Dematerialisation may refer to:
  • Demat account
    Demat account
    The term "demat", in India, refers to a dematerialised account for individual Indian citizens to trade in listed stocks or debentures in electronic form rather than paper, as required for investors by the Securities Exchange Board of India . In a demat account, shares and securities are held...

    s - a type of banking account which dematerialize the paper-based physical shares.
  • Teleportation (disambiguation) - the movement of objects from one place to another without travelling through space.
  • Dematerialization
    -Dematerialization in economics:In economics, dematerialization refers to the absolute or relative reduction in the quantity of materials required to serve economic functions in society. In common terms, dematerialization means doing more with less...

    - the economic concept of reducing the quantity of materials required to serve economic functions (doing more with less)
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