Cutaneous actinomycosis
Cutaneous actinomycosis is a chronic disease that affects the deep subcutaneous tissue of the skin. Caused by an anaerobic
Anaerobic organism
An anaerobic organism or anaerobe is any organism that does not require oxygen for growth. It could possibly react negatively and may even die if oxygen is present...

, Gram-positive, filamentous type of bacteria
Bacteria are a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a wide range of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals...

 in the genus Actinomyces
Actinomyces from Greek "actino" that means mucus and fungus, is a genus of the actinobacteria class of bacteria. They are all Gram-positive and are characterized by contiguous spread, suppurative and granulomatous inflammation, and formation of multiple abscesses and sinus tracts that may...

, invasion of the soft tissue leads to the formation of abnormal channels leading to the skin surface (external sinus tracts) that discharge pale yellow sulfur granules.

This disease is uncommon, and has non-specific clinical features, making it difficult to diagnose.

Cervicofacial, pulmonary/thoracic and gastrointestinal forms exist, yet cervicofacial disease accounts for two-thirds of reported infections.
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