Crazy Quilt (TV Series)
Crazy Quilt is a 1997 Canadian children's live action television series that premiered and currently airs on Treehouse TV.It is the tale of a quilt that takes viewers along for a learning adventure and craft creations in every episode. The hosts Maggie and Jackson teach kids to make crafts. The show is one of Treehouse's first shows, and one of the last to be made just by it with no participation of a larger company, along with Ants in Your Pants
Ants in Your Pants
Ants In Your Pants was a 1997 Canadian children's music video television program made and aired by Treehouse TV that aired from 1997 to February 2008. It was notable for its use of music videos and guest stars, though being geared at young children...

, Wee 3
Wee 3
Wee 3 is a TV program on Treehouse TV. It first aired January 30, 2001 with a total of 27 24-minute episodes along with Treetown, Ants in Your Pants , and Crazy Quilt. It also formerly aired YTV....

 and Treetown
Treetown is a TV show that debuted in 1997 about the home of the playful Treetownies. Tansy , Rosabelle , and the Treetown toys invite viewers to play, sing, explore, and imagine with them...

. Despite that the programme is no longer in production, the show continued to air. However, its airtime was restricted to the "graveyard slot
Graveyard slot
A graveyard slot is a time period in which a television audience is very small compared to other times of the day, and therefore broadcast programming is considered far less important. Graveyard slots are usually in the early morning hours of each day, when most people are asleep...

", specifically around 2:00am – 3:00am. Sadly, reruns ended February 27, 2011, along with reruns of Wee 3
Wee 3
Wee 3 is a TV program on Treehouse TV. It first aired January 30, 2001 with a total of 27 24-minute episodes along with Treetown, Ants in Your Pants , and Crazy Quilt. It also formerly aired YTV....

 and Treetown
Treetown is a TV show that debuted in 1997 about the home of the playful Treetownies. Tansy , Rosabelle , and the Treetown toys invite viewers to play, sing, explore, and imagine with them...

 thus ending all reruns of any nostalgic Treehouse series.


  • Maggie (played by Mimi Mekler) - The Craft-Maker. She holds and moves the craft people and does their voices. She makes crafts with the help of Jackson.

  • Jackson the racoon - The Secondary Main Character. He gives Maggie advice and asks interesting questions. He gives materials and helps out with the crafts. Sometimes, he leaves to get supplies.

  • Crafts - In each episode, there is A story (Including how they make the craft's). they create Animals using supplies Jackson gives to Maggie

(used with permission from Treehouse TV)

External links

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