Concept based image indexing
Concept-based image indexing, also variably named as “description-based” or “text-based” image indexing/retrieval, refers to retrieval from text-based indexing of images that may employ keywords, subject headings, captions, or natural language text (Chen & Rasmussen, 1999). It is opposed to Content-based image retrieval
Content-based image retrieval
Content-based image retrieval , also known as query by image content and content-based visual information retrieval is the application of computer vision techniques to the image retrieval problem, that is, the problem of searching for digital images in large databases....


Chu (2001) confirms that there exist two distinctive research groups employing the content-based and description-based approaches, respectively. However, research in the content-based domain is currently dominating in the field, while the other approach has less visibility.
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