Hiding is obscuring something from view or rendering it inconspicuous.
Concealment (also called abscondence or hiding) is obscuring something from view or rendering it inconspicuous, the opposite of exposure. A military term is CCD: camouflage (object looks like its surroundings), concealment (object cannot be seen), and deception (object looks like something else); in a broad sense, all three are forms of concealment.
The objective of hiding is often to keep the presence of an object or person secret, but in other cases not the presence is a secret, but only the location.
More generally an object may be hidden from view, either purposely, or as a side effect; in this case the presence of the object is not necessarily a secret. Examples:
Clothing hiding the skin or body shape from view; see also modesty Wall Door of a cupboard Window covering In nature Many organisms have evolved various forms of concealment. See the articles to hide, camouflage and mimicry.
Military tactics
In the genre of military tactics, the term refers to any object, vegetation, terrain feature, or phenomenon (i.e., night, smoke, fog) that prevents a combatant (or unit of combatants) from being seen by the enemy. In differentiation from the similar concept of cover, concealment cannot protect against actual projectiles.
vb hides, hiding, hid [hɪd] hidden [ˈhɪdən], hid
1. to put or keep (oneself or an object) in a secret place; conceal (oneself or an object) from view or discovery to hide a pencil to hide from the police
2. (tr) to conceal or obscure the clouds hid the sun
3. (tr) to keep secret
4. (tr) to turn (one's head, eyes, etc.) away
(Individual Sports & Recreations / Hunting) Brit a place of concealment, usually disguised to appear as part of the natural environment, used by hunters, birdwatchers, etc. US and Canadian equivalent blind See also hide-out
[Old English hȳdan; related to Old Frisian hēda, Middle Low German hüden, Greek keuthein]
hidable adj
hider n
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Zoology) the skin of an animal, esp the tough thick skin of a large mammal, either tanned or raw
2. Informal the human skin
3. Austral and NZ informal impudence
vb hides, hiding, hided
(tr) Informal to flog
[Old English hȳd; related to Old Norse hūth, Old Frisian hēd, Old High German hūt, Latin cutis skin, Greek kutos; see cuticle]
hideless adj
(Mathematics & Measurements / Units) an obsolete Brit unit of land measure, varying in magnitude from about 60 to 120 acres
[Old English hīgid; related to hīw family, household, Latin cīvis citizen]
Akin to the "Keuthein"? The Greek keuthein: to hide. They have in common only the "i" sound-letter, except the "h", which is a out of the discussion because "th" is just a letter in Greek. Something is slightly wrong with that kind of linguistic thinking. I personally can not understand that. While they do have to do with hide as signification, hide is not akin to the Greek term Keuthein. It is the same like to say that the Earth is akin to the Sun because they are planets. Of course, all planets came from the same root, the big-bang, but he Sun has only 99% helium and the earth is composed of heavy elements. So, they are just words, not akin words. Those words did not come from the same root in their common ancestor language, proto-Indo-European.
Concealment (also called abscondence or hiding) is obscuring something from view or rendering it inconspicuous, the opposite of exposure. A military term is CCD: camouflage (object looks like its surroundings), concealment (object cannot be seen), and deception (object looks like something else); in a broad sense, all three are forms of concealment.
The objective of hiding is often to keep the presence of an object or person secret, but in other cases not the presence is a secret, but only the location.
More generally an object may be hidden from view, either purposely, or as a side effect; in this case the presence of the object is not necessarily a secret. Examples:
Clothing hiding the skin or body shape from view; see also modesty Wall Door of a cupboard Window covering In nature Many organisms have evolved various forms of concealment. See the articles to hide, camouflage and mimicry.
Military tactics
In the genre of military tactics, the term refers to any object, vegetation, terrain feature, or phenomenon (i.e., night, smoke, fog) that prevents a combatant (or unit of combatants) from being seen by the enemy. In differentiation from the similar concept of cover, concealment cannot protect against actual projectiles.
vb hides, hiding, hid [hɪd] hidden [ˈhɪdən], hid
1. to put or keep (oneself or an object) in a secret place; conceal (oneself or an object) from view or discovery to hide a pencil to hide from the police
2. (tr) to conceal or obscure the clouds hid the sun
3. (tr) to keep secret
4. (tr) to turn (one's head, eyes, etc.) away
(Individual Sports & Recreations / Hunting) Brit a place of concealment, usually disguised to appear as part of the natural environment, used by hunters, birdwatchers, etc. US and Canadian equivalent blind See also hide-out
[Old English hȳdan; related to Old Frisian hēda, Middle Low German hüden, Greek keuthein]
hidable adj
hider n
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Zoology) the skin of an animal, esp the tough thick skin of a large mammal, either tanned or raw
2. Informal the human skin
3. Austral and NZ informal impudence
vb hides, hiding, hided
(tr) Informal to flog
[Old English hȳd; related to Old Norse hūth, Old Frisian hēd, Old High German hūt, Latin cutis skin, Greek kutos; see cuticle]
hideless adj
(Mathematics & Measurements / Units) an obsolete Brit unit of land measure, varying in magnitude from about 60 to 120 acres
[Old English hīgid; related to hīw family, household, Latin cīvis citizen]
Akin to the "Keuthein"? The Greek keuthein: to hide. They have in common only the "i" sound-letter, except the "h", which is a out of the discussion because "th" is just a letter in Greek. Something is slightly wrong with that kind of linguistic thinking. I personally can not understand that. While they do have to do with hide as signification, hide is not akin to the Greek term Keuthein. It is the same like to say that the Earth is akin to the Sun because they are planets. Of course, all planets came from the same root, the big-bang, but he Sun has only 99% helium and the earth is composed of heavy elements. So, they are just words, not akin words. Those words did not come from the same root in their common ancestor language, proto-Indo-European.