De Lannoy or Delannoy is a surname, and may refer to;
  • Albert Delannoy
    Albert Delannoy
    Albert Delannoy was a French long jumper who competed in the late 19th century and early 20th century. He participated in the triple jump event at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris and although finished third in the qualifying he finished in fifth place overall.- External links :*...

    , long jumper
  • Charles de Lannoy
    Charles de Lannoy
    Charles de Lannoy was a soldier and statesman from the Low Countries in service of the Habsburg Emperors Maximilian I and Charles V of Spain....

    , soldier and statesman
  • Colinet de Lannoy
    Colinet de Lannoy
    Colinet de Lannoy was a French composer of the Renaissance. He was one of the composers/singers working at the Milan chapel at the time of the assassination of Duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza in 1476, and he possibly also worked in France.-Life:Little is known for certain about his life, and some...

    , composer
  • Eustachius De Lannoy
    Eustachius De Lannoy
    Eustachius Benedictus de Lannoy was a Flemish naval commander of the Dutch East India Company, who was sent by the company to help establish a trading post at Colachel, Southern India, but was defeated at the Battle of Colachel by...

    , naval commander
  • Guillebert de Lannoy
    Guillebert de Lannoy
    Guillebert de Lannoy , was a Flemish traveler and diplomat, chamberlain to the duke of Burgundy, governor of the fort of Sluys, and a knight of the Golden Fleece....

    , traveller and diplomat
  • Jean Delannoy
    Jean Delannoy
    Jean Delannoy was a French actor, film editor, screenwriter and film director.Although Delannoy was born in a Paris suburb, his family is from Haute-Normandie in the north of France...

    , actor and film director
  • Louis De Lannoy
    Louis De Lannoy
    Louis De Lannoy was a Belgian professional road bicycle racer. In 1929 he won stage 4 of the Tour de France- Palmarès :1929...

    , cyclist
  • Luc Delannoy, writer and philosopher
  • Philip de Lannoy, Prince of Sulmona
    Philip de Lannoy, Prince of Sulmona
    Philip de Lannoy, Prince of Sulmona was an Italian military leader in Spanish service. At the Battle of Ceresole, he commanded the Neapolitan light cavalry.-References:...

    , military leader
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