Coromandel East, South Australia
Coromandel East is a semi-rural suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. It lies within the City of Onkaparinga and has postcode 5157.

Coromandel East, and its neighbouring suburb, Coromandel Valley
Coromandel Valley, South Australia
Coromandel Valley is a south-eastern suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. Part is in the City of Mitcham and the City of Onkaparinga with the Sturt River being the boundary between the two council areas....

, gain their name from a ship, the Coromandel, which arrived in Holdfast Bay
Holdfast Bay
Holdfast Bay is a small bay in Gulf St Vincent, next to Adelaide, South Australia. Along its shores lie the City of Holdfast Bay and the popular beach-side suburb of Glenelg.-European settlement:...

 from London in 1837 with 156 English settlers. After the ship reached the shore, some of its sailors deserted, intending to remain behind in South Australia, and took refuge in the hills in the Coromandel Valley region.


See Also: History of Adelaide
History of Adelaide
This article details the History of Adelaide from the first human activity in the region to the 20th century. Adelaide is a planned city founded in 1836 and the capital of South Australia.-Aboriginal settlement:...

See Also: European settlement of South Australia
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