Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater
Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater is a World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

 oriented squad-based first-person shooter
First-person shooter
First-person shooter is a video game genre that centers the gameplay on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through first-person perspective; i.e., the player experiences the action through the eyes of a protagonist. Generally speaking, the first-person shooter shares common traits with other...

 developed by nFusion Interactive and is the sequel to Deadly Dozen
Deadly Dozen
Deadly Dozen is a 2001 World War II oriented squad-based first-person shooter video game developed by nFusion Interactive. The title refers to the famous World War II movie The Dirty Dozen. As in the movie, the main protagonists are military misfits sentenced to death or long term imprisonment who...



Unlike its predecessor, it is set in the Pacific theater
Pacific War
The Pacific War, also sometimes called the Asia-Pacific War refers broadly to the parts of World War II that took place in the Pacific Ocean, its islands, and in East Asia, then called the Far East...

 and most of its levels take place in large outdoor areas. Other than regular infantry combat, the game also features drivable vehicles.


Being a budget priced game
Budget range
Budget range is the name given to software that are sold for a fraction of a regular product price...

, it received positive reviews, scoring an average of 78.4% at Game Rankings
Game Rankings
GameRankings is a website that collects review scores from both offline and online sources to give an average rating. It indexes over 315,000 articles relating to more than 14,500 games.GameRankings is owned by CBS Interactive...

  and 79 out of 100 at MetaCritic
Metacritic is a website that collates reviews of music albums, games, movies, TV shows and DVDs. For each product, a numerical score from each review is obtained and the total is averaged. An excerpt of each review is provided along with a hyperlink to the source. Three colour codes of Green,...


External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.