Deil (Heidmark)
Deil was a farm in the old district (Altkreis) of Fallingbostel, located in the Heidmark
The Heidmark is an area of the Lüneburg Heath, much of which has not been accessible to the population since about 1935/1936. The establishment of a large military training area by the German armed forces, the Wehrmacht, as part of their rearmament and preparation for war resulted in the...

 region in the north German state of Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony is a German state situated in north-western Germany and is second in area and fourth in population among the sixteen states of Germany...

. In 1935/36 the farm was commandeered by the barracks built in the vicinity and served as an officers mess. There were probably several farms in a village called Deil in former times. Deil Farm (Hof Deil) belonged to the parish of Bockhorn and was its largest farmstead. The last owner sold wood, but could not avoid going bankrupt.


Heath farmers lived in Deil. Their main source of income until the 19th century was the keeping of moorland sheep known locally as Heidschnucke
The Heidschnucke is a group of three types of moorland sheep from northern Germany. Like a number of other types from Scandinavia and Great Britain, they are Northern European short-tailed sheep...



  • Hinrich Baumann: Die Heidmark - Wandel einer Landschaft. Geschichte des Truppenübungsplatzes Bergen. 2006
  • Hans Stuhlmacher
    Hans Stuhlmacher
    Hans Albert Alexander Louis Carl Stuhlmacher was a German pedagogue, Wehrmacht officer and local historian.- Life and works :Hans Stuhlmacher was born on 16 May 1892 in Lüneburg, the son of a district court chancery clerk , Friedrich Stuhlmacher, and his wife, Emma, née Ebbeke...

    : Die Heidmark. Schneeheide 1939
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