Comrat State University
The Comrat State University in Moldavia is the successor of Gagauz National University, which hsd been founded by the decision of the Russian National Education Foundation and the Executive Committee of Comrat Regional Council of Deputies from February 11, 1991. By its Resolution the Government of Republic of Moldova gave it the status of State University in 2002.

The university has 4 faculties:
  • National Culture Faculty
  • Economic Faculty
  • Law Faculty
  • Agricultural-Technological Faculty.

In total there are 17 departments in the University providing training on 38 specialties, which meet the demands of region. There are as well two scientific centers, an Agro-ecological center, and a center of informational technology

The university’s distinctive objectives is meeting the needs of the Republic of Moldova and Gagauzia especially in highly skilled professionals - university graduates

All the students learn the Gagauz
Gagauz may refer to:* Gagauz people* Gagauz language* Gagauzia...

 language, the official language of Gagauzia
Gagauzia , formally known as the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Găgăuzia , is an autonomous region of...

, in the Republic of Moldova, although almost all classes are taught in Russian language. The classes of the “Gagauz language and literature” specialty are taught in Gagauz; additionally, the course papers and final thesis papers are written in this language.

The CSU organizes scientific conferences; the annual scientific conferences devoted to anniversaries of the university take place in January-February of each year. The Moldovan-Russian symposium is of a special significance.

Doctorate studies are available in the fields of Gagauz Philology, Economics and Management at the University. The university contains 6 language and culture centers of a number of foreign countries. These have been created with the assistance of the German, UK, US, Turkish, Azerbaijan and Greek Embassies in Moldova.

The university maintains wide international relations with the Balkan Universities Network
Balkan Universities Network
The Balkan Universities Network or BUN in its present form was created after the end of the SFR Yugoslavia, the founding of new universities, and the implementation of the Bologna Process in Balkan Universities...

 and other Higher Education Institutions from Turkey, Bulgaria, Russia, Germany and China that provide the possibility of student and teaching staff exchange for the improvement of educational and scientific work.

The university is actively involved in the international TEMPUS
The TEMPUS programme encourages institutions in the EU Member States and partner countries to engage in structured cooperation through the establishment of "consortia". The "consortia" implement Joint European Projects with a clear set of objectives. Such projects may receive financial aid for...

  • 2006 – project “Tempus” in collaboration with Swedish Royal University
    Royal Institute of Technology
    The Royal Institute of Technology is a university in Stockholm, Sweden. KTH was founded in 1827 as Sweden's first polytechnic and is one of Scandinavia's largest institutions of higher education in technology. KTH accounts for one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education...

    ; as a result the Business - Informational Center was founded.
  • 2008 – the project “The connection of universities and businessmen” together with the Technical University of Moldova
    Technical University of Moldova
    The Technical University of Moldova is a higher technical educational institution located in the Republic of Moldova, and is the only such institute in the country to be accredited by the state.-History:...

     was implemented;
  • 2009 – in cooperation with German University of Koblenz-Landau the project on creation of the educational centre for administrative staff was carried out.
  • Of great importance are the public lectures of the ambassadors accredited to the Republic Moldova in CSU.

External links

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