Desetka is the third album by Hladno Pivo
Hladno pivo
Hladno pivo is a Croatian punk rock band. It is one of most popular rock bands in Croatia.-Early history:The band was formed in Zagreb. It initially consisted of four members: Zok, Tedi, Suba, Mile...

. It was recorded in March 1997.


  1. Nema više... - There is no more...
  2. Tema je - žena - Subject is: Woman
  3. Sex bez kondoma i zvijezda... - Sex without a condom, and a star from Hong Kong
  4. Ne volim te - I don't love you
  5. 101
  6. Grčenje ispred pojačala - Convulsion in front of amplifier
  7. Krepaj, budalo! - Die fool!
  8. Studentska - Student song
  9. Anoreksik
  10. Blagdanska pjesma - Holiday song
  11. U sobi on i brat - In room he and his brother
  12. PDOP
  13. Roštilj - Barbecue
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