Dakkan (manga)
is a short manga originally created by Toru Hasuike and illustrated by Souichi Moto, first published in Futabasha
is a Japanese publishing company headquartered in Higashigokenchō, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.-List of magazines published by Futabasha:*Bravo Ski*Comic Seed!*Futabasha Web Magazine*Manga Action ZERO*Tōji Rō*Getter Robot Saga...



The story is about Toru Hasuike, whose young brother Kaoru was kidnapped
North Korean abductions of Japanese
The abductions of Japanese citizens from Japan by agents of the North Korean government happened during a period of six years from 1977 to 1983. Although only 17 Japanese are officially recognized by the Japanese government as having been abducted, there may have been as many as 70 to 80...

by North Korean Spies in 1978. Now 24 years later Kaoru is finally returning home, but Toru finds his brother is not the same person he was. Karoru has changed, he's become a liaison for North Korea. Toru becomes determined to use all his power to keep his brother in Japan.
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