodalton) of the entire dextran complex. This is enough to bind anti-dextran antibodies, but insufficient to result in the formation of immune complexImmune complex
An immune complex is formed from the integral binding of an antibody to a soluble antigen. The bound antigen acting as a specific epitope, bound to an antibody is referred to as a singular immune complex....
es and resultant immune responses. Thereby, dextran 1 binds up antibodies towards dextran without causing the immune response, leaving less antibodies left to bind to the entire dextran complex, causing less risk of an immune response upon subsequent administration of dextran.