Conspiracy (TNG episode)
"Conspiracy" is the 25th episode of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. Roddenberry, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout the production...


The strange behavior of high-ranking officers leads Picard
Jean-Luc Picard
Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a Star Trek character portrayed by Patrick Stewart. He appears in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the feature films Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, and Star Trek Nemesis...

 to uncover an alien conspiracy
Conspiracy (political)
In a political sense, conspiracy refers to a group of persons united in the goal of usurping or overthrowing an established political power. Typically, the final goal is to gain power through a revolutionary coup d'état or through assassination....

 within Starfleet
In the fictional universe of Star Trek, Starfleet or the Federation Starfleet is the deep-space exploratory, peacekeeping and military service maintained by the United Federation of Planets . It is the principal means by which the Federation conducts its exploration, defense, diplomacy and research...

 preparing an invasion.


While the Enterprise is en route to Pacifica, Captain Walker Keel of the USS Horatio covertly contacts Captain Picard over a secure channel
Secure channel
In cryptography, a secure channel is a way of transferring data that is resistant to interception and tampering.A confidential channel is a way of transferring data that is resistant to interception, but not necessarily resistant to tampering....

, and requests a face-to-face meeting on Dytallix B in the nearby Mira system. Arrived there, the Enterprise discovers the Horatio and two other Federation ships, but they remain silent to their hails. Picard beams to the planet's surface and is met by Keel and the captains of the other ships. Keel warns of strange orders and events from Starfleet Headquarters, and expresses concern of a conspiracy within its ranks. Picard refuses to accept the charge without proof, and as he leaves, Keel warns him to remain cautious. The Enterprise and the other ships depart the planet and resume their original orders. Picard has Lt. Commander Data review Starfleet's records for the last six months to find any anomalies, but does not reveal any other details of the meeting. As they near Pacifica, the crew discovers a debris field that came from the destruction of the Horatio, an act of sabotage. Data completes his study and does find several abnormal directives from the senior levels of Starfleet. Picard informs his senior staff of Captain Keel's conspiracy theory, and orders the Enterprise to Earth to investigate themselves.

Picard and Commander Riker are greeted by three senior officers; Admirals Savar, Arron, and Quinn, along with Quinn's assistant Lt. Commander Remmick. Though they are surprised by the Enterprises presence, they invite Picard and Riker to dinner. Quinn expresses his condolences that he will not be able to join them for dinner but requests to beam aboard the Enterprise for a tour. Upon Quinn's arrival Picard discusses matters with his old friend Quinn regarding their last meeting (from "Coming of Age"), and comes to believe that Quinn is an impostor – warning Riker of this. Picard then beams down to earth to join Admirals Savar and Arron for dinner. Meanwhile, Riker visits Quinn's quarters on the Enterprise where Quinn shows him an alien bug-like creature which Quinn calls "a superior form of life". Riker attempts to leave but Quinn, with superhuman strength, throws Riker across the room. Other Enterprise crew arrive to subdue Quinn, who is able to withstand an inordinate amount of firepower before he collapses. Dr. Crusher finds a small protrusion on the back of Quinn's neck, leading her to discover that a similar bug-like parasite has latched itself onto Quinn's brain and is controlling him. Dr. Crusher warns Picard of this incident and the resilience of those affected by the parasite, informing him that they possess incredible strength and to set his phaser "to kill" since stun does little to affect them. Picard remarks that "one does not beam down to Star Fleet armed", informing Crusher that he is vulnerable in the situation.

Picard, while dining with the other Admirals, finds it strange for them to toast to the fallen Horatio and attribute its destruction to the incompetence of its captain. The main course of the dinner is served – a bowl of living larva. Picard, realizing something is wrong, attempts to escape to find Riker blocking his way. The other admirals observe the protrusion on the back of Riker's neck and allow him to sit to dine, believing him to have a parasite as well. Picard learns that the parasites are seeking to control Starfleet, using humans as their physical power. Riker, who has tricked the parasites through the prosthetic protrusion, catches the admirals off guard, using a phaser set on full power to kill the infected Starfleet officers. One by one Picard and Riker kill the infected, as parasites leave the dead hosts and flee. One of the parasites scurries under a closed door, with Picard and Riker in hot pursuit of it. Inside the room, they find Remmick ingesting the parasite to join several others inside him. Picard and Riker fire upon Remmick, destroying his body but freeing a giant parasite; the two continue to fire until it is destroyed.

Dr. Crusher reports that the other parasites, including that in Quinn, have shriveled up, unable to survive without the mother creature that was inside Remmick. As they help to settle matters with Starfleet headquarters, they find that before Remmick was killed, he had sent a signal to a distant quadrant of the galaxy, possibly as a homing beacon to guide an unknown entity to Earth.

External links

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