Council for a beautiful Israel
The Council for a Beautiful Israel , was formed in 1968, by Aura Herzog
Aura Herzog
Aura Herzog, née Ambache was the wife of Chaim Herzog, the sixth President of the State of Israel.Aura Herzog was born in Egypt and educated in French schools in Ismailiya. She has a B.Sc. degree in mathematics and physics from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. ...

, who remains its international president. It was established by Knesset
The Knesset is the unicameral legislature of Israel, located in Givat Ram, Jerusalem.-Role in Israeli Government :The legislative branch of the Israeli government, the Knesset passes all laws, elects the President and Prime Minister , approves the cabinet, and supervises the work of the government...

 vote, as a non-profit association, in order to do the following:
  • Envronmental education
  • Local environmental action
  • 'Green' urban projects
  • National Environmental campaigns
  • Envirnomental 'Beauty' competitions

It was established as Israel's first Environmental association, and remains the only one centred around cities.


Most of the Council's work is done by a core group of dedicated volunteers: many lawyer
A lawyer, according to Black's Law Dictionary, is "a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law." Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political...

s, botanists, architect
An architect is a person trained in the planning, design and oversight of the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to offer or render services in connection with the design and construction of a building, or group of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the...

s and a selection of other professions; hundreds of children also take part annually. These volunteeers are known as 'Guardians of a Beautiful Israel'. Every year the president of Israel
President of Israel
The President of the State of Israel is the head of state of Israel. The position is largely an apolitical ceremonial figurehead role, with the real executive power lying in the hands of the Prime Minister. The current president is Shimon Peres who took office on 15 July 2007...

presents outstanding members with the title of 'Creators of a beautiful Israel'.
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