DAMs - The Lethal Water Bombs
DAMs - The Lethal Water Bombs is an Award winning thought provoking short documentary movie that gives a scientific explanation on the disastrous nature of the Mullaperiyar Dam
Mullaperiyar Dam
Mullaiperiyaru Dam is a gravity dam made with lime stone and surkhi and the cunstruction technologies of 19th century on the Periyar River. It is located above mean sea level on the Cardamom Hills of Western Ghats in Thekkadi, Idukki District of Kerala, India...

 thereby bringing out those who turn a blind eye towards the reality of a possible natural disaster and sustaining the need for a secured future of those people who render sleepless nights under the uncertain situation of the Mullaperiyar dam. This 21 minutes documentary is produced by Aries Telecasting Private Ltd. and directed by Sohan Roy
Sohan Roy
Sohan Roy S K is a businessman who is active in film direction and literature. He is the CEO of the Aries Group, a consortium of firms based in Dubai, Sharjah, India and Singapore. He founded Aries Marine, the flagship of the group, in 1998 and has developed it to the largest ship design...

, the Director of Dam 999
Dam 999
Dam 999 is a 2011 English 3-D UAE-Indian co-production film produced by BizTV Network, UAE and directed by Sohan Roy. The film is based on the award winning short documentary DAMs - The Lethal Water Bombs. and the Banqiao dam disaster of 1975 that claimed the lives of 250,000 people in China and...

 movie & project designer of Saint Dracula 3D
Saint Dracula 3D
Saint Dracula is an upcoming 3D movie by Rupesh Paul. Produced by BizTV Network - the producers of Dam 999, ‘Saint Dracula’ becomes the first ever stereoscopic 3D film to be made on the story of Dracula. .-Synopsis:...

.. This documentary has won several notable awards.


The Banqiao dam
Banqiao Dam
The Banqiao Reservoir Dam is a dam on the River Ru in Zhumadian Prefecture, Henan province, China. It infamously failed in 1975, causing more casualties than any other dam failure in history, and was subsequently rebuilt....

(492 million cubic meter) in China which has somewhat the same capacity of Mullaperiyar dam (443.23 million cubic metre), was destroyed by torrential rains in 1975 which claimed the lives of 2,50,000 people. The documentary is based on the possibility of a similar disaster that can happen in a place like Kerala and its dire consequences in the aftermath. It is estimated that 85% of all the large dams, numbering about 40,000 all over the world would have passed their projected life spans by 2020. As the total numbers of dams are increasing, the numbers of hazardous dams are also increasing at an alarming rate. Torrential rains, floods, earthquakes and landslides are the ones that can break the dam, and global warming has of late increased the incidence of untimely rains and floods. Despite been warned about the disaster caused by these dams, they are neither checked nor reconstructed. The documentary is a mirror that reflects the unspoken miseries of thousands of people who are under the terror of a possible dam collapse.

Awards Won

  • Award of Excellence - Los Angeles Movie Awards 2011
  • Best Editing - Los Angeles Movie Awards 2011
  • Best Visual Effects - Los Angeles Movie Awards 2011
  • Best Documentary Short - Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood 2011
  • Award of Excellence - Best Shorts Awards 2011

Official Selection

  • Artivist Film Festival
  • India International Film Festival, Tampa Bay
  • Kish International Film Festival
  • 4th Annual Charleston International Film Festival
  • The Second Annual Atlanta Shorts Fest
  • Fame Walk Film Festival
  • SIGNS 2011
  • Louisville's International Festival of Film
  • Voices from the Waters 2011
  • Golden Door International Film Festival – Nominated for Best Documentary award category
  • Chagrin Documentary Film Festival
  • Metro International Film Festival
  • UNSPOKEN Human Rights Film Festival
  • Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood 2011
  • 2nd Annual Film Festival of Colorado

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.