Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji
Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji, or International Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji, is a Rinzai monastery and retreat center located in the Catskill Mountains
Catskill Mountains
The Catskill Mountains, an area in New York State northwest of New York City and southwest of Albany, are a mature dissected plateau, an uplifted region that was subsequently eroded into sharp relief. They are an eastward continuation, and the highest representation, of the Allegheny Plateau...

 of upstate New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

. Maintained by the Zen Studies Society
Zen Studies Society
The Zen Studies Society was established in 1956 by Cornelius Crane to help assist the scholar Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki in his work and to help promulgate Zen Buddhism to Western countries. It is housed on East 67th Street, New York and serves as a Zen practice and training center...

, Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji is led by Shinge-Shitsu Roko Sherry Chayat
Sherry Chayat
Shinge-shitsu Roko Sherry Chayat Roshi is the first woman in the United States to have received Dharma transmission in the Rinzai school, though Maurine Stuart had received the unofficial title of roshi from Soen Nakagawa previously. She is the Abbot and guiding teacher of the Zen Center of...

. Located on 1400 acres (5.7 km²) near Beecher Lake in a deciduous forest region, Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji was established on July 4, 1976.http://www.daibosatsu.org/dbzindex.html The site offers daily services which include zazen
In Zen Buddhism, zazen is a meditative discipline practitioners perform to calm the body and the mind, and be able to concentrate enough to experience insight into the nature of existence and thereby gain enlightenment .- Significance :Zazen is considered the heart of Zen Buddhist practice...

, chanting and samu (work). Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji also offers traditional ango
An , or kessei, is a Japanese term for a three-month period of intense training for students of Zen Buddhism, lasting anywhere from 90 to 100 days. The practice during ango consists of meditation , study, and work ....

 — "a three-month period of intensive spiritual training in a Zen monastery during the rainy season in summer" — in addition to weeklong sesshin
A sesshin , literally "touching the heart-mind" , is a period of intensive meditation in a Zen monastery....

s and weekend retreats throughout the year. The monastery site is located atop a 2 miles (3.2 km) drive that passes through "Sangha Meadow", a cemetery
A cemetery is a place in which dead bodies and cremated remains are buried. The term "cemetery" implies that the land is specifically designated as a burying ground. Cemeteries in the Western world are where the final ceremonies of death are observed...

 for housing the cremated
Cremation is the process of reducing bodies to basic chemical compounds such as gasses and bone fragments. This is accomplished through high-temperature burning, vaporization and oxidation....

 remains of deceased sangha
Sangha is a word in Pali or Sanskrit that can be translated roughly as "association" or "assembly," "company" or "community" with common goal, vision or purpose...

 members (including a portion of the ashes of Soen Nakagawa).

See also

  • Eido Tai Shimano
    Eido Tai Shimano
    is a Rinzai Zen Buddhist roshi. He was the founding abbot of the New York Zendo Shobo-Ji in Manhattan and Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-Ji monastery in the Catskill mountains of New York; he retired from that position after 40 years amid controversy.-Biography:...

     (co-founder of DBZ and abbott for over three decades)
  • Buddhism in the United States
    Buddhism in the United States
    Buddhism is one of the largest religions in the United States behind Christianity, Judaism and Nonreligious, and approximate with Islam and Hinduism. American Buddhists include many Asian Americans, as well as a large number of converts of other ethnicities, and now their children and even...

  • Timeline of Zen Buddhism in the United States
    Timeline of Zen Buddhism in the United States
    Below is a timeline of important events regarding Zen Buddhism in the United States. Dates with "?" are approximate.-Early history:* 1893: Soyen Shaku comes to the United States to lecture at the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago...

  • Sesshin
    A sesshin , literally "touching the heart-mind" , is a period of intensive meditation in a Zen monastery....

  • Tenzo
    Tenzo is a title given to the chef at a Buddhist monastery. The literal translation is 'Heavenly Monk'.From ancient times Buddhist monasteries have had six office-holders who, as disciples of the Buddha, guide the monastic community. Amongst these, the tenzo bears the responsibility of caring for...

  • For an explanation of terms concerning Japanese Buddhism, Japanese Buddhist art, and Japanese Buddhist temple architecture, see the Glossary of Japanese Buddhism
    Glossary of Japanese Buddhism
    This is the glossary of Japanese Buddhism, including major terms the casual reader might find useful in understanding articles on the subject. Words followed by an asterisk are illustrated by an image in one of the photo galleries...

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