Democratic Party for a New Society
The Democratic Party for New Society (DPNS) is a Burmese political party founded in 1988 by Moe Thee Zun, the then General Secretary of ABSU
Absu is a black metal band from Plano, Texas, USA. Their demos and first album leaned towards death metal, but evolved more towards a black metal and thrash metal which includes elements of celtic music and folk music which the band calls "Mythological Occult Metal"...

, which was de facto outlawed by State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), in order to engage in the political process from within the legal fold in the aftermath of 18 September coup
8888 Uprising
The 8888 Nationwide Popular Pro-Democracy Protests was a series of marches, demonstrations, protests, and riots in the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma...

. At the time of creation, DPNS was by far the largest party after National League for Democracy
National League for Democracy
The National League for Democracy is a Burmese political party founded on 27 September 1988. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi serves as its General Secretary. The party won a substantial parliamentary majority in the 1990 Burmese general election. However, the ruling military junta...

(NLD) and attracted many younger students, both from high schools and university, many of whom are members of ABSU. Initially, DPNS was used as a legal political wing of ABSU and worked with NLD and all other democratic parties. The main aim of DPNS was to build a democratic society based on freedom, national reconciliation, social justice, equality and human rights.
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