animated series, created by David Feiss
. The series shows the surreal adventures of a cow, named Cow, and her chicken brother, named Chicken. They are often antagonized by "The Red Guy", who poses as various characters to scam or hurt them. The series was nominated for an Emmy Award
in 1996 and 1998.
Like Dexter's Laboratory
and some other Cartoon Network
series from the 1990s, the original pilot appeared as an episode of the series What a Cartoon!, the brain child of Fred Seibert
, then president of Hanna-Barbera.
[After Chicken stamps a price tag on her labelled 19 cents] - My buns are only 19 cents??? (tearful) I'm soo CHEAP!!!
[Playing "My First Battleboat" game with Chicken] - A-aa! Ladies first!
[After Chicken removed all his feathers to trade them with the Feather Fairy] - Mom said "Never go to the carnival naked".
[in an skittish voice] - Cousin Sow, you are such a pig.
Supercow! Al rescate! [translates as "Supercow to the Rescue!"]
Oye, Diablo! Eso lo vas a sentir!
Que me pasa? Yo soy supercow, defendedora de la justicia!
"Ooh, mom! I needed that money to buy socks!" [points to his chicken-clawed feet]
"No, I do not choose to play no stupid cow-games!"
[After being put into detention for destroying the school] "Thanks a loads, Larry!"