Constitution Party (United States) federal candidates in 2010
The following are candidates of the United States Constitution Party
for federal elections in 2010 by state:
Office Sought: U.S. Congress District 1
Website: http://walterforcongress.com
Candidate: Steven Kneussle
Office Sought: Alabama House of Representatives District 62
Website: http://www.kneussle.com
Office Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://www.truthusa.org
Candidate: Jerry Denham
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives - 10th District
Website: http://www.freedomcoalition.com
Candidate: John Smith
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives - 39th District
Website: http://www.jsmith.net/default.html
Candidate: Bill Lussenheide
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 45
Office Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://berniedecastro.com/
Office Sought: U.S. Congress Third District
Website: http://www.hansenforcongress.com/index.html
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, 1st Congressional District
Website: http://www.gailforcongress.com/
Office Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://electbeckussenate.com
Candidate: Joseph Martellaro
Office Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://www.martellaroforsenate.com
Candidate: Mike Simmons
Office Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://www.simmonsforussenate.com
Candidate: Nicholas Ivanovich
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District
Candidate: Greg Cowan
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 4
Website: http://www.cowanforcongress.com/
Candidate: Dave Lay
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 5
Website: http://www.lay4congress.com/Dave_Lay_For_Congress/Home.html
Office Sought:U.S. Senate
Candidate: Jonathan Hansen
Office Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - District 1
Candidate: Russell Best
Office Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - District 2
Candidate: Scott Narter
Office Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - District 3
Office Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - 2010
Website: http://www.BoyceyourChoice.com/
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, 4th District
Candidate: Will Wilday
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, District 21
Website: http://www.wildayforcongress.webs.com/
Office Sought: US Senate
Website: http://www.deatonforsenate.com/index.html./
Constitution Party Nominee: David Ryon
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 15
Website: http://www.ryonforcongress.com/
Office Sought: US Senate
Website: http://www.scottbradleyforsenate.com/sbradley/
Candidate: Kirk Pearson
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 1
Website: http://site.kirk4congress.com
Candidate: Randall Hinton
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 2
Website: http://www.randallhinton.com/
Candidate: Douglas Slighting
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 3
Website: http://www.douglasforcongress.com/
Office Sought: US Senate
Website: http://jeffbecker.us
Candidate: Phil Hudok
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 2
Website: http://hudok.com
Constitution Party (United States)
The Constitution Party is a paleoconservative political party in the United States. It was founded as the U.S. Taxpayers' Party by Howard Philips in 1991. Phillips was the party's candidate in the 1992, 1996 and 2000 presidential elections...
for federal elections in 2010 by state:
Candidate: David WalterOffice Sought: U.S. Congress District 1
Website: http://walterforcongress.com
Candidate: Steven Kneussle
Office Sought: Alabama House of Representatives District 62
Website: http://www.kneussle.com
Candidate: Don GrundmannOffice Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://www.truthusa.org
Candidate: Jerry Denham
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives - 10th District
Website: http://www.freedomcoalition.com
Candidate: John Smith
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives - 39th District
Website: http://www.jsmith.net/default.html
Candidate: Bill Lussenheide
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 45
Candidate:Bernie DeCastroOffice Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://berniedecastro.com/
Candidate: Michael HansenOffice Sought: U.S. Congress Third District
Website: http://www.hansenforcongress.com/index.html
Candidate: Gail GiaramitaOffice Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, 1st Congressional District
Website: http://www.gailforcongress.com/
Candidate: Jerry BeckOffice Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://electbeckussenate.com
Candidate: Joseph Martellaro
Office Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://www.martellaroforsenate.com
Candidate: Mike Simmons
Office Sought: U.S. Senate
Website: http://www.simmonsforussenate.com
Candidate: Nicholas Ivanovich
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District
Candidate: Greg Cowan
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 4
Website: http://www.cowanforcongress.com/
Candidate: Dave Lay
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 5
Website: http://www.lay4congress.com/Dave_Lay_For_Congress/Home.html
Candidate: Tim FasanoOffice Sought:U.S. Senate
Candidate: Jonathan Hansen
Office Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - District 1
Candidate: Russell Best
Office Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - District 2
Candidate: Scott Narter
Office Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - District 3
New Jersey
Candidate: Peter BoyceOffice Sought:U.S. House of Representatives - 2010
Website: http://www.BoyceyourChoice.com/
New York
Candidate: Daniel TobinOffice Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, 4th District
Candidate: Will Wilday
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives, District 21
Website: http://www.wildayforcongress.webs.com/
Constitution Party Nominee: Eric DeatonOffice Sought: US Senate
Website: http://www.deatonforsenate.com/index.html./
Constitution Party Nominee: David Ryon
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 15
Website: http://www.ryonforcongress.com/
Candidate: Scott BradleyOffice Sought: US Senate
Website: http://www.scottbradleyforsenate.com/sbradley/
Candidate: Kirk Pearson
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 1
Website: http://site.kirk4congress.com
Candidate: Randall Hinton
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 2
Website: http://www.randallhinton.com/
Candidate: Douglas Slighting
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 3
Website: http://www.douglasforcongress.com/
West Virginia
Candidate: Jeff BeckerOffice Sought: US Senate
Website: http://jeffbecker.us
Candidate: Phil Hudok
Office Sought: U.S. House of Representatives District 2
Website: http://hudok.com