David Henesy
David Henesy Raised in New York City, Henesy was a child actor in film, television, and Broadway. He appeared in "Oliver!", "Jenny" (with Mary Martin
Mary Martin
Mary Virginia Martin was an American actress and singer. She originated many roles over her career including Nellie Forbush in South Pacific and Maria in The Sound of Music. She was named a Kennedy Center Honoree in 1989...

), and daytime television series Dark Shadows
Dark Shadows
Dark Shadows is a gothic soap opera that originally aired weekdays on the ABC television network, from June 27, 1966 to April 2, 1971. The show was created by Dan Curtis. The story bible, which was written by Art Wallace, does not mention any supernatural elements...

(276 episodes) in the roles of David Collins
David Collins (Dark Shadows)
David Collins was a fictional character, the son of Roger Collins, on the television serial Dark Shadows, played by David Henesy. In the 1990 made-for-television movie and 1991 revival series, David Collins was played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In the 2004 WB Pilot for Dark Shadows, he was played by...

, Daniel Collins
Daniel Collins (fictional character)
Daniel Collins was the name of a fictional character that appeared on the 1960s ABC daytime soap opera Dark Shadows. Initially the character was played by child actor David Henesy during a storyline that has become informally known as the "1795 Flashback"...

, Jamison Collins, and Tad Collins. He now resides in Panama City, Panama, where he and his wife operate Henesy-Rodriguez Group (HRG)http://www.cppty.com, a collection of popular upscale restaurantshttp://grupoblank.com/globe/2484-henesy-rodriguez-group-familia-de-restaurantes.

External links

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