Constance Kamii
Dr. Constance Kamii is a Professor, Early Childhood Education Program
Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Alabama
at Birmingham
She is now professor of early childhood education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. A major concern of hers since her work on the Perry Preschool Project in the 1960s has been the conceptualization of goals and objectives for early childhood education on the basis of a scientific theory explaining children’s sociomoral and intellectual development. Convinced that the only theory in existence that explains this development from the first day of life to adolescence was that of Jean Piaget, she studied under him on and off for 15 years.
When she was not studying under Piaget in Geneva, she worked closely with teachers in the United States to develop practical ways of using his theory in classrooms. The outcome of this classroom research can be seen in Physical Knowledge in Preschool Education and Group Games in Early Education, which she wrote with Rheta DeVries
. Since 1980, she has been extending this curriculum research to the primary grades and wrote Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic (about first grade), Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic, 2nd Grade, and Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic, 3rd Grade. In all these books, she emphasized the long-range, over-all aim of education envisioned by Piaget, which is children’s development of sociomoral and intellectual autonomy.
Kamii studied under Jean Piaget
on and off for 15 years to develop an early childhood
curriculum based on his theory. This work can be seen in Physical Knowledge in Preschool Education (1978) and Group Games in Early Education (1980), which she wrote with Rheta Devries
, and Number in Preschool and Kindergarten (1982). From 1980 to 2000, she developed a primary arithmetic program based on Piaget's theory. She had to abandon this effort in 2000 because many parents of fourth graders were teaching "carrying" and "borrowing" at home, and their children stopped doing their own thinking.
to create several curricula cited as exemplary by the Department of Education and widely adopted by local, state, and federal education agencies by the 1990s and 2000s by consensus based decision making. While the NCTM and many other groups composed of educators and psychologists saw that Kamii's research resonated with their own experiences with children, groups such as Mathematically Correct
, composed largely of practicing mathematicians with no elementary classroom experience, were horrified that many of the NCTM-inspired texts such as Investigations in Number, Data, and Space omitted standard arithmetic methods.
The teaching of procedural knowledge, as the main purpose of mathematics classes, was challenged by Kamii's research. Interviews and assessments with students who had learned arithmetic as a set of procedures demonstrated profound conceptual misunderstandings about place value and number magnitude.
The influence of Kamii's research remains wide as parents across the United States continue to grapple with mathematics curricula that ask students and parents to construct their own mathematical concepts rather than simply be taught the same methods that were taught to today's parents.
However, Kamii's findings are predominantly based on affluent middle and upper middle class students. Access and agency are the underlying premises to the success of students. Kamii does not believe this applies to lower class students.
Ozaki, K., Yamamoto, N., & Kamii, C. (2008). What do children learn by trying to produce the domino effect? Young Children, 63(5), 58-64.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (Eds.). (2007). Piaget’s constructivism and early childhood education: I. Physical-knolwedge activities (in Japanese). Okayama City, Japan: Daigaku Kyoiku.
Kamii, C., Miyakawa, Y., & Kato, T. (2007). Trying to make a lever work at ages 1–4: The development of functions (logico-mathematical thinking). Early Education and Development, 18(1), 145-161.
Kamii, C. (2008). Games, autonomy, and mathematics (in Portuguese). Revista Aprendizagem (published in Brazil), Year 2, No. 4 (January–February, 2008), 30-34.
Kamii, C., & Rummelsburg, J. (2008). Arithmetic for first graders lacking number concepts. Teaching Children Mathematics, 14(7), 389-394.
Kamii, C. (2007). “Constructivism” (pp. 152–155) and “Jean Piaget” (pp. 624–626) In The Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Education, R. S. New & M. Cochran, Eds.). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Kamii, C., & Rabioglio, M. (2007). Os algoritmos devem ser ensinados? (Should algorithms be taught?) Patio – Revista Pedagogica (published in Porto Alegre, Brazil), No. 41, 48-51.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2006). Play and mathematics at ages one to ten. In Fromberg, D. P. & D. Bergen (Eds.), Play from Birth to Twelve, 2nd ed., pp. 187–198. New York: Taylor and Francis Group.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2006). Early childhood education based on Piaget’s constructivism. In Takeuchi, M., & R. Scott (Eds.), New directions in early childhood education and care in the 21st century: International perspectives, pp. 236–251. Cedar Falls, IO: Martin Quam Press.
Manning, M. Kamii, C., & Kato, T. (2006). DIBELS: Not justifiable. In Goodman, K. (Ed.), Examining DIBELS: What it is and what it does (71-78). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Kato, Y., Honda, M., & Kamii, C. (2006). Kindergartners play Lining Up the Fives: A card game to encourage logico-mathematical thinking. Young Children, 61(4), 82-88.
Kamii, C., & Kysh, J. (2006). The difficulty of "length x width": Is a square the unit of measurement? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 25, 105-115.
Kamii, C. (2006). Measurement of length: How can we teach it better? Teaching Children Mathematics, 13(3), 154-158.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2005). Fostering the development of logico-mathematical thinking in a card game at ages 5–6. Early Education and Development, 16(3), 367-383.
Kamii, C., & Manning, M. (2005). Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS): A tool for evaluating student learning? Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 20(2), 75-90.
Kamii, C., Rummelsburg, J., & Kari, A. (2005). Teaching arithmetic to low-performing, low-SES first graders. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 24(1), 39-50.
Miyakawa, Y., Kamii, C., & Nagahiro, M. (2005) The development of logico-mathematical thinking at ages 1–3 in play with blocks and an incline. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 19(4),292-301.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2005). Good behavior is not enough (translated into Portuguese). Patio Educacao Infantil, Ano III, No. 7, 16-19 (published in Porto Alegre, Brazil).
Kamii, C. (2005). Autonomia (videotape). São Paulo, Brazil: ATTA Media e Educação.
Kamii, C., Miyakawa, Y., & Kato, Y. (2004). The development of logico-mathematical knowledge in a block-building activity at ages 1–4. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 19(1), 44-57.
Kamii, C. (2004). Le développement de l’autonomie et l’enseignement/apprentissage de l’arithmétique (a keynote). In Proceedings of the 2003 Colloquium of the Quebec Group for the Teaching of Mathematics, 5-18. Sherbrooke, Canada: University of Sherbrooke.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (2004). Kamii and Lewis’s response to Sanders. Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(2), 52-53.
Kamii, C. (2004). Primary arithmetic based on Piaget’s constructivism. In H. Fujita, Y. Hashimoto, B. R. Hodgson, Peng Yee Lee, S. Lerman, & T. Sawada (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Education, 142-143, Makuhari, Japan, 2000. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Kamii, C. (2004). The construction of autonomy in early childhood education (translated into Portuguese). Patio Educação Infantil, Ano II, No. 5, 9-12 (published in Porto Alegre, Brazil).
Kamii, C. (2004). Young children continue to reinvent arithmetic, 2nd grade (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Portuguese as Crianças pequenas continuam
reinventando a aritmética.
Porto Alegre, Brazil: ArtMed, 2005
Being translated into Spanish by Machedo Libros in Madrid.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (2003). Single-digit subtraction with fluency. Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(4), 230-236.
Kamii, C. (2003). Modifying a board game to foster kindergartners' logico-mathematical thinking. Young Children, 58(5), 20-26.
Kamii, C., & Anderson, C. (2003). Multiplication games: How we made them and used them. Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(3), 135-141.
Kamii, C., & Long, K. (2003). The measurement of time: Transitivity, unit iteration, and conservation of speed. In Clements, D. H., and G.
Bright (Eds.), Learning and teaching measurement: 2003 NCTM Yearbook, pp. 169–180. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C., & Manning, M. (2002). Phonemic awareness and beginning reading and writing. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 17(1), 38-46.
Kato, Y.; Kamii, C.; Ozaki, K.; & Nagahiro, M. (2002). Young children's representations of groups of objects: The relationship between abstraction and representation. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 33, 30-45.
Kamii, C. (2001). Une arithmétique a l'école primaire basée sur le constructivisme de Piaget. Proceedings of the conference on constructivisms: Uses and perspectives in education (pp. 157–167).
Geneva, Switzerland: Service de la Recherche en Education, Département de l'Instruction Publique, République et Canton de Genève.
Kato, Y., & Kamii, C. (2001). Piaget's constructivism and childhood education in Japan. Prospects (published by UNESCO in English, French, and Spanish), Vol. 31 (No. 2), 209-220.
Reece, C. S., & Kamii, C. (2001). The measurement of volume: Why do young children measure inaccurately? School Science and Mathematics, 101, 356-361.
Kamii, C., Kirkland, L., & Lewis, B. A. (2001). Representation and abstraction in young children's numerical reasoning. In A. A. Cuoco & F. R. Curcio (Eds.), The roles of representation in school mathematics: 2001 NCTM yearbook (pp. 24–34). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Kirkland, L. D. (2001). Manipulatives: When are they useful? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 20, 21-31.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Kirkland, L. D. (2001). Fluency in subtraction compared with addition. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 20, 33-42.
Kamii, C. (2001). Young children's representation of groups of objects: The relationship between abstraction and representation. In Speiser, R., C. A. Maher, and C. N. Walter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, 207-212, Snowbird, Utah. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.
Long, K., & Kamii, C. (2001). The measurement of time: Children's construction of transitivity, unit iteration, and conservation of speed. School Science and Mathematics, 10(3), 1-8.
Kamii, C.; Long, R.; & Manning, M. (2001). Kindergartners' development toward "invented" spelling and a glottographic theory. Linguistics and Education, 12,195-210.
Manning, M., & Kamii, C. (2000). Whole language vs. isolated phonics instruction: A longitudinal study in kindergarten with reading and writing tasks. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 15, 53-65.
Kamii, C. (2000). Young children reinvent arithmetic (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu in Taipei, 2001.
Translated into Portuguese and published by ArtMed in Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2002.
Being translated into Spanish by Machedo Libros of Madrid.
Kamii, C., & Clark, F. B. (2000). First graders dividing 62 by 5: A teacher uses Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Kamii, C., & Manning, M. (1999). Before "invented" spelling: Kindergartners' awareness that writing is related to the sounds of speech. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 14, 16-25.
Kamii, C., & Ozaki, K. (1999). Abstraction and representation in arithmetic: A Piagetian view. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 7, 1-15.
Kamii, C., & Warrington, M. A. (1999). Teaching fractions: Fostering children's own reasoning. In Stiff, L. V.
, & F. R. Curcio (Eds.), Developing mathematical reasoning in grades K-12: 1999 NCTM yearbook (pp. 82–92). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C. (1998). Basing early childhood education on Piaget's constructivism. In Cuffaro, H. K.; Shapiro, E. K.; Kamii, C.; & Koutsouvanou, E. Early childhood education: Theory and methodology (translated into Greek, pp. 47–84). Athens, Greece: Patakis Publications.
Kamii, C., & Dominick, A. (1998). The harmful effects of algorithms in grades 1-4. In L. J. Morrow & M. J. Kenney (Eds.), The teaching and learning of algorithms in school mathematics: 1998 NCTM yearbook (pp. 130–140). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Booker, B. M. (1998). Instead of teaching missing addends. Teaching Children Mathematics, 4, 458-461.
Warrington, M.A., & Kamii, C. (1998). Multiplication with fractions: A Piagetian, constructivist approach. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 3, 339-343.
Kamii, C. (1998). The role of a scientific theory of knowledge in education. The Constructivist, 13(1), 5-11.
Kamii, C.; Pritchett, M.; & Nelson, K. (1997). 52 x 8: The importance of children's initiative. The Constructivist, 12(3), 5-11.
Kamii, C. (1997). The scientific foundation of education (translated into Greek). Athens, Greece: Patakis Publications.
Kamii, C.; Clark, F. B.; & Dominick, A. (1997) Teaching to facilitate "progressive schematization" or reflective abstraction? The Constructivist, 12(1), 9-14.
Kamii, C., & Dominick, A. (1997). To teach or not to teach algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 16(1), 51-61.
Kamii, C., & Warrington, M. A. (1997). Multiplication with fractions: A constructivist approach. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 5, 11-20.
Kamii, C. (1997). The role of a scientific theory of knowledge in education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 18(2), 5-11.
Kato, Y., & Kamii, C. (Eds.). (1997). Young children's reading and writing: A Piagetian, constructivist view. Tokyo: Child Honsha.
Kamii, C. (1997). Mathematics education from a new perspective: An experiment based on Piaget's theory. Edu.Care 21 (published in Tokyo), February, pp. 14–27.
Kamii, C., & Clark, F. (1997). Measurement of length: The need for a better approach to teaching. School Science and Mathematics, 97, 116-121.
Kamii, C. (1996). Why can't fourth graders calculate the area of a rectangle? Proceedings of the 18th annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematicsn Education, Vol. 1, (pp. 223–226).
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1996). Jean Piaget's contribution to preschool education (translated into Catalan). In-fan-ci-a (published in Barcelona, Spain), (November–December issue), 7-9.
Kamii, C. (1996). Piaget's theory and the teaching of arithmetic. Prospects (published by UNESCO), 26(1), 99-111. (Translated into French and Spanish)
Kamii, C., & Ewing, J. K. (1996). Basing teaching on Piaget's constructivism. Childhood Education, 72, 260-264.
Clark, F. B., & Kamii, C. (1996). Identification of multiplicative thinking in children in grades 1-5. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 27, 41-51.
Kamii, C., Pritchett, M., & Nelson, K. (1996). Fourth graders invent ways of computing averages. Teaching Children Mathematics, 3, 78-82.
Kamii, C., Clark, F. B. (1995). Equivalent fractions: Their difficulty and educational implications. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 14, 365-378.
Kamii, C. (1995). Why is the use of a ruler so hard?" Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, 222-227.
Manning, M., Manning, G., Long, R., & Kamii, C. (1995). Development of kindergartners' ideas about what is written in a written sentence. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 18, 29-36.
Kamii, C., Clark, F. B., & Dominick, A. (1995). Are violence-prevention curricula the answer? Dimensions of Early Childhood, 23(3), 10-13.
Kamii, C., & Warrington, M. A. (1995). Division with fractions: A Piagetian, constructivist approach. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 3, 53-62.
Kamii, C., with Livinston, S. J. (1994). Young children continue to reinvent arithmetic, 3rd grade. New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus in Campinas, Brazil, 1995.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor in Madrid,
Spain, 1995.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu in Taipei,
Kamii, C., Clark, F. B., & Dominick, A. (1994). The six national goals: A road to disappointment. Phi Delta Kappan, 75, 672-677.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Livingston, S. J. (1993). Primary arithmetic: Children inventing their own procedures. Arithmetic Teacher, 41(4), 200-203.
Translated into Japanese and published in Edu.Care 21 in Tokyo, August, 1996, 86-91.
Kamii, C., Long, R., Manning, G, & Manning, M. (1993). Les conceptualisations du systeme alphabétique chez les jeunes enfants anglophones. Etudes de Linguistique Appliquée (Paris: Didier), No. 91, 34-47.
Manning, M., Manning, G., Long, R., & Kamii, C. (1993). Preschoolers' conjectures about segments of a written sentence. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 8, 5-11.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1993). Physical knowledge in preschool education. New York: Teachers College Press. (Original work published 1978)
Kamii, C., & Clark, F. B. (1993). Autonomy: The importance of a scientific theory in education reform. Learning and Individual Differences, 5(4), 327-340.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1993). The harmful effects of algorithms in primary arithmetic. Teaching K-8, 23(4), 36-38.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1992). Primary arithmetic: The superiority of games over worksheets. In V. J. Dimidjian (Ed.), Play's place in public education for young children (pp. 85–93). Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Kamii, C., Dominick, A., Livingston, S. J., & Westbrook, P. (1992). Constructivism in elementary arithmetic. Alabama Journal of Mathematics, 16(1 & 2), 1-4.
Kamii, C. (1992). Jean Piaget. In L. R. Williams & D. P. Fromberg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of early childhood education. New York: Garland.
Kamii, C. (1991). Toward autonomy: The importance of critical thinking and choice making. School Psychology Review, 20(3), 382-388.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1991). Achievement tests in primary mathematics: Perpetuating lower-order thinking. Arithmetic Teacher, 38(9), 4-9.
Kamii, C., Manning, M., & Manning, G. (Eds.). (1991). Early literacy: A constructivist foundation for whole language. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Kamii, C., & Cesareo, Y. (1991). L'apport des jeux dans la construction d'un réseau de relations numériques. Math-Ecole (published in Geneva, Switzerland), No. 150 (November), 22-27.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Jones, S. (1991). Reform in primary mathematic education: A constructivist view. Educational Horizons, 70(1), 19-26.
Kamii, C. (1991). Children's readiness for measurement of length. In R.G. Underhill (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, 113-118. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1990). Constructivism and first-grade arithmetic. Arithmetic Teacher, 38(1), 36-37.
Kamii, C., Long, R., Manning, M., & Manning, G. (1990). Spelling in kindergarten: A constructivist analysis comparing Spanish-speaking and English-speaking children. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 4, 91-97.
Kamii, C. (1990). Constructivism and beginning arithmetic (K-2). In T. J. Cooney (Ed.), Teaching and learning mathematics in the 1990s: 1990 NCTM yearbook (pp. 22–30). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C. (Ed.). (1990). Achievement testing in the early grades: The games grown-ups play (pp. 181). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Kamii, C. (1990). Multiplication of two-digit numbers: Two teachers using Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Kamii, C. (1990). Multidigit division: Two teachers using Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Kamii, C. (1989). Young children continue to reinvent arithmetic, 2nd grade. New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor in Madrid, Spain,
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus in
Campinas,Brazil, 1993.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu in Taipei,
Kamii, C. (1989). Double-column addition: A teacher uses Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Manning, M., Manning, G., & Kamii, C. (1988). Early phonics instruction: Its effect on literacy development. Young Children, 44(1), 4-8.
Reprinted in G. Manning & M. Manning (Eds.) (1989). Whole language: Beliefs and practices, K-8. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Kamii, C. (1988). Autonomy or heteronomy: Our choices of goals. In G. F. Roberson & M. Johnson (Eds.), Leaders in education—Their views on controversial issues (pp. 97–108). Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
Kamii, C., & Joseph, L. (1988). Teaching place value and double-column addition. Arithmetic Teacher, 35(6), 48-52.
Translated into Spanish and published in Comunicacion, Lenguaje y Educación, 1990, 6, 27-35.
Kamii, C. (1988). The mental image: A question that remains open. In D. Bergen (Ed.), Play as a medium for learning and development (pp. 241–243). Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann.
Kamii, C. (1987). Arithmetic: Children's thinking or their writing of correct answers? Arithmetic Teacher, 35(3), 2.
Kamii, C. (1987). La teoria de Piaget y la educación. In Amelia Alvarez (Ed.), Psicología y Educación. Realizaciones y tendencias actuales en la investigación y en la practica (pp. 18–29). Madrid: Aprendizaje, Visor, y Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Kamii, C. (1986). Place value: An explanation of its difficulty and educational implications for the primary grades. Journal of Research in Childhood Education,. 1, 75-86.
Kamii, C. (1986). Autonomy vs. heteronomy (Comments on "Three preschool curriculum models: Academic and social outcomes" by D. P. Weikart & L. J. Schweinhart). Principal, 66, 68-70.
Bovet, M., Parrat-Dayan, S., & Kamii, C. (1986). Early conservation: What does it mean? The Journal of Psychology, 120, 21-35.
Williams, C., & Kamii, C. (1986). How do children learn by handling objects? Young Children. 42, 23-26.
Kamii, C. (1986). Cognitive learning and development. In B. Spodek (Ed.), Today's kindergarten (pp. 67–90). New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Japanese and published by Reimei Shobo in
Nagoya, 1990.
Kamii, C. (1986). Book review of The equilibration of cognitive structures (by Jean Piaget). American Journal of Education. 94, 574-577.
Kamii, C., Uchiyama, Y., Shimbo, M., Tsuchihashi, H., & Sakano, N. (1986). Child care centered on the child. Hoiku Senka (published in Tokyo), 13, 40-53 (No. 10) and 83-91 (No. 11).
Kamii, C. (1985). Leading primary education toward excellence: Beyond worksheets and drill. Young Children, 40, 3-9.
Reprinted in Annual editions: Early childhood education 86/87 and Annual editions: Early childhood education 89/90. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group, l986.
Kamii, C., Cesareo, Y., & Mounoud, H. (1985). Des jeux de cartes: La mathématique a 5-8 ans dans une optique piagetienne (pp. 108). Geneva (Switzerland): Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Genève (Cahier No. 41 de la Section des Sciences de l'Education).
Kamii, C. (1985). Que aprenen els nens amb la manipulacio dels objectes? In-fan-ci-a (published in Barcelona), 22, 6-10.
Kamii, C. (1985). Evaluation: It all depends on your theory. Australian Journal of Early Education. 10, 3-9.
Kamii, C. (1985). Social interaction and invented spelling. Language Arts. 62, 124-133.
Reprinted in G. Manning & M. Manning (Eds.). (1989). Whole language; Beliefs and practices, K-8. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Manning, M., Manning, G., & Kamii, C. (1985). When was 1864? Reading comprehension—Making it work. Early Years, 15, 38-40.
Reprinted in G. Manning & M. Manning (Eds.). (1989). Whole language: Beliefs and practices, K-8. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Willert, M. K., & Kamii, C. (1985). Reading in kindergarten: Direct vs. indirect teaching.Young Children. 40, 3-9.
Kamii, C. (1985). Young children reinvent arithmetic. New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor in Madrid, Spain,
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus in Campinas,
Brazil, 1986.
Translated into Japanese and published by Kitaohji Shobo in
Kyoto, 1987.
Translated into French and published by Peter Lang in Berne,
Switzerland, 1990.
Translated into Greek and published by Pataki Publishing Co. in
Athens, 1994.
Kamii, C. (1984). Intellectual and moral autonomy: Operational implications in child development (Resource Materials 16, pp. 16). Paris: UNESCO Unit for Co-Operation with UNICEF & WFP.
Kamii, C. (1984). Comments on "Teachers as learners" by E. Duckworth. The Genetic Epistemologist, 13(2), 6-8.
Kamii, C. (1984). Evaluacion: Todo depende de su teoria. Proceedings of the International Seminar on "Experiences and Alternative Projects in Early Childhood Education" of the World Organization for Preschool Education (pp. 22), Viña del Mar, Chile, August 1-3.
Kamii, C. (1984). The unimportance of Piagetian stages: A note to authors of educational psychology texts. Newsletter of the AERA SIG on Piagetian Theory and Education, Spring, (Vol. 2, No. 1), 1-3.
Kamii, C. (1984). Obedience is not enough. Young Children, 39, 11-14.
Reprinted in Brown McCracken, J. (Ed.), Reducing stress in young children's lives. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1986.
Translated into Japanese and published in Gendai Hoiku (Tokyo),
1984, 32, 18-21.
Translated into Catalan and published in In-fan-ci-a
(Barcelona), 1983, 13, 19-23.
Translated into Spanish and published in Limen (Buenos Aires),
1985, Año 13, 8-10.
Kamii, C. (1984). Autonomy: The aim of education envisioned by Piaget. Phi Delta Kappan,65, 410-415.
Abridged and reprinted in Australian Journal of Early Childhood,
1985, 10, 3-10.
Kamii, C. (1983). El conocimiento fisico: Una aplicacion de la teoria de Piaget en preescolar. In C. Coll (Ed.), Psicologia genética y aprendizajes escolares (pp. 57-77). Madrid: Siglo XXI de España.
Kamii, C. (1983). Autonomy as the aim of education. Innovation (Numbers 38/39), 8-12 (published in Geneva, Switzerland, by the International Bureau of Education).
Translated into Japanese and published in Sogo Kyoiku Gijutsu
(in Tokyo), 1983, 37, 103-115.
Translated into French and published in L'Educateur (in Cannes,
France), 1983 (No. 8), 26-30.
Translated into Greek and published in Modern Kindergarten (in
Athens), 1983, 10, 23- 31.
Translated into French and published in Technique d'Instruction
(in Meyrin, Switzerland), 1982 (2/82), 29-47.
Kamii, C. (1983). L'arithmétique en première primaire sans crayons. Math-Ecole (published in Geneva, Switzerland), No. 106, 16-23.
Kamii, C., Nikai, N., & Tsubota, K. (1982). Is primary arithmetic satisfactory? Kyoiku Gijutsu, Grade 1 (published in Tokyo), 36, 66-72, and Kyoiku Gijutsu, Grade 2, 35, 96-105.
Kamii, C. (1982). First graders invent arithmetic: Using Piaget's theory in the classroom. In S. Wagner (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting, North American Chapter, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, pp. 93–99.
Kamii, C. (1982). Encouraging thinking in mathematics. Phi Delta Kappan, 64, 247-251
Kamii, C. (1982). La autonomia como finalidad de la educación. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 18, 3-32.
Kamii, C. (1982). Do schools contribute to mental health? Academic Psychology Bulletin, 4, 441-451.
Kamii, C. (1982). L'arithmetique en première primaire sans crayons. Proceedings of Les Primeres Jornades sobre Nueves Perspectives sobre la Representacio Escrita en el Nen (pp. 15–27), Institut Municipal d'Educacio and Institut de Ciencies de l'Educacio, Universitat de Barcelona.
Kamii, C. (1982). Number in preschool and kindergarten. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Translated into Japanese and published by Child Honsha (Tokyo),
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor (Madrid), 1984.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus (Campinas,
Brazil), 1984.
Translated into Korean and published by Kyobunsh (Seoul), 1987.
Translated into Chinese and published by Wu-Nan Book Co.
(Taipei), 1999.
Kamii, C. (1982). La autonomia como finalidad de la educación. Mexico City: UNICEF (Programa Regional de Estimulacion Temprana).
Kamii, C. (1981). O conhecimento físico e o número na escola infantil: Abordagem piagetiana. Apprentissage/Developpement, Aprendizaje/Desarrollo, Learning/Development (published in Lisbon), No. 3, 3 Trimestre, 9-28.
Kamii, C. (1981). Teachers' autonomy and scientific training. Young Children, 36, 5-14.
Abridged and reprinted in Education Digest, October, 1981, 9-12.
Kamii, C. (1981). Piaget for principals. Principal, 60, 12-17.
Kamii, C. (1981). Application of Piaget's theory to education: The preoperational level. In I. E. Sigel, D. M. Brodzinsky & R. M. Golinkoff (Eds.), New directions in Piagetian theory and practice (pp. 231–265). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Kamii, C. (1980). Training teachers to use Piaget's theory in early education. Enfance (published in Paris), No. special 4/5/1980 (Congrès International de Psychologie de l'Enfant, Paris, 1-8 Juillet, 1979), 319-20.
Kamii, C. (1980). La connaissance physique et le nombre a l'ecole enfantine: Approche piagetienne. Geneva (Switzerland): Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Genève (Cahiers No. 21 de la Section des Sciences de l'Education).
Translated into Greek and published by E. Vassiliades (Athens),
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1980). Group games in early education: Implications of Piaget's theory. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Translated into Japanese and published by Kitaohji Shobo
(Kyoto), 1984.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor (Madrid), 1988.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Trajetoria Cultural
(São Paulo, Brazil), 1991.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu Cultural
Enterprise (Taipei), 1999.
Kamii, C. (1979). Teaching for thinking and creativity in science education: A Piagetian point of view. In A. E. Lawson (Ed.), The psychology of teaching for thinking and creativity (the 1980 Yearbook of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, pp. 29–58). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.
Kamii, C., & Lee-Katz, L. (1979). Physics in preschool education: A Piagetian approach.Young Children, 34, 4-9.
Reprinted in Brown, J. F. (Ed.), Curriculum planning for young
children. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education
of Young Children, 1982, 171-176.
Kamii, C. (1979). Piaget's theory, behaviorism, and other theories in education. Journal of Education, 161, 13-33.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1978). Physical knowledge in preschool education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (Reissued by Teachers College Press, 1993)
Translated into Japanese and published by Fubaisha (Nagoya),
Translated into Spanish and published by Siglo XXI de España
(Madrid), 1983.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Artes Medicas Sul
(Porto Alegre, Brazil), 1986.
Translated into Korean and published by Chang-ji Publishing
(Seoul), 1990.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu Cultural
Enterprise (Taipei), 1999.
Piaget, J. (Kamii, C., Trans.). (1978). What is psychology? American Psychologist, 33, 648-52.
Piaget, J., avec C. Kamii, E. Dekkers et S. Dayan (1978). Un problème de mouvements relatifs. In J. Piaget et collaborateurs, Recherches sur la généralisation, pp. 137–149. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Kamii, C. (1978). Las siencias en la educación preescolar. Cuadernos de Pedagogia (published in Barcelona), No. 37, Año IV, 21-23.
Reprinted in Apuntos sobre la aplicación de la teoria de Piaget a la educación de niños de 4 a 7 años. Mexico City: UNICEF (a publication in memory of Jean Piaget), 1980.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1977). Piaget for early education. In M. C. Day & R. K. Parker (Eds.), The preschool in action (2nd ed., pp. 365–420). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Translated into Portuguese, Japanese, Greek, Spanish, French.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1976). Piaget, children, and number. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Reprinted in Kaplan-Sanoff, M., & Yablans-Magid, R. (Eds.),
Exploring Early
Childhood (pp. 329–39). New York: Macmillan, 198l.
Reprinted in Numbershop. Hobart, Tasmania: C.D.C. Tasmania Productions.
Kamii, C. (1975). One intelligence indivisible. Young Children, 30, 228-38.
Reprinted in J. D. Andrews (Ed.), One child indivisible (pp. 191–203). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1975.
DeVries, R., & Kamii, C. (1975). Book review of Thinking goes to school (by H. Furth & H. Wachs). Young Children, 30, 378-9.
Piaget, J., avec C. Kamii et S. Parrat-Dayan (1974). Les contradictions dans les coordinations d'observables (balance). In J. Piaget, Recherches sur la contradiction: 1/ Les différentes formes de la contradiction (pp. 107–124). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Translated into English and published in Piaget, J. (1981).
Experiments in contradiction. Chicago: University of Chicago
Kamii, C. (1973). Pedagogical principles derived from Piaget's theory: Relevance for early childhood education. In M. Schwebel & J. Raph (Eds.), Piaget in the classroom (pp. 199–215). New York: Basic Books. (Translated into Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, and Swedish)
Kamii, C. (1973). Piaget's interactionism and the process of teaching young children. In M. Schwebel & J. Raph (Eds.), Piaget in the classroom (pp. 216–230). New York: Basic Books.
Kamii, C. (1972). A sketch of the Piaget-derived preschool curriculum developed by the Ypsilanti Early Education Program. In Braun, S. J., & E. P. Edwards, History and theory of early childhood education (pp. 295–312). Worthington, OH: Jones.
Reprinted in Frost, J. L. (Ed.), Revisiting early childhood
education. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.
Reprinted in Spodek, B. Early childhood education. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1973.
Translated into one of the Yugoslavian languages and published
in Predskolsko Dete, 1971.
Denis-Prinzhorn, M., Kamii, C., & Mounoud, P. (1972). Pedagogical applications of Piaget's theory. People Watching, 1, 68-71.
Kamii, C. (1972). An application of Piaget's theory to the conceptualization of a preschool curriculum. In R. K. Parker (Ed.), The preschool in action (pp. 91–131). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Kamii, C., & Elliott, D. L. (1971). Evaluation of evaluations. Educational Leadership, 28, 827-831.
Reprinted in J. L. Forst (Ed.), Revisiting early childhood education. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.
Kamii, C. (1971). Book review of three books related to Piaget's theory. Educational Leadership, 28, 860-863.
Kamii, C., & Derman, L. (1971). The Engelmann approach to teaching logical thinking: Findings from the administration of some Piagetian tasks. In D. R. Green, M. P. Ford, & G. B. Flamer (Eds.), Measurement and Piaget (pp. 127–146). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kamii, C. (1971). Evaluation of learning in preschool education: Socio-emotional, perceptual-motor, cognitive development. In B. S. Bloom, J. T. Hastings, & G. F. Madaus (Eds.), Handbook on formative and summative evaluation of student learning (pp. 281–344). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kamii, C. (1970). Piaget's theory and specific instruction: A response to Bereiter and Kohlberg. Interchange, 1, 33-39.
Sinclair, H., & Kamii, C. (1970). Some implications of Piaget's theory for teaching young children. The School Review, 78, 169-183.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1970). A framework for a preschool curriculum based on some Piagetian concepts. In I. J. Athey & D. O. Rubadeau (Eds.), Educational implications of Piaget's theory (pp. 89– 100). Waltham, MA: Xerox College Publishers.
Sonquist, H., Kamii, C., & Derman, L. (1970). A Piaget-derived preschool curriculum. In I. J. Athey & D. O. Rubadeau (Eds.), Educational implications of Piaget's theory (pp. 101–114). Waltham, MA: Xerox College Publishers.
Translated into Hebrew and published in Hed Hagan, 1968.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1969). The retardation of disadvantaged Negro preschoolers: Characteristics found from an item analysis of the Stanford-Binet test. Psychology in the Schools, 6, 283-288.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1967). Class differences in the socialization practices of Negro mothers. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 29, 302-310.
Reprinted in R. E. Staples (Ed.), The black family: Essays and studies. Belmont, CA: McCutchan, 1970, 189-195.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1967) A framework for a preschool curriculum based on some Piagetian concepts. Journal of Creative Behavior, 1, 314-324.
Sonquist, H. D., & Kamii, C. K. (1967). Applying some Piagetian concepts in the classroom for the disadvantaged. Young Children, 22, 231-246.
Reprinted in J. L. Frost (Ed.), Early childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, 1968.
Kamii, C. K. (1965). Socioeconomic class differences in the preschool socialization practices of Negro mothers (Unpublished doctoral dissertation.The University of Michigan). Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.
Radin, N., & Kamii, C. K. (1965). The child-rearing attitudes of disadvantaged Negro mothers and some educational implications. Journal of Negro Education, 34, 138-146.
Kamii, C., K., & Weikart, D. P. (1963). Marks, achievement, and intelligence of seventh graders who were retained (nonpromoted) once in elementary school. Journal of Educational Research, 56, 452-459.
Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Alabama
University of Alabama
The University of Alabama is a public coeducational university located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States....
at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham is the largest city in Alabama. The city is the county seat of Jefferson County. According to the 2010 United States Census, Birmingham had a population of 212,237. The Birmingham-Hoover Metropolitan Area, in estimate by the U.S...
Constance Kamii was born in Geneva, Switzerland, and attended elementary school there and in Japan. She finished high school in Los Angeles, attended Pomona College, and received her Ph.D. in education and psychology from the University of Michigan.She is now professor of early childhood education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. A major concern of hers since her work on the Perry Preschool Project in the 1960s has been the conceptualization of goals and objectives for early childhood education on the basis of a scientific theory explaining children’s sociomoral and intellectual development. Convinced that the only theory in existence that explains this development from the first day of life to adolescence was that of Jean Piaget, she studied under him on and off for 15 years.
When she was not studying under Piaget in Geneva, she worked closely with teachers in the United States to develop practical ways of using his theory in classrooms. The outcome of this classroom research can be seen in Physical Knowledge in Preschool Education and Group Games in Early Education, which she wrote with Rheta DeVries
Rheta Devries
Rheta DeVries, professor at the University of Northern Iowa's Regent's Center For Early Developmental Education , co-wrote many books concerning early childhood education curriculum that both influenced the field of early childhood mathematical instruction and accelerated the proliferation of...
. Since 1980, she has been extending this curriculum research to the primary grades and wrote Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic (about first grade), Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic, 2nd Grade, and Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic, 3rd Grade. In all these books, she emphasized the long-range, over-all aim of education envisioned by Piaget, which is children’s development of sociomoral and intellectual autonomy.
Kamii studied under Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget was a French-speaking Swiss developmental psychologist and philosopher known for his epistemological studies with children. His theory of cognitive development and epistemological view are together called "genetic epistemology"....
on and off for 15 years to develop an early childhood
Early childhood
For the video game rating with a similar age group see ESRBEarly childhood is a stage in human development. It generally includes toddlerhood and some time afterwards. Play age is an unspecific designation approximately within the scope of early childhood.-Education:Infants and toddlers experience...
curriculum based on his theory. This work can be seen in Physical Knowledge in Preschool Education (1978) and Group Games in Early Education (1980), which she wrote with Rheta Devries
Rheta Devries
Rheta DeVries, professor at the University of Northern Iowa's Regent's Center For Early Developmental Education , co-wrote many books concerning early childhood education curriculum that both influenced the field of early childhood mathematical instruction and accelerated the proliferation of...
, and Number in Preschool and Kindergarten (1982). From 1980 to 2000, she developed a primary arithmetic program based on Piaget's theory. She had to abandon this effort in 2000 because many parents of fourth graders were teaching "carrying" and "borrowing" at home, and their children stopped doing their own thinking.
"The Harmful Effects of Algorithms in Grades 1-4"
One of her most cited papers (Kamii, C., & Dominick, A. 1998) proposed that the traditional methods of teaching one of the 3R's, arithmetic was actually harmful to learning mathematics. This paper was widely cited worldwide. These ideas influenced the NCTM standards which would be funded by the United States National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation is a United States government agency that supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fields of science and engineering. Its medical counterpart is the National Institutes of Health...
to create several curricula cited as exemplary by the Department of Education and widely adopted by local, state, and federal education agencies by the 1990s and 2000s by consensus based decision making. While the NCTM and many other groups composed of educators and psychologists saw that Kamii's research resonated with their own experiences with children, groups such as Mathematically Correct
Mathematically Correct
Mathematically Correct is a website created by educators, parents, mathematicians, and scientists who were concerned about the direction of reform mathematics curricula based on NCTM standards...
, composed largely of practicing mathematicians with no elementary classroom experience, were horrified that many of the NCTM-inspired texts such as Investigations in Number, Data, and Space omitted standard arithmetic methods.
The teaching of procedural knowledge, as the main purpose of mathematics classes, was challenged by Kamii's research. Interviews and assessments with students who had learned arithmetic as a set of procedures demonstrated profound conceptual misunderstandings about place value and number magnitude.
The influence of Kamii's research remains wide as parents across the United States continue to grapple with mathematics curricula that ask students and parents to construct their own mathematical concepts rather than simply be taught the same methods that were taught to today's parents.
However, Kamii's findings are predominantly based on affluent middle and upper middle class students. Access and agency are the underlying premises to the success of students. Kamii does not believe this applies to lower class students.
Chandler, C., & Kamii, C. (2009). Giving change when payment is made with a dime: The difficulty of tens and ones. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40, 97-118.Ozaki, K., Yamamoto, N., & Kamii, C. (2008). What do children learn by trying to produce the domino effect? Young Children, 63(5), 58-64.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (Eds.). (2007). Piaget’s constructivism and early childhood education: I. Physical-knolwedge activities (in Japanese). Okayama City, Japan: Daigaku Kyoiku.
Kamii, C., Miyakawa, Y., & Kato, T. (2007). Trying to make a lever work at ages 1–4: The development of functions (logico-mathematical thinking). Early Education and Development, 18(1), 145-161.
Kamii, C. (2008). Games, autonomy, and mathematics (in Portuguese). Revista Aprendizagem (published in Brazil), Year 2, No. 4 (January–February, 2008), 30-34.
Kamii, C., & Rummelsburg, J. (2008). Arithmetic for first graders lacking number concepts. Teaching Children Mathematics, 14(7), 389-394.
Kamii, C. (2007). “Constructivism” (pp. 152–155) and “Jean Piaget” (pp. 624–626) In The Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Education, R. S. New & M. Cochran, Eds.). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Kamii, C., & Rabioglio, M. (2007). Os algoritmos devem ser ensinados? (Should algorithms be taught?) Patio – Revista Pedagogica (published in Porto Alegre, Brazil), No. 41, 48-51.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2006). Play and mathematics at ages one to ten. In Fromberg, D. P. & D. Bergen (Eds.), Play from Birth to Twelve, 2nd ed., pp. 187–198. New York: Taylor and Francis Group.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2006). Early childhood education based on Piaget’s constructivism. In Takeuchi, M., & R. Scott (Eds.), New directions in early childhood education and care in the 21st century: International perspectives, pp. 236–251. Cedar Falls, IO: Martin Quam Press.
Manning, M. Kamii, C., & Kato, T. (2006). DIBELS: Not justifiable. In Goodman, K. (Ed.), Examining DIBELS: What it is and what it does (71-78). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Kato, Y., Honda, M., & Kamii, C. (2006). Kindergartners play Lining Up the Fives: A card game to encourage logico-mathematical thinking. Young Children, 61(4), 82-88.
Kamii, C., & Kysh, J. (2006). The difficulty of "length x width": Is a square the unit of measurement? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 25, 105-115.
Kamii, C. (2006). Measurement of length: How can we teach it better? Teaching Children Mathematics, 13(3), 154-158.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2005). Fostering the development of logico-mathematical thinking in a card game at ages 5–6. Early Education and Development, 16(3), 367-383.
Kamii, C., & Manning, M. (2005). Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS): A tool for evaluating student learning? Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 20(2), 75-90.
Kamii, C., Rummelsburg, J., & Kari, A. (2005). Teaching arithmetic to low-performing, low-SES first graders. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 24(1), 39-50.
Miyakawa, Y., Kamii, C., & Nagahiro, M. (2005) The development of logico-mathematical thinking at ages 1–3 in play with blocks and an incline. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 19(4),292-301.
Kamii, C., & Kato, Y. (2005). Good behavior is not enough (translated into Portuguese). Patio Educacao Infantil, Ano III, No. 7, 16-19 (published in Porto Alegre, Brazil).
Kamii, C. (2005). Autonomia (videotape). São Paulo, Brazil: ATTA Media e Educação.
Kamii, C., Miyakawa, Y., & Kato, Y. (2004). The development of logico-mathematical knowledge in a block-building activity at ages 1–4. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 19(1), 44-57.
Kamii, C. (2004). Le développement de l’autonomie et l’enseignement/apprentissage de l’arithmétique (a keynote). In Proceedings of the 2003 Colloquium of the Quebec Group for the Teaching of Mathematics, 5-18. Sherbrooke, Canada: University of Sherbrooke.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (2004). Kamii and Lewis’s response to Sanders. Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(2), 52-53.
Kamii, C. (2004). Primary arithmetic based on Piaget’s constructivism. In H. Fujita, Y. Hashimoto, B. R. Hodgson, Peng Yee Lee, S. Lerman, & T. Sawada (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Education, 142-143, Makuhari, Japan, 2000. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Kamii, C. (2004). The construction of autonomy in early childhood education (translated into Portuguese). Patio Educação Infantil, Ano II, No. 5, 9-12 (published in Porto Alegre, Brazil).
Kamii, C. (2004). Young children continue to reinvent arithmetic, 2nd grade (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Portuguese as Crianças pequenas continuam
reinventando a aritmética.
Porto Alegre, Brazil: ArtMed, 2005
Being translated into Spanish by Machedo Libros in Madrid.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (2003). Single-digit subtraction with fluency. Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(4), 230-236.
Kamii, C. (2003). Modifying a board game to foster kindergartners' logico-mathematical thinking. Young Children, 58(5), 20-26.
Kamii, C., & Anderson, C. (2003). Multiplication games: How we made them and used them. Teaching Children Mathematics, 10(3), 135-141.
Kamii, C., & Long, K. (2003). The measurement of time: Transitivity, unit iteration, and conservation of speed. In Clements, D. H., and G.
Bright (Eds.), Learning and teaching measurement: 2003 NCTM Yearbook, pp. 169–180. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C., & Manning, M. (2002). Phonemic awareness and beginning reading and writing. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 17(1), 38-46.
Kato, Y.; Kamii, C.; Ozaki, K.; & Nagahiro, M. (2002). Young children's representations of groups of objects: The relationship between abstraction and representation. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 33, 30-45.
Kamii, C. (2001). Une arithmétique a l'école primaire basée sur le constructivisme de Piaget. Proceedings of the conference on constructivisms: Uses and perspectives in education (pp. 157–167).
Geneva, Switzerland: Service de la Recherche en Education, Département de l'Instruction Publique, République et Canton de Genève.
Kato, Y., & Kamii, C. (2001). Piaget's constructivism and childhood education in Japan. Prospects (published by UNESCO in English, French, and Spanish), Vol. 31 (No. 2), 209-220.
Reece, C. S., & Kamii, C. (2001). The measurement of volume: Why do young children measure inaccurately? School Science and Mathematics, 101, 356-361.
Kamii, C., Kirkland, L., & Lewis, B. A. (2001). Representation and abstraction in young children's numerical reasoning. In A. A. Cuoco & F. R. Curcio (Eds.), The roles of representation in school mathematics: 2001 NCTM yearbook (pp. 24–34). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Kirkland, L. D. (2001). Manipulatives: When are they useful? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 20, 21-31.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Kirkland, L. D. (2001). Fluency in subtraction compared with addition. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 20, 33-42.
Kamii, C. (2001). Young children's representation of groups of objects: The relationship between abstraction and representation. In Speiser, R., C. A. Maher, and C. N. Walter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, 207-212, Snowbird, Utah. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.
Long, K., & Kamii, C. (2001). The measurement of time: Children's construction of transitivity, unit iteration, and conservation of speed. School Science and Mathematics, 10(3), 1-8.
Kamii, C.; Long, R.; & Manning, M. (2001). Kindergartners' development toward "invented" spelling and a glottographic theory. Linguistics and Education, 12,195-210.
Manning, M., & Kamii, C. (2000). Whole language vs. isolated phonics instruction: A longitudinal study in kindergarten with reading and writing tasks. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 15, 53-65.
Kamii, C. (2000). Young children reinvent arithmetic (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu in Taipei, 2001.
Translated into Portuguese and published by ArtMed in Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2002.
Being translated into Spanish by Machedo Libros of Madrid.
Kamii, C., & Clark, F. B. (2000). First graders dividing 62 by 5: A teacher uses Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Kamii, C., & Manning, M. (1999). Before "invented" spelling: Kindergartners' awareness that writing is related to the sounds of speech. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 14, 16-25.
Kamii, C., & Ozaki, K. (1999). Abstraction and representation in arithmetic: A Piagetian view. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 7, 1-15.
Kamii, C., & Warrington, M. A. (1999). Teaching fractions: Fostering children's own reasoning. In Stiff, L. V.
Lee Stiff
Lee Vernon Stiff is an American mathematics education researcher, a professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education at North Carolina State University, and the author of several mathematics textbooks....
, & F. R. Curcio (Eds.), Developing mathematical reasoning in grades K-12: 1999 NCTM yearbook (pp. 82–92). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C. (1998). Basing early childhood education on Piaget's constructivism. In Cuffaro, H. K.; Shapiro, E. K.; Kamii, C.; & Koutsouvanou, E. Early childhood education: Theory and methodology (translated into Greek, pp. 47–84). Athens, Greece: Patakis Publications.
Kamii, C., & Dominick, A. (1998). The harmful effects of algorithms in grades 1-4. In L. J. Morrow & M. J. Kenney (Eds.), The teaching and learning of algorithms in school mathematics: 1998 NCTM yearbook (pp. 130–140). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Booker, B. M. (1998). Instead of teaching missing addends. Teaching Children Mathematics, 4, 458-461.
Warrington, M.A., & Kamii, C. (1998). Multiplication with fractions: A Piagetian, constructivist approach. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 3, 339-343.
Kamii, C. (1998). The role of a scientific theory of knowledge in education. The Constructivist, 13(1), 5-11.
Kamii, C.; Pritchett, M.; & Nelson, K. (1997). 52 x 8: The importance of children's initiative. The Constructivist, 12(3), 5-11.
Kamii, C. (1997). The scientific foundation of education (translated into Greek). Athens, Greece: Patakis Publications.
Kamii, C.; Clark, F. B.; & Dominick, A. (1997) Teaching to facilitate "progressive schematization" or reflective abstraction? The Constructivist, 12(1), 9-14.
Kamii, C., & Dominick, A. (1997). To teach or not to teach algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 16(1), 51-61.
Kamii, C., & Warrington, M. A. (1997). Multiplication with fractions: A constructivist approach. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 5, 11-20.
Kamii, C. (1997). The role of a scientific theory of knowledge in education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 18(2), 5-11.
Kato, Y., & Kamii, C. (Eds.). (1997). Young children's reading and writing: A Piagetian, constructivist view. Tokyo: Child Honsha.
Kamii, C. (1997). Mathematics education from a new perspective: An experiment based on Piaget's theory. Edu.Care 21 (published in Tokyo), February, pp. 14–27.
Kamii, C., & Clark, F. (1997). Measurement of length: The need for a better approach to teaching. School Science and Mathematics, 97, 116-121.
Kamii, C. (1996). Why can't fourth graders calculate the area of a rectangle? Proceedings of the 18th annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematicsn Education, Vol. 1, (pp. 223–226).
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1996). Jean Piaget's contribution to preschool education (translated into Catalan). In-fan-ci-a (published in Barcelona, Spain), (November–December issue), 7-9.
Kamii, C. (1996). Piaget's theory and the teaching of arithmetic. Prospects (published by UNESCO), 26(1), 99-111. (Translated into French and Spanish)
Kamii, C., & Ewing, J. K. (1996). Basing teaching on Piaget's constructivism. Childhood Education, 72, 260-264.
Clark, F. B., & Kamii, C. (1996). Identification of multiplicative thinking in children in grades 1-5. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 27, 41-51.
Kamii, C., Pritchett, M., & Nelson, K. (1996). Fourth graders invent ways of computing averages. Teaching Children Mathematics, 3, 78-82.
Kamii, C., Clark, F. B. (1995). Equivalent fractions: Their difficulty and educational implications. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 14, 365-378.
Kamii, C. (1995). Why is the use of a ruler so hard?" Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, 222-227.
Manning, M., Manning, G., Long, R., & Kamii, C. (1995). Development of kindergartners' ideas about what is written in a written sentence. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 18, 29-36.
Kamii, C., Clark, F. B., & Dominick, A. (1995). Are violence-prevention curricula the answer? Dimensions of Early Childhood, 23(3), 10-13.
Kamii, C., & Warrington, M. A. (1995). Division with fractions: A Piagetian, constructivist approach. Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, 3, 53-62.
Kamii, C., with Livinston, S. J. (1994). Young children continue to reinvent arithmetic, 3rd grade. New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus in Campinas, Brazil, 1995.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor in Madrid,
Spain, 1995.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu in Taipei,
Kamii, C., Clark, F. B., & Dominick, A. (1994). The six national goals: A road to disappointment. Phi Delta Kappan, 75, 672-677.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Livingston, S. J. (1993). Primary arithmetic: Children inventing their own procedures. Arithmetic Teacher, 41(4), 200-203.
Translated into Japanese and published in Edu.Care 21 in Tokyo, August, 1996, 86-91.
Kamii, C., Long, R., Manning, G, & Manning, M. (1993). Les conceptualisations du systeme alphabétique chez les jeunes enfants anglophones. Etudes de Linguistique Appliquée (Paris: Didier), No. 91, 34-47.
Manning, M., Manning, G., Long, R., & Kamii, C. (1993). Preschoolers' conjectures about segments of a written sentence. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 8, 5-11.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1993). Physical knowledge in preschool education. New York: Teachers College Press. (Original work published 1978)
Kamii, C., & Clark, F. B. (1993). Autonomy: The importance of a scientific theory in education reform. Learning and Individual Differences, 5(4), 327-340.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1993). The harmful effects of algorithms in primary arithmetic. Teaching K-8, 23(4), 36-38.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1992). Primary arithmetic: The superiority of games over worksheets. In V. J. Dimidjian (Ed.), Play's place in public education for young children (pp. 85–93). Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Kamii, C., Dominick, A., Livingston, S. J., & Westbrook, P. (1992). Constructivism in elementary arithmetic. Alabama Journal of Mathematics, 16(1 & 2), 1-4.
Kamii, C. (1992). Jean Piaget. In L. R. Williams & D. P. Fromberg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of early childhood education. New York: Garland.
Kamii, C. (1991). Toward autonomy: The importance of critical thinking and choice making. School Psychology Review, 20(3), 382-388.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1991). Achievement tests in primary mathematics: Perpetuating lower-order thinking. Arithmetic Teacher, 38(9), 4-9.
Kamii, C., Manning, M., & Manning, G. (Eds.). (1991). Early literacy: A constructivist foundation for whole language. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Kamii, C., & Cesareo, Y. (1991). L'apport des jeux dans la construction d'un réseau de relations numériques. Math-Ecole (published in Geneva, Switzerland), No. 150 (November), 22-27.
Kamii, C., Lewis, B. A., & Jones, S. (1991). Reform in primary mathematic education: A constructivist view. Educational Horizons, 70(1), 19-26.
Kamii, C. (1991). Children's readiness for measurement of length. In R.G. Underhill (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting, North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 2, 113-118. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Kamii, C., & Lewis, B. A. (1990). Constructivism and first-grade arithmetic. Arithmetic Teacher, 38(1), 36-37.
Kamii, C., Long, R., Manning, M., & Manning, G. (1990). Spelling in kindergarten: A constructivist analysis comparing Spanish-speaking and English-speaking children. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 4, 91-97.
Kamii, C. (1990). Constructivism and beginning arithmetic (K-2). In T. J. Cooney (Ed.), Teaching and learning mathematics in the 1990s: 1990 NCTM yearbook (pp. 22–30). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kamii, C. (Ed.). (1990). Achievement testing in the early grades: The games grown-ups play (pp. 181). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Kamii, C. (1990). Multiplication of two-digit numbers: Two teachers using Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Kamii, C. (1990). Multidigit division: Two teachers using Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Kamii, C. (1989). Young children continue to reinvent arithmetic, 2nd grade. New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor in Madrid, Spain,
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus in
Campinas,Brazil, 1993.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu in Taipei,
Kamii, C. (1989). Double-column addition: A teacher uses Piaget's theory (videotape). New York: Teachers College Press.
Manning, M., Manning, G., & Kamii, C. (1988). Early phonics instruction: Its effect on literacy development. Young Children, 44(1), 4-8.
Reprinted in G. Manning & M. Manning (Eds.) (1989). Whole language: Beliefs and practices, K-8. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Kamii, C. (1988). Autonomy or heteronomy: Our choices of goals. In G. F. Roberson & M. Johnson (Eds.), Leaders in education—Their views on controversial issues (pp. 97–108). Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
Kamii, C., & Joseph, L. (1988). Teaching place value and double-column addition. Arithmetic Teacher, 35(6), 48-52.
Translated into Spanish and published in Comunicacion, Lenguaje y Educación, 1990, 6, 27-35.
Kamii, C. (1988). The mental image: A question that remains open. In D. Bergen (Ed.), Play as a medium for learning and development (pp. 241–243). Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann.
Kamii, C. (1987). Arithmetic: Children's thinking or their writing of correct answers? Arithmetic Teacher, 35(3), 2.
Kamii, C. (1987). La teoria de Piaget y la educación. In Amelia Alvarez (Ed.), Psicología y Educación. Realizaciones y tendencias actuales en la investigación y en la practica (pp. 18–29). Madrid: Aprendizaje, Visor, y Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Kamii, C. (1986). Place value: An explanation of its difficulty and educational implications for the primary grades. Journal of Research in Childhood Education,. 1, 75-86.
Kamii, C. (1986). Autonomy vs. heteronomy (Comments on "Three preschool curriculum models: Academic and social outcomes" by D. P. Weikart & L. J. Schweinhart). Principal, 66, 68-70.
Bovet, M., Parrat-Dayan, S., & Kamii, C. (1986). Early conservation: What does it mean? The Journal of Psychology, 120, 21-35.
Williams, C., & Kamii, C. (1986). How do children learn by handling objects? Young Children. 42, 23-26.
Kamii, C. (1986). Cognitive learning and development. In B. Spodek (Ed.), Today's kindergarten (pp. 67–90). New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Japanese and published by Reimei Shobo in
Nagoya, 1990.
Kamii, C. (1986). Book review of The equilibration of cognitive structures (by Jean Piaget). American Journal of Education. 94, 574-577.
Kamii, C., Uchiyama, Y., Shimbo, M., Tsuchihashi, H., & Sakano, N. (1986). Child care centered on the child. Hoiku Senka (published in Tokyo), 13, 40-53 (No. 10) and 83-91 (No. 11).
Kamii, C. (1985). Leading primary education toward excellence: Beyond worksheets and drill. Young Children, 40, 3-9.
Reprinted in Annual editions: Early childhood education 86/87 and Annual editions: Early childhood education 89/90. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group, l986.
Kamii, C., Cesareo, Y., & Mounoud, H. (1985). Des jeux de cartes: La mathématique a 5-8 ans dans une optique piagetienne (pp. 108). Geneva (Switzerland): Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Genève (Cahier No. 41 de la Section des Sciences de l'Education).
Kamii, C. (1985). Que aprenen els nens amb la manipulacio dels objectes? In-fan-ci-a (published in Barcelona), 22, 6-10.
Kamii, C. (1985). Evaluation: It all depends on your theory. Australian Journal of Early Education. 10, 3-9.
Kamii, C. (1985). Social interaction and invented spelling. Language Arts. 62, 124-133.
Reprinted in G. Manning & M. Manning (Eds.). (1989). Whole language; Beliefs and practices, K-8. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Manning, M., Manning, G., & Kamii, C. (1985). When was 1864? Reading comprehension—Making it work. Early Years, 15, 38-40.
Reprinted in G. Manning & M. Manning (Eds.). (1989). Whole language: Beliefs and practices, K-8. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Willert, M. K., & Kamii, C. (1985). Reading in kindergarten: Direct vs. indirect teaching.Young Children. 40, 3-9.
Kamii, C. (1985). Young children reinvent arithmetic. New York: Teachers College Press.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor in Madrid, Spain,
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus in Campinas,
Brazil, 1986.
Translated into Japanese and published by Kitaohji Shobo in
Kyoto, 1987.
Translated into French and published by Peter Lang in Berne,
Switzerland, 1990.
Translated into Greek and published by Pataki Publishing Co. in
Athens, 1994.
Kamii, C. (1984). Intellectual and moral autonomy: Operational implications in child development (Resource Materials 16, pp. 16). Paris: UNESCO Unit for Co-Operation with UNICEF & WFP.
Kamii, C. (1984). Comments on "Teachers as learners" by E. Duckworth. The Genetic Epistemologist, 13(2), 6-8.
Kamii, C. (1984). Evaluacion: Todo depende de su teoria. Proceedings of the International Seminar on "Experiences and Alternative Projects in Early Childhood Education" of the World Organization for Preschool Education (pp. 22), Viña del Mar, Chile, August 1-3.
Kamii, C. (1984). The unimportance of Piagetian stages: A note to authors of educational psychology texts. Newsletter of the AERA SIG on Piagetian Theory and Education, Spring, (Vol. 2, No. 1), 1-3.
Kamii, C. (1984). Obedience is not enough. Young Children, 39, 11-14.
Reprinted in Brown McCracken, J. (Ed.), Reducing stress in young children's lives. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1986.
Translated into Japanese and published in Gendai Hoiku (Tokyo),
1984, 32, 18-21.
Translated into Catalan and published in In-fan-ci-a
(Barcelona), 1983, 13, 19-23.
Translated into Spanish and published in Limen (Buenos Aires),
1985, Año 13, 8-10.
Kamii, C. (1984). Autonomy: The aim of education envisioned by Piaget. Phi Delta Kappan,65, 410-415.
Abridged and reprinted in Australian Journal of Early Childhood,
1985, 10, 3-10.
Kamii, C. (1983). El conocimiento fisico: Una aplicacion de la teoria de Piaget en preescolar. In C. Coll (Ed.), Psicologia genética y aprendizajes escolares (pp. 57-77). Madrid: Siglo XXI de España.
Kamii, C. (1983). Autonomy as the aim of education. Innovation (Numbers 38/39), 8-12 (published in Geneva, Switzerland, by the International Bureau of Education).
Translated into Japanese and published in Sogo Kyoiku Gijutsu
(in Tokyo), 1983, 37, 103-115.
Translated into French and published in L'Educateur (in Cannes,
France), 1983 (No. 8), 26-30.
Translated into Greek and published in Modern Kindergarten (in
Athens), 1983, 10, 23- 31.
Translated into French and published in Technique d'Instruction
(in Meyrin, Switzerland), 1982 (2/82), 29-47.
Kamii, C. (1983). L'arithmétique en première primaire sans crayons. Math-Ecole (published in Geneva, Switzerland), No. 106, 16-23.
Kamii, C., Nikai, N., & Tsubota, K. (1982). Is primary arithmetic satisfactory? Kyoiku Gijutsu, Grade 1 (published in Tokyo), 36, 66-72, and Kyoiku Gijutsu, Grade 2, 35, 96-105.
Kamii, C. (1982). First graders invent arithmetic: Using Piaget's theory in the classroom. In S. Wagner (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting, North American Chapter, International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, pp. 93–99.
Kamii, C. (1982). Encouraging thinking in mathematics. Phi Delta Kappan, 64, 247-251
Kamii, C. (1982). La autonomia como finalidad de la educación. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 18, 3-32.
Kamii, C. (1982). Do schools contribute to mental health? Academic Psychology Bulletin, 4, 441-451.
Kamii, C. (1982). L'arithmetique en première primaire sans crayons. Proceedings of Les Primeres Jornades sobre Nueves Perspectives sobre la Representacio Escrita en el Nen (pp. 15–27), Institut Municipal d'Educacio and Institut de Ciencies de l'Educacio, Universitat de Barcelona.
Kamii, C. (1982). Number in preschool and kindergarten. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Translated into Japanese and published by Child Honsha (Tokyo),
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor (Madrid), 1984.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Papirus (Campinas,
Brazil), 1984.
Translated into Korean and published by Kyobunsh (Seoul), 1987.
Translated into Chinese and published by Wu-Nan Book Co.
(Taipei), 1999.
Kamii, C. (1982). La autonomia como finalidad de la educación. Mexico City: UNICEF (Programa Regional de Estimulacion Temprana).
Kamii, C. (1981). O conhecimento físico e o número na escola infantil: Abordagem piagetiana. Apprentissage/Developpement, Aprendizaje/Desarrollo, Learning/Development (published in Lisbon), No. 3, 3 Trimestre, 9-28.
Kamii, C. (1981). Teachers' autonomy and scientific training. Young Children, 36, 5-14.
Abridged and reprinted in Education Digest, October, 1981, 9-12.
Kamii, C. (1981). Piaget for principals. Principal, 60, 12-17.
Kamii, C. (1981). Application of Piaget's theory to education: The preoperational level. In I. E. Sigel, D. M. Brodzinsky & R. M. Golinkoff (Eds.), New directions in Piagetian theory and practice (pp. 231–265). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Kamii, C. (1980). Training teachers to use Piaget's theory in early education. Enfance (published in Paris), No. special 4/5/1980 (Congrès International de Psychologie de l'Enfant, Paris, 1-8 Juillet, 1979), 319-20.
Kamii, C. (1980). La connaissance physique et le nombre a l'ecole enfantine: Approche piagetienne. Geneva (Switzerland): Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Genève (Cahiers No. 21 de la Section des Sciences de l'Education).
Translated into Greek and published by E. Vassiliades (Athens),
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1980). Group games in early education: Implications of Piaget's theory. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Translated into Japanese and published by Kitaohji Shobo
(Kyoto), 1984.
Translated into Spanish and published by Visor (Madrid), 1988.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Trajetoria Cultural
(São Paulo, Brazil), 1991.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu Cultural
Enterprise (Taipei), 1999.
Kamii, C. (1979). Teaching for thinking and creativity in science education: A Piagetian point of view. In A. E. Lawson (Ed.), The psychology of teaching for thinking and creativity (the 1980 Yearbook of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science, pp. 29–58). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.
Kamii, C., & Lee-Katz, L. (1979). Physics in preschool education: A Piagetian approach.Young Children, 34, 4-9.
Reprinted in Brown, J. F. (Ed.), Curriculum planning for young
children. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education
of Young Children, 1982, 171-176.
Kamii, C. (1979). Piaget's theory, behaviorism, and other theories in education. Journal of Education, 161, 13-33.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1978). Physical knowledge in preschool education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (Reissued by Teachers College Press, 1993)
Translated into Japanese and published by Fubaisha (Nagoya),
Translated into Spanish and published by Siglo XXI de España
(Madrid), 1983.
Translated into Portuguese and published by Artes Medicas Sul
(Porto Alegre, Brazil), 1986.
Translated into Korean and published by Chang-ji Publishing
(Seoul), 1990.
Translated into Chinese and published by Kuang Yu Cultural
Enterprise (Taipei), 1999.
Piaget, J. (Kamii, C., Trans.). (1978). What is psychology? American Psychologist, 33, 648-52.
Piaget, J., avec C. Kamii, E. Dekkers et S. Dayan (1978). Un problème de mouvements relatifs. In J. Piaget et collaborateurs, Recherches sur la généralisation, pp. 137–149. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Kamii, C. (1978). Las siencias en la educación preescolar. Cuadernos de Pedagogia (published in Barcelona), No. 37, Año IV, 21-23.
Reprinted in Apuntos sobre la aplicación de la teoria de Piaget a la educación de niños de 4 a 7 años. Mexico City: UNICEF (a publication in memory of Jean Piaget), 1980.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1977). Piaget for early education. In M. C. Day & R. K. Parker (Eds.), The preschool in action (2nd ed., pp. 365–420). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Translated into Portuguese, Japanese, Greek, Spanish, French.
Kamii, C., & DeVries, R. (1976). Piaget, children, and number. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Reprinted in Kaplan-Sanoff, M., & Yablans-Magid, R. (Eds.),
Exploring Early
Childhood (pp. 329–39). New York: Macmillan, 198l.
Reprinted in Numbershop. Hobart, Tasmania: C.D.C. Tasmania Productions.
Kamii, C. (1975). One intelligence indivisible. Young Children, 30, 228-38.
Reprinted in J. D. Andrews (Ed.), One child indivisible (pp. 191–203). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1975.
DeVries, R., & Kamii, C. (1975). Book review of Thinking goes to school (by H. Furth & H. Wachs). Young Children, 30, 378-9.
Piaget, J., avec C. Kamii et S. Parrat-Dayan (1974). Les contradictions dans les coordinations d'observables (balance). In J. Piaget, Recherches sur la contradiction: 1/ Les différentes formes de la contradiction (pp. 107–124). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Translated into English and published in Piaget, J. (1981).
Experiments in contradiction. Chicago: University of Chicago
Kamii, C. (1973). Pedagogical principles derived from Piaget's theory: Relevance for early childhood education. In M. Schwebel & J. Raph (Eds.), Piaget in the classroom (pp. 199–215). New York: Basic Books. (Translated into Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, and Swedish)
Kamii, C. (1973). Piaget's interactionism and the process of teaching young children. In M. Schwebel & J. Raph (Eds.), Piaget in the classroom (pp. 216–230). New York: Basic Books.
Kamii, C. (1972). A sketch of the Piaget-derived preschool curriculum developed by the Ypsilanti Early Education Program. In Braun, S. J., & E. P. Edwards, History and theory of early childhood education (pp. 295–312). Worthington, OH: Jones.
Reprinted in Frost, J. L. (Ed.), Revisiting early childhood
education. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.
Reprinted in Spodek, B. Early childhood education. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1973.
Translated into one of the Yugoslavian languages and published
in Predskolsko Dete, 1971.
Denis-Prinzhorn, M., Kamii, C., & Mounoud, P. (1972). Pedagogical applications of Piaget's theory. People Watching, 1, 68-71.
Kamii, C. (1972). An application of Piaget's theory to the conceptualization of a preschool curriculum. In R. K. Parker (Ed.), The preschool in action (pp. 91–131). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Kamii, C., & Elliott, D. L. (1971). Evaluation of evaluations. Educational Leadership, 28, 827-831.
Reprinted in J. L. Forst (Ed.), Revisiting early childhood education. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.
Kamii, C. (1971). Book review of three books related to Piaget's theory. Educational Leadership, 28, 860-863.
Kamii, C., & Derman, L. (1971). The Engelmann approach to teaching logical thinking: Findings from the administration of some Piagetian tasks. In D. R. Green, M. P. Ford, & G. B. Flamer (Eds.), Measurement and Piaget (pp. 127–146). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kamii, C. (1971). Evaluation of learning in preschool education: Socio-emotional, perceptual-motor, cognitive development. In B. S. Bloom, J. T. Hastings, & G. F. Madaus (Eds.), Handbook on formative and summative evaluation of student learning (pp. 281–344). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kamii, C. (1970). Piaget's theory and specific instruction: A response to Bereiter and Kohlberg. Interchange, 1, 33-39.
Sinclair, H., & Kamii, C. (1970). Some implications of Piaget's theory for teaching young children. The School Review, 78, 169-183.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1970). A framework for a preschool curriculum based on some Piagetian concepts. In I. J. Athey & D. O. Rubadeau (Eds.), Educational implications of Piaget's theory (pp. 89– 100). Waltham, MA: Xerox College Publishers.
Sonquist, H., Kamii, C., & Derman, L. (1970). A Piaget-derived preschool curriculum. In I. J. Athey & D. O. Rubadeau (Eds.), Educational implications of Piaget's theory (pp. 101–114). Waltham, MA: Xerox College Publishers.
Translated into Hebrew and published in Hed Hagan, 1968.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1969). The retardation of disadvantaged Negro preschoolers: Characteristics found from an item analysis of the Stanford-Binet test. Psychology in the Schools, 6, 283-288.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1967). Class differences in the socialization practices of Negro mothers. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 29, 302-310.
Reprinted in R. E. Staples (Ed.), The black family: Essays and studies. Belmont, CA: McCutchan, 1970, 189-195.
Kamii, C. K., & Radin, N. L. (1967) A framework for a preschool curriculum based on some Piagetian concepts. Journal of Creative Behavior, 1, 314-324.
Sonquist, H. D., & Kamii, C. K. (1967). Applying some Piagetian concepts in the classroom for the disadvantaged. Young Children, 22, 231-246.
Reprinted in J. L. Frost (Ed.), Early childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, 1968.
Kamii, C. K. (1965). Socioeconomic class differences in the preschool socialization practices of Negro mothers (Unpublished doctoral dissertation.The University of Michigan). Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.
Radin, N., & Kamii, C. K. (1965). The child-rearing attitudes of disadvantaged Negro mothers and some educational implications. Journal of Negro Education, 34, 138-146.
Kamii, C., K., & Weikart, D. P. (1963). Marks, achievement, and intelligence of seventh graders who were retained (nonpromoted) once in elementary school. Journal of Educational Research, 56, 452-459.
External links
- http://www.constancekamii.org http://www.constancekamii.org - Constance Kamii - Official Website
- Teachers Need More Knowledge of How Children Learn Mathematics: Article with photo of Kamii
- http://www.amazon.com/review/product/0807727075?showViewpoints=1 Reviews: Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic: Implications of Piaget's Theory (Early Childhood Education Series)
- http://www.ed.uab.edu/ckamii/docs/vita.pdf Dr. Kamii's Vita (similar to a resume)