Dactylellina is a genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...

  mitosporic fungi in the family Orbiliaceae
The Orbiliaceae are a family of saprobic sac fungi in the order Orbiliales. The family, first described by Nannfield in 1932, contains 288 species in 12 genera. Members of this family have a widespread distribution, but are more prevalent in temperate regions...

. There are 15 species.


  • Dactylellina arcuata (Scheuer & J. Webster) Ying Yang & Xing Z. Liu 2006
  • Dactylellina candida (Nees) Yan Li 2005
  • Dactylellina candidum (Nees) Yan Li 2006
  • Dactylellina cionopaga (Drechsler) Ying Yang & Xing Z. Liu 2006
  • Dactylellina daliensis H.Y. Su 2008
  • Dactylellina ferox (Onofri & S. Tosi) M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner 1999
  • Dactylellina formosana (J.Y. Liou, G.Y. Liou & Tzean) M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner 1999
  • Dactylellina haptospora (Drechsler) M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner 1999
  • Dactylellina hertziana (M. Scholler & A. Rubner) M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner 1999
  • Dactylellina huisuniana (J.L. Chen, T.L. Huang & Tzean) M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner 1999
  • Dactylellina illaqueata D.S. Yang & M.H. Mo 2006
  • Dactylellina parvicolle (Drechsler) Yan Li 2006
  • Dactylellina quercus Bin Liu, Xing Z. Liu & W.Y. Zhuang 2005
  • Dactylellina sichuanensis Yan Li, K.D. Hyde & K.Q. Zhang 2006
  • Dactylellina varietas Yan Li, K.D. Hyde & K.Q. Zhang 2006
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