Desiree Schell
Desiree Schell is the host of the live Canadian call-in radio talk show and podcast "Skeptically Speaking" . A Skeptic, Desiree is a strong advocate for Critical Thinking and is strongly interested in the promotion of skepticism publicly. In her work as a labour organizer, Desiree creates curricula and teaches courses on effective activism.

Desiree also Blogs for The Paltry Sapien

Skeptical Activism

In 2011 Desiree Schell was a featured speaker at The Amazing Meeting  and has "emerged as one of skepticism’s most open and innovative public voices" .

Outreach Inspiration

In a biography at , Desiree cites an essay by Junior Skeptic Magazine Editor Daniel Loxton
Daniel Loxton
Daniel Loxton is a Canadian writer, illustrator, and skeptic. He is the Editor of Junior Skeptic magazine, a kids’ science section bound into the Skeptics Society's Skeptic magazine...

, "Where do we go from here?" as a source of inspiration for her skeptical outreach. “It brought home just how much work there really is to do, but it also helped me understand that we can move beyond simply being skeptics ourselves. With enough effort and the right planning, we really can help people become better critical thinkers.” she says.

Desiree is a member of the Speaker Bureau for the Center for Inquiry
Center for Inquiry
The Center for Inquiry is a non-profit educational organization with headquarters in the United States whose primary mission is to encourage evidence-based inquiry into paranormal and fringe science claims, alternative medicine and mental health practices, religion, secular ethics, and society...


Skeptically Speaking

Starting in March of 2009, the radio show currently airs live every Friday night at 6 pm MST on CJSR in Edmonton, Canada. The show is also streamed live at, and is rebroadcast by several radio stations in Canada and the United States. The show is also available as an MP3 download on the website and via Apple's iTunes .

Skeptically Speaking is known for the investigation of social and gender issues in skepticism, and for its attempts to make skepticism a demographically broad social movement. It features interviews with celebrities (like MythBusters
MythBusters is a science entertainment TV program created and produced by Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The series is screened by numerous international broadcasters, including Discovery Channel Australia, Discovery Channel Latin America, Discovery Channel Canada, Quest...

' Adam Savage
Adam Savage
Adam Whitney Savage is an American industrial design and special effects designer/fabricator, actor, educator, and co-host of the Discovery Channel television series MythBusters. His model work has appeared in major films, including Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and The Matrix...

) and grassroots skeptics alike, Skeptically Speaking explores the connections between science and skepticism, and looks at strategies for promoting critical thinking beyond the ranks of current Skeptics.

Skeptically Speaking airs live every Friday night at 6 pm MST on CJSR in Edmonton, streams live at, and is rebroadcast by several radio stations in Canada and the United States.

60 Second Science

Desiree is an International Judge for an Australian Project called 60 Second Science, a science promotion campaign encouraging students to submit a 60-second length video with a science theme.

Skeptic Mixtape 2011

In May, 2011 Desiree was announced as the curator for "Skeptic Mixtape 2011" , a "a light-hearted outreach project that gives away selected songs of science and skepticism".


  • July 24, 2010 - SkeptiCamp Alberta

  • April, 2011 - LOGICON 2011, Edmonton

Desiree is currently scheduled to appear at:
  • July, 2011 - The Amazing Meeting 2011, Las Vegas


  • In October, 2009 Desiree was interviewed as part of an on-going series about people living in Edmonton, Canada, where she spoke about how she came to host Skeptically Speaking, and about herself personally.

  • In April, 2010 Desiree was interviewed by Kylie Sturgess
    Kylie Sturgess
    Kylie Sturgess is an award-winning blogger and independent podcast host of 'The Token Skeptic Podcast'. A Philosophy and Religious Education teacher with over ten years experience in education, Kylie has lectured on teaching critical thinking, feminism, new media and anomalistic beliefs worldwide...

    of the Token Skeptic Podcast as part of the "The Placebo Protest (Skepticism And Communication Part Three)" series

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