's epic fantasy series The Sword of Truth
, and the last in the Chainfire
bringing an end to the current story arc involving the Imperial Order. The book was announced on February 20, 2007 on the author's official website. The book was released November 13, 2007.
A short plot description of the book was released on the author's official website, which read:
- Descending into darkness, about to be overwhelmed by evil, those people still free are powerless to stop the coming dawn of a savage new world, while Richard faces the guilt of knowing that he must let it happen.
What we think about and thank about, we bring about.
When you're visualizing, when you've got that picture playing out in your mind, always and only dwell upon the end result.
So we are the creators, not only of our own destiny but ultimately we are the creators of universal destiny, we are the creators of the universe.
The universe ...is [like] a grand Genii [which] traditions have called with so many names like the holy guardian angel, your higher self ... [and it] says only one thing : "your wish is my command".
Learn to become still and take your attention away from what you don't want and all the emotional charge around it and place the attention on what you wish to experience.