Dar Naim Prison
Dar Naim Prison is a prison in Mauritania
Mauritania is a country in the Maghreb and West Africa. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, by Western Sahara in the north, by Algeria in the northeast, by Mali in the east and southeast, and by Senegal in the southwest...

. It is located in the Dar Naim commune
Communes of Mauritania
There are 216 administrative Communes in Mauritania recognised by the Government of Mauritania.-Agricultural:Adel Bagrou, Aere Mbar, Aghchorguitt, Ain Ehel Taya, Aioun, Ajar, Aleg, Amourj, Aoueinat Zbel, Aoujeft, Arr, Atar, Azgueilem Tiyab, Bababe, Bagrou, Barkeol, Bassiknou, Bethet Meit, Boghé,...

, a desert area 30 kilometres (18.6 mi) away from central Nouakchott
-Government:The town was first divided into districts in 1973. First it was divided into four. From 1986, the city has been split into nine districts.* Arafat* Dar Naim* El Mina* Ksar* Riad* Sebkha* Tevragh-Zeina* Teyarett* Toujounine...


Construction of Dar Naim finished in 2007, and it opened in June of 2007. It was built to house 300 prisoners, and it replaced the previous prison located in central Nouakchott.

In a report, Amnesty International
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is an international non-governmental organisation whose stated mission is "to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated."Following a publication of Peter Benenson's...

said "[E]very piece of information gathered by Amnesty International indicates that it was designed to inflict maximum suffering and humiliation on its prisoners" and "When the delegates visited Dar Naïm prison roughly six months after it opened, it was already in a deplorable state, marked by overcrowding and unsanitary conditions."
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