De Morgan Medal
- Not to be confused with the Morgan PrizeMorgan PrizeThe Morgan Prize in Mathematics may refer to:* Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student awarded jointly by the American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics* De Morgan...
, an annual award given to an undergraduate student in the US, Canada, or Mexico.
The De Morgan Medal is a prize for outstanding contribution to mathematics
Mathematics is the study of quantity, space, structure, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proofs, which are arguments sufficient to convince other mathematicians of their validity...
, awarded by the London Mathematical Society
London Mathematical Society
-See also:* American Mathematical Society* Edinburgh Mathematical Society* European Mathematical Society* List of Mathematical Societies* Council for the Mathematical Sciences* BCS-FACS Specialist Group-External links:* * *...
. The Society's most prestigious award, it is given in memory of Augustus De Morgan
Augustus De Morgan
Augustus De Morgan was a British mathematician and logician. He formulated De Morgan's laws and introduced the term mathematical induction, making its idea rigorous. The crater De Morgan on the Moon is named after him....
, who was the first President of the society.
The medal is awarded every third year (in years divisible by 3) to a mathematician who is normally resident in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...
on 1 January of the relevant year. The only grounds for the award of the medal are the candidate's contributions to mathematics.
De Morgan Medal winners
See also
- Whitehead PrizeWhitehead PrizeThe Whitehead Prize is awarded yearly by the London Mathematical Society to a mathematician working in the United Kingdom who is at an early stage of their career. The prize is named in memory of homotopy theory pioneer J. H. C...
- Fröhlich PrizeFröhlich PrizeThe Fröhlich Prize of the London Mathematical Society is awarded in even numbered years in memory of Albrecht Fröhlich. The prize is awarded for original and extremely innovative work in any branch of mathematics...
- Senior Whitehead PrizeSenior Whitehead PrizeThe Senior Whitehead Prize of the London Mathematical Society is currently awarded in odd numbered years in memory of John Henry Constantine Whitehead, president of the LMS between 1953 and 1955. The Prize is awarded to mathematicians normally resident in the United Kingdom on 1 January of the...
- Berwick Prize
- Naylor Prize and LectureshipNaylor Prize and LectureshipThe Naylor Prize and lectureship in Applied Mathematics is a prize of the London Mathematical Society awarded every two years in memory of Dr V.D. Naylor. Only those resident in the United Kingdom are eligible for the prize. The prize is awarded for ".....
- Pólya Prize (LMS)Pólya Prize (LMS)The Pólya Prize is a prize in mathematics, awarded by the London Mathematical Society. Second only to the triennial De Morgan Medal in prestige among the society's awards, it is awarded in the years that are not divisible by three – those in which the De Morgan Medal is not awarded...