Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago
The Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago is located within the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
. The Master of Public Administration is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). The mission of the public administration program is to advance the practice of public administration and policy in the urban are of Chicago and beyond through providing an excellent graduate professional education, disseminating scholarly and engaged research to relevant audiences at home and abroad, and contributing service to public and professional communities. The curriculum is designed to provide both pre- and in-service students with the theoretical knowledge and applied skills needed for productive careers in public service. The program informs students of the broad governmental and governance contexts of the profession; provides an understanding of organizational theory and organizational behavior; teaches the principles of human resource management and financial administration; instructs in the application of qualitative and quantitative techniques toward the solution of problems in public policy and administration; and enhances critical thinking and writing skills.
Non-profit Management- provides specialized expertise in the nonprofit sector including theory, history, management, and fundraising and financial management in nonprofit organizations. Students examine the relationships between nonprofit organizations and government such as the civic base of the nonprofit sector, intergovernmental and inter-sectoral relations, advocacy, lobbying, and nonprofit budgeting for government contracts and grants.
Financial Management- includes courses in budgeting, the management of the financial affairs of government, accounting, economics, and special topics courses in areas such as public finance.
Information and Performance Management- introduces technology issues in public management, including e-government, database management, and the use of technology in public and nonprofit organizations. UIC is one of a handful of PA programs to offer such a specialization, despite the increasingly information-driven environment of public and nonprofit administration.
Survey Methods- includes courses in survey planning and design, sampling and estimation methods, the psychology of survey measurement and cross-cultural survey measurement.
Local Government Administration- includes courses in local government management, intergovernmental management, and urban expertise across the university in courses such as urban policy, urban politics, and local economic development.
Financial Management
Science and Technology Policy
Survey Methods
Preliminary Examination- After completion of course work students must pass a preliminary examination designed to test their scholarly competence and knowledge. The doctoral preliminary examination is designed to assess the degree of mastery which degree candidates have achieved over a body of knowledge, to measure their ability to integrate that knowledge, and to apply it creatively in the analysis of problems to which it is germane. The preliminary examination will consist of three parts, the theoretical core and one for each of the two areas of specializations.
Dissertation- The student who satisfactorily completes the above requirements will be advanced to degree candidacy and will undertake the doctoral dissertation in public administration in accordance with requirements and procedures of the Graduate College. The dissertation will make a contribution to knowledge in public administration and will be publicly defended before the scholarly community and a committee appointed by the Dean of the Graduate College on the recommendation of the Program Director. Up to 28 semester hours may be awarded for dissertation research.
External Links
Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
The College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs is a school at the University of Illinois at Chicago offering both undergraduate and graduate programs of study. The College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs is a nationally recognized innovator in education, research and engagement in support of...
. The Master of Public Administration is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). The mission of the public administration program is to advance the practice of public administration and policy in the urban are of Chicago and beyond through providing an excellent graduate professional education, disseminating scholarly and engaged research to relevant audiences at home and abroad, and contributing service to public and professional communities. The curriculum is designed to provide both pre- and in-service students with the theoretical knowledge and applied skills needed for productive careers in public service. The program informs students of the broad governmental and governance contexts of the profession; provides an understanding of organizational theory and organizational behavior; teaches the principles of human resource management and financial administration; instructs in the application of qualitative and quantitative techniques toward the solution of problems in public policy and administration; and enhances critical thinking and writing skills.
MPA Concentrations
Public Management- includes courses in organizational theory and public management, innovative management practices, program evaluation, and special topics courses in decision making, strategic management, and leadership.Non-profit Management- provides specialized expertise in the nonprofit sector including theory, history, management, and fundraising and financial management in nonprofit organizations. Students examine the relationships between nonprofit organizations and government such as the civic base of the nonprofit sector, intergovernmental and inter-sectoral relations, advocacy, lobbying, and nonprofit budgeting for government contracts and grants.
Financial Management- includes courses in budgeting, the management of the financial affairs of government, accounting, economics, and special topics courses in areas such as public finance.
Information and Performance Management- introduces technology issues in public management, including e-government, database management, and the use of technology in public and nonprofit organizations. UIC is one of a handful of PA programs to offer such a specialization, despite the increasingly information-driven environment of public and nonprofit administration.
Survey Methods- includes courses in survey planning and design, sampling and estimation methods, the psychology of survey measurement and cross-cultural survey measurement.
Local Government Administration- includes courses in local government management, intergovernmental management, and urban expertise across the university in courses such as urban policy, urban politics, and local economic development.
Ph.D. Specializations
Public Management and OrganizationsFinancial Management
Science and Technology Policy
Survey Methods
Preliminary Examination- After completion of course work students must pass a preliminary examination designed to test their scholarly competence and knowledge. The doctoral preliminary examination is designed to assess the degree of mastery which degree candidates have achieved over a body of knowledge, to measure their ability to integrate that knowledge, and to apply it creatively in the analysis of problems to which it is germane. The preliminary examination will consist of three parts, the theoretical core and one for each of the two areas of specializations.
Dissertation- The student who satisfactorily completes the above requirements will be advanced to degree candidacy and will undertake the doctoral dissertation in public administration in accordance with requirements and procedures of the Graduate College. The dissertation will make a contribution to knowledge in public administration and will be publicly defended before the scholarly community and a committee appointed by the Dean of the Graduate College on the recommendation of the Program Director. Up to 28 semester hours may be awarded for dissertation research.
External Links
Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)