Corriere dello Sport - Stadio
Corriere dello Sport – Stadio is an Italian national sports newspaper based in Rome, Italy.
It is one of three major Italian sports daily newspapers and has the largest readership in central and southern Italy, the fourth most read throughout the country.
It is one of three major Italian sports daily newspapers and has the largest readership in central and southern Italy, the fourth most read throughout the country.
It was founded as a merger between Corriere dello Sport, founded in 1924, and Stadio, founded in 1948.Editors
- 1942 - Alberto Masprone
- 1943 - Umberto Guadagno
- 1944 - Pietro Petroselli
- 1947 - Bruno Roghi
- 1960 - Antonio Ghirelli
- 1961 - Luciano Oppo
- 1972 - Mario Gismondi
- 1976 - Giorgio Tosatti
- 1986 - Domenico Morace
- 1991 - Italo Cucci
- 1995 - Mario Sconcerti
- 2000 - Italo Cucci
- 2002 - Xavier Jacobelli
- 2003 - Alessandro Vocalelli