Decriminalised parking enforcement
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
to the civil enforcement of car parking regulations, carried out by civil enforcement officer
Civil enforcement officer
A civil enforcement officer is a person employed to enforce parking, traffic and other restrictions and laws in England & Wales. In England, they are employed by county councils, London Borough Councils, metropolitan district councils or Transport for London, and in Wales by county councils - or...
s, operating on behalf of either a local authority
Local government in the United Kingdom
The pattern of local government in England is complex, with the distribution of functions varying according to the local arrangements. Legislation concerning local government in England is decided by the Parliament and Government of the United Kingdom, because England does not have a devolved...
or a private firm. The Road Traffic Act 1991 (c. 40) provided for the decriminalization of parking-related contraventions committed within controlled parking zones (CPZ) administered by local councils across the UK.