Cranial Impalement
Cranial Impalement is the debut studio album by American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 death metal
Death metal
Death metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal. It typically employs heavily distorted guitars, tremolo picking, deep growling vocals, blast beat drumming, minor keys or atonality, and complex song structures with multiple tempo changes....

 band Disgorge. It was released by Extremities Records in 1998 and re-released on August 12, 2008 by Unique Leader Records
Unique Leader Records
Unique Leader Records is a record label ,operating out of Los Osos, California. The label specializes in death metal bands, mostly of the brutal or technical vein. The label has also gained reputation as a fairly solid CD distributor...

. The last four tracks were recorded during their 1995 demo.

Track listing

  1. "Deranged Epidemic" — 3:07
  2. "Atonement" — 3:17
  3. "Cognative Lust of Mutilation" — 2:41
  4. "Period of Agony" — 3:15
  5. "Cranial Impalement" — 3:02
  6. "Penetrate the Unfledged" — 2:57
  7. "Malodorous Oblation" — 2:42
  8. "Carnally Decimated" — 2:49
  9. "Outro" — 0:15
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