Dewan Undangan Negeri Perlis
The Perlis State Legislative Assembly is the legislature
Dewan Undangan Negeri
A state legislative assembly is the legislature of each of the 13 Malaysian states. Members of a state legislative assembly comprises elected representatives from single-member constituencies during state elections through the first-past-the-post system....

 of the Malaysian state
States of Malaysia
Malaysia is a federation which consists of thirteen states and three federal territories . Eleven states and two federal territories are located on the Malay Peninsula while the remaining two states and one federal territory are on the island of Borneo.-The states and federal territories:Malaysia...

 of Perlis
Perlis is the smallest state in Malaysia. It lies at the northern part of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia and has Satun and Songkhla Provinces of Thailand on its northern border. It is bordered by the state of Kedah to the south...

. It is a unicameral institution, consisting of a total of 15 lawmakers.

Members of the state legislature are called state assemblymen. The Assembly convenes at the Perlis State Assembly Building in the capital Kangar
Kangar is the state capital of Perlis, Malaysia. It has a population of 48,898 and an area of 2,619.4 ha. It is located in the northern most point of Peninsular Malaysia and is situated by the Perlis River. The center of Kangar is Sena Province, which is referred to by few locals as 'Uptown Sena'...

. It has 15 seats, making it the smallest state assembly in Malaysia.


The majority party or coalition in the Assembly forms the State EXCO, the executive branch of the Perlis government.

State EXCO

Perlis State EXCO
Portfolio EXCO
Menteri Besar
Administration , Finance, Home Affair, Infrastructure, Public Amenities, Education, Information and Community Development Committee Chairman
Dato' Seri Md. Isa Sabu
Investment, Industry Development, Science, Technology, Entrepreneur Development and International Relation Committee Chairman Dato' Seri Diraja Syed Razlan Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail
Agriculture and Agro-based Industry and Co-operatives Committee Chairman Sabry Ahmad
Tourism Development, Health, and Rural Development Committee Chairman Ahmad Bakri @ Ahmad Zakri bin Dato' Ali
Culture, Arts, Heritage, Youth and Sports, Human Resources, Unity, and Transport Committee Committee Jamil bin Saad
Land, Forest, Natural Resources and Environment Committee Chairman Mat Rawi bin Kassim
Islamic Affairs, Hadhari and As-Sunnah Development Committee Chairman Jafperi bin Othman
Women, Family and Community Development, Welfare, Consumerism, Non-Government Organisation (NGO)Committee Chairman Mansor bin Jusoh
Housing, Local Government and New Town Development Committee Chairman Dr. Por Choo Chor
State Secretary Dato' Azizan bin Hamid
State Legal Advisor Abdul Rasid bin Sudin

Current composition

For complete list of members, see List of Perlis State Assemblymen.
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